US Pilots Labor Discussion

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I don't know who wrote what Smalls put up, but it doesn't even take a high school dropout to figure out who Smalls is. The same thing pops up on the same two seperate boards at the same time on a couple of different occasions. The same type of letter with the same theme. A changed handle on this board won't even throw a high school dropout off the trail.

It doesn't matter, Smalls has his ideas, just like the rest of us. He's in the Cleary camp, which is fine. It doesn't matter who wrote what he put up.
Please look up 'then' and 'than' in the dictionary. You are constantly using them incorrectly.

I would expect this from a high school dropout. Not an educated airline pilot. Maybe I give you too much credit.

thx, 767

that drives me nuts! :)
I guess we will se eh otther? you guys are hell bent on going down that path again....
but in my mind the 9th said we are at least as free to negoatiate something as ALPA and it may or may not rise to DFR...

No hell bent path crazy from others and me, but protecting what others and myself brought to this merger is just that.

I suggest to you and your east usapa/alpa so called union pilots look up the history of DFR and why it was enacted into FEDERAL LAW? And how it relates to this negotiated/mediated/arbitrated ACCEPTED LIST by lcc.

I agree. Because USAPA received it as an list unimplemented list, it should remain an unimplemented list, just as they received it and all other contractual matters.

Again young man..a joint contract with lcc implements the final and binding George Nicolau award.

Section 22 is complete per the TA awaiting joint contract with lcc.

You really should have listened to your aaa alpa bro jack stephen and prater who stated the exact same thing I did.

New hires already happening in the east.........every new hire will always vote with the east because they all want to be Captains in 4 to 5 years. The only way for them to be Captains that quickly is to vote with the east.

The west has brought this on themselves.

Think about this....................................go back to when you were hired by your airline and imagine a merger is in thing you know you have just been given a list that puts you ahead of pilots with 17 years of seniority with the airline. In my case, I would have been put on a list senior to someone hired in the early 1970's. I would have been embarrassed to be in that position.


Why would a new hire vote with the east? You are tipping your hand. Would not the east vote in favor of a DOH contract? That does nothing special for a new hire. As a matter of fact, what you are saying is that a new hire on the east would vote against any contract, hoping to continue the forced seperate ops.

You are assuming that any contract will contain the Nic, and you are correct. So, you are announcing to the world that usapa's intention is to cause indefinite seperate ops, and therefore a new hire would vote with the east?

You are aware that a union has a duty of fair representation to its members, and that intentional non-bargaining can get you in just as deep as the seniority theft usapa is attempting?

Think about this................lets say I quit AAA, after 17 years, and took employment at AWA, because I was about to be furloughed. Should I feel embarrassed that I was smart enough to leave, and go to the bottom of the other airline, and then an arbitrator decided that my employed position at AWA was indeed more secure than my furloughed position at AAA. This happened for dozens of our pilots. I would be embarrased to be in your position, arguing that a well respected arbitrator, two pilot neutrals, two federal judges, 9 jury members, two CEOs, a handful of VPs, corporate legal, all got it wrong.
...a well respected arbitrator...

Well respected... Well gee, shucks. This news, a little pixie dust, and the wave of a magic wand will make everything peachy.

P.S. Don't eat your popcorn too quickly. Its going to be a long movie. Tinkerbell doesn't make her appearance until the very end. :lol:
Again young man..a joint contract with lcc implements the final and binding George Nicolau award.

Section 22 is complete per the TA awaiting joint contract with lcc.

You really should have listened to your aaa alpa bro jack stephen and prater who stated the exact same thing I did.

What joint contract, can't seem to find it anywhere!
Again young man..a joint contract with lcc implements the final and binding George Nicolau award.

Section 22 is complete per the TA awaiting joint contract with lcc.

You really should have listened to your aaa alpa bro jack stephen and prater who stated the exact same thing I did.

Thank you for calling me young, but I did work for Delta back when they had cigar motored DC-8s! Damn, how those things would scare you when they would start late at night and you weren't paying attention.
What time was the fun in the desert? I thought it was early and was looking forward to Aquaman's in-depth pilot/lawyer analysis.

You really should have listened to your aaa alpa bro jack stephen and prater who stated the exact same thing I did.


Jack Stephen and John Prater... Now that you are bringing out the ones with credibility, why not mention Lance from CLT too while you are at it. And don't forget Mike Arcamuzi, Tony Cutler, and Derek Martin from FedExwho jumped on the sinking ALPA ship just before the spine broke and it plummeted to the ocean floor.

Don't forget Donn Butkovic who had plan A and plan B to protect the East from the Nic, and was a proud ALPA supporter. We miss him so much.

Don't forget to review Jack's words about why we needed to stay in ALPA, to protect the East from the Nic.

And of course don't forget the wall flower Garland Jones who thought that the CBA election wasn't a referendum on ALAP. Ha! Ha!

Maybe next we can discuss global warming and you can give a link to Al Gore. He's another guy who was slow to accept the results of democracy!
Why do you think the east picked him?

Lance and Prater said that Nic had some spare pixie dust and was in good with Tinkerbell. Boy were we mislead. Too bad our august respect for the man simply couldn't make up for his of dearth of pixie dust and his recent falling out with Tinkerbell.
Jack Stephen and John Prater... Now that you are bringing out the ones with credibility, why not mention Lance from CLT too while you are at it. And don't forget Mike Arcamuzi, Tony Cutler, and Derek Martin from FedExwho jumped on the sinking ALPA ship just before the spine broke and it plummeted to the ocean floor.

Don't forget Donn Butkovic who had plan A and plan B to protect the East from the Nic, and was a proud ALPA supporter. We miss him so much.

Don't forget to review Jack's words about why we needed to stay in ALPA, to protect the East from the Nic.

And of course don't forget the wall flower Garland Jones who thought that the CBA election wasn't a referendum on ALAP. Ha! Ha!

Maybe next we can discuss global warming and you can give a link to Al Gore. He's another guy who was slow to accept the results of democracy!

Thanks for the links. I had seen stephan's before, but never bothered to watch Butkovic's or Jones'. Here is the conclusion I have drawn now with three years of 20/20 hindsight. All three of these guys were right, and we have it on video. All three said usapa will end up in long drawn out litigation. All three said usapa will not be able to change squat. All three acknowledged that the TA is a tripartite contract, and the West is one of the three parties to the contract.

Enjoy the Nicoalua award usapa, and thanks for being instumental in ensuring that it would not be mitigated in any fashion.
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