US Pilots Labor Discussion

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yeah and Cleary stated at the CLT meeting that we have given them our list as well.... so what?

bottom line IMO... Cleary is doing a good job focused on the list and the contract..

1/3 of the list is trying to sabotage him, but it wont happen...
he is focused better than any President we have had... sure beats some of the old ALPA MEC presidents we have had in the past...

please follow along and quote my contract with me again. Its called the Transitional Agreement between us airways and pilots employed by this airline.

lee seham, mike cleary, steve bradford and east usapa elitists of malcontents will go down for centuries as the meaning of DFR.

Aquaman, how are those bid numbers coming? Got the old abacus fired up? Looking forward, please don't make me wait as I know you have it right there in front of you.
Look in the bid! Are you that challenged? It's a simple ratio, capts to F/Os. You are fat on capts. When Bular goes . . .
Aqua, Aqua, come out boy. Earlier you said: "Unless he's a late 88 hire, that's total BS. Why do you guys feel compelled to just throw utter BS up as fact? Do you not see the connection between lying to everyone, including yourselves, and your plight?" Even thought I said "about", I went through the numbers and corrected myself. No comment from you then. Then you claim the east is overstaffed on captains. I called you on it, but I see no reply. Why do you guys feel compelled to just throw utter BS up as fact? Do you not see the connection between lying to everyone, including yourselves, and your plight? :eek:
The bottom 737 capt does not have 90% of the West list ahead of him.

Typical of your genre, you're outright lying.

Go back and READ the posts, you are making a fool of yourself. Again. If you can't, surely there is someone in the house, or at least the village that can.
Oh that's it? I can't believe you would admit to being that simple!

All over AZ tonight, villages are missing their idiots!
Childish. Marginally educated. Divorced. 50 years old and you'll be yanking the gear for most of your career. No wonder you're so miserable.
Childish. Marginally educated. Divorced. 50 years old and you'll be yanking the gear for most of your career. No wonder you're so miserable.

Well, you got one of those things right, so you are improving your %. Hey westies, this guys isn't one of your lawyer pilots, is he?
Well, you got one of those things right, so you are improving your %. Hey westies, this guys isn't one of your lawyer pilots, is he?
Just one? Nah. Anyone in your situation at 50 can't have that much going for them. Like the petty criminals I represented in law school, that's why you resort to theft. Fortunately, this isn't Iraq and we do have the rule of law.

Now...enjoy LOA93! I'm sure you're real impressive to your dates, especially when you take them back to your trailer.
Childish. Marginally educated. Divorced. 50 years old and you'll be yanking the gear for most of your career. No wonder you're so miserable.

What's all this about who "yanks" the gear? My SOP's say it's the non-flying pilot. No mention of seniority. Is that an "in house" West thing?

Just one? Nah. Anyone in your situation at 50 can't have that much going for them. Like the petty criminals I represented in law school, that's why you resort to theft. Fortunately, this isn't Iraq and we do have the rule of law.

Now...enjoy LOA93! I'm sure you're real impressive to your dates, especially when you take them back to your trailer.

That's it, let it out, there, there. Do they teach you that in law school? If you can't back up your position with facts, throw some mud at 'em? Dear Lord, please look out after any innocent clients Aquaman may be sent to represent.
That's it, let it out, there, there. Do they teach you that in law school? If you can't back up your position with facts, throw some mud at 'em? Dear Lord, please look out after any innocent clients Aquaman may be sent to represent.
I learned a lot of interesting things. I learned that petty criminals are apt to engage in psychological projection. They think that their past travails justify their actions of breaking the law. They know the difference between right and wrong, but they are so consumed with blaming others that they justify their actions of taking what isn't theirs. They always went into court wanting to run their mouths on how bad they had it. The judge wasn't interested.

Talking to you takes me back to those days.
I learned a lot of interesting things. I learned that petty criminals are apt to engage in psychological projection. They think that their past travails justify their actions of breaking the law. They know the difference between right and wrong, but they are so consumed with blaming others that they justify their actions of taking what isn't theirs. They always went into court wanting to run their mouths on how bad they had it. The judge wasn't interested.

Talking to you takes me back to those days.

Really, which conversations? The one where you called me on the 10%, and I said that you were right, after research it's more like 17%? Or was it when I said, absolutely you are correct, the Nic may one day be a part of a US joint contract?

I called you on your b.s. and you cannot back it up. Be a man, admit it.

The first thing is to stop digging............
Really, which conversations? The one where you called me on the 10%, and I said that you were right, after research it's more like 17%? Or was it when I said, absolutely you are correct, the Nic may one day be a part of a US joint contract?

I called you on your b.s. and you cannot back it up. Be a man, admit it.

The first thing is to stop digging............
The only thing that ever comes out of you are justifications for your actions. Stealing is stealing whether it's busting into a coca-cola machine or someone's seniority.

Prove me wrong on anything. You can't. You're just like Nos. You're just like those that stood or were seated to my right a couple of years ago before the judge.
Prove me wrong on anything. You can't.

I haven't stolen anyone's seniority. When you make claims like that you should be ready to prove them. Prove it.

You made the claim, you prove yourself right about being overstaffed, as I did about the bottom captain. Just saying "I counted the positions and there are more captains than F/Os" doesn't make you right. Prove it, or just keep digging.

It think I know why you are still flying airplanes.

Hey westies, you guys haven't given this guy any money, have you?
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