US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Show me the vote young man? never happened thanks to some east malcontents that think they can steal what they never brought to this merger by forming usapa.

A320 captain well north of $170 is what alpa had agreed upon with lcc prior to the east melt down that formed the uss titanic usapa.

ALPA couldn't even get it to a vote. They turned tail and ran away from the monster they had created.
I've asked many questions of you, but you fail to answer one, nada, zilch of them.

That is a BOLD FACE LIE! If I have ever not answered a question posed to me, it was because it was covered up in layers and layers of b.s. the board generates. I have answered questions even when the answers don't favor me, or east pilots, something 9 out 10 posters on here are unable to do. You can label me with a lot, but not that one. If you look back at my exchanges with aquagreen and cleardirect over the last few days, you will see I have NEVER refused to answer a question, or have backed down. GET IT RIGHT, JUST ONCE!
pi brat..what in your mind is a union for?

Did the company follow this saga brought by east pilots that formed usapa to renege on final and binding arbitration? Did lcc take advantage of this and save billions in the process?

Answer is YES.

kirby proposal is just that.

Sorry to say pb, doug parker and scott kirby will continue this until we have a true union.


To me a union's purpose is to join a group of workers together to achieve something better than they could achieve alone.

But, the rest of your questions you answer yourself. It would pay you to LISTEN every once and a while.
That is a BOLD FACE LIE! If I have ever not answered a question posed to me, it was because it was covered up in layers and layers of b.s. the board generates. I have answered questions even when the answers don't favor me, or east pilots, something 9 out 10 posters on here are unable to do. You can label me with a lot, but not that one. If you look back at my exchanges with aquagreen and cleardirect over the last few days, you will see I have NEVER refused to answer a question, or have backed down. GET IT RIGHT, JUST ONCE!

sorry pi brat NO LIE and I don't care how loud you shout..layers and layers of bullshit brought by whom?

your beloved usapa is history and soon will be replaced.

sorry pi brat NO LIE and I don't care how loud you shout..layers and layers of bullshit brought by whom?

your beloved usapa is history and soon will be replaced.


You are one of the greatest suppliers of b.s. What's your question? Jot 'em down.

USAPA is not my beloved. ALPA was not my beloved. No union will be my beloved. Once again, showing the world you are the weakest link. I'm sure the intelligent west pilots shutter every time you open your mouth.
PS. I am starting to hear things about Judge Silver's courtroom today. Sounds like Seeham and the company both had lots of splainin to do, while the Addington cousel occasionally nodded and made clear their client's intent was to sue for any failure to use the Nic.
Addington? I thought that case never happened. I thought it was erased from history. Vanished into thin air. Just like the Nic. Why would a Judge want to even hear from Addington counsel? ;)
Just one? Nah. Anyone in your situation at 50 can't have that much going for them. Like the petty criminals I represented in law school, that's why you resort to theft. Fortunately, this isn't Iraq and we do have the rule of law.

Now...enjoy LOA93! I'm sure you're real impressive to your dates, especially when you take them back to your trailer.
Talk about the opposite sides of the universe. That is YOU and LAW SCHOOL, thats about the biggest laugh I've had this week. Now was that you and clown school,you and DUI school ? Please tell us.
Addington? I thought that case never happened. I thought it was erased from history. Vanished into thin air. Just like the Nic. Why would a Judge want to even hear from Addington counsel? ;)

I don't know. :rolleyes: (sarcasm intended) Could it be they were named a defendant along with USAPA in US Airways DJ suit and have filed motions? :blink:
East Integrity at work. Always trying to lie and cheat their way out of agreements

Hudson pilot sues over Calif real estate deal
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The pilot acclaimed for safely landing a plane in New York's Hudson River has filed a lawsuit over a real estate deal in Northern California.

Chesley Sullenberger and his wife, Lorraine, claim the $935,000 they paid for a building in the Butte County city of Paradise in 2002 was well above its market value. They accuse bank officials and the real estate broker of overinflating the price.

The suit — filed in Contra Costa County — seeks a nullification of the original loan and reimbursement for alleged overpayments. A trial is set for September if mediation talks fail.

The real estate broker, Cherie Huillade, tells the Press Democrat of Santa Rosa the property's appraisal was accurate.

Sullenberger became a hero after safely ditching a jet carrying 155 people in the waters off Manhattan in January 2009.
Cleary is afraid to allow the pilots to vote on a contract. Period.

If the company offered Delta pay for a contract with the NIC. It would pass. The East Captains making less than Jetblue, Spirit, Horizon, Allegiant, Alaska and SWA First Officers etc, will vote FOR a contract with the NIC.

East Captain "Hmmmmm, do I take $170 over my current $125 for the last years of my career? Or do I continue to support the AFO club?" Tough choice (Not). That's what the AFO club is afraid of. It's coming.

USAPA = Wheres the new contract?
The B.S. just keeps flowing out of you. Prove or show where you got the information for the above 3 statements. Its more B.S. thats all you are worth B.S.
kirby proposal is just that pi brat. Call your old alpa reps and come back to me with what they said. I communicated with mine monthly prior to this usapa union abortion and know that the company and alpa was very close to a JOINT CONTRACT that included pay rates I'VE STATED.

Who cares what they told you, show us , yea lets say were from Missouri show me. alpo told me many things over the years.
East Integrity at work. Always trying to lie and cheat their way out of agreements

Hudson pilot sues over Calif real estate deal
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The pilot acclaimed for safely landing a plane in New York's Hudson River has filed a lawsuit over a real estate deal in Northern California.

Chesley Sullenberger and his wife, Lorraine, claim the $935,000 they paid for a building in the Butte County city of Paradise in 2002 was well above its market value. They accuse bank officials and the real estate broker of overinflating the price.

The suit — filed in Contra Costa County — seeks a nullification of the original loan and reimbursement for alleged overpayments. A trial is set for September if mediation talks fail.

The real estate broker, Cherie Huillade, tells the Press Democrat of Santa Rosa the property's appraisal was accurate.

Sullenberger became a hero after safely ditching a jet carrying 155 people in the waters off Manhattan in January 2009.
This is an East pilot that is asking the courts to decide what is fair, nothing new.
East Integrity at work. Always trying to lie and cheat their way out of agreements

Hudson pilot sues over Calif real estate deal
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The pilot acclaimed for safely landing a plane in New York's Hudson River has filed a lawsuit over a real estate deal in Northern California.

Chesley Sullenberger and his wife, Lorraine, claim the $935,000 they paid for a building in the Butte County city of Paradise in 2002 was well above its market value. They accuse bank officials and the real estate broker of overinflating the price.

The suit — filed in Contra Costa County — seeks a nullification of the original loan and reimbursement for alleged overpayments. A trial is set for September if mediation talks fail.

The real estate broker, Cherie Huillade, tells the Press Democrat of Santa Rosa the property's appraisal was accurate.

Sullenberger became a hero after safely ditching a jet carrying 155 people in the waters off Manhattan in January 2009.
Well let me ask you...what would you do if you were in this position? Stick you head in the sand probably.
Who cares what they told you, show us , yea lets say were from Missouri show me. alpo told me many things over the years.

And there was the itsy bitsy, teenie weenie issue of membership ratification. When did your reps tell you that would happen Otter? Or did they tell that wasn't going to be an issue because ALPA was going to put the east in receivership and take care of that for you guys?
Must have been a heck of a day in court, pitch dark in PHX and not a word from anyone. All sides still spinning it?

Hey Otter! Still work on those questions? Still going back through posts to find the ones I didn't answer?
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