US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Well , well , well, this is a real eye opener.....

It is abundantly clear that both of these men, by their own admission, are intent on seeing the man at the helm unseated. What is most astonishing is that they are fixated on this goal foundationally ignorant of the fact that our present course has us on our way to victory, and that if they are successful that course will be irreparably altered.

Jordan appears to be on the anti Cleary bandwagon as well, joining Ciabattoni and company... Here’s some of what Jordan has to say: -“most are losing faith in Cleary's ability to make a decision or take action that benefits the masses, not just him.”

It is easy to understand why many are growing weary of the struggle for a fair seniority integration and industry standard contract but we absolutely will prevail if we remain resolute and stay the course. =
Who is this comedian? Thanks for the laughs. USAPA is losing support. These guys above may not like the NIC, but its the first step towards the reality thats staring them in the eye and accepting that Binding Arbitration is real.

You should step away from the keyboard and the Kleary Kool-Aid. It's tainted with F-A-I-L-U-R-E.

USAPA = Parker says "Thank You" for the cheap flying.
The ALPA throwbacks should quit being sore losers and just accept the new direction the majority is taking. Their ALPA tactics of divisiveness and manipulation were summarily rejected and their attempt to revive them are obvious and will get them no where.

Personally I am insulted that they have such a low opinion of the pilots and think we as a group are too stupid to move past the ALPA cronyism, manipulation, and corruption that always knows better than the pilots. Are you ready to have them tell you what the hell your opinion is supposed to be?

Ha! They presume we are the gullible herds ripe for manipulation, half-truths, and exploitation.... but they are the idiots that fall back on failed ALPA schemes of maneuver and expect to be welcomed with open arms by the ones who booted them out.

They have always had a low opinion of mere line pilots! Just take a look at the "authors" of their "unbiased" op/ed opinions.

A rouges gallery of, former ALPA reps and "water-boys", spewing out the same old tired rhetoric about how they know what's best for the "rank and file". Of course their "opinions" happen to invariably coincide with whats best for their relatively lofty positions on the seniority list.

ALPA is no more, get over it boys!

“And somewhere in the cold, dark desert night Tanya sits staring into the distance, not quite sure how to write yet another dues check. It is a harsh world, she had counted on coming out ahead in the merging of two dying carriers, and now only finds solace in the wretched lives of those she so incorrectly believes to be worse off than herself. Her beloved Charlotte still eludes her, so she seeks comfort in the very thought of manipulating the joystick of a sleek and fast A330. Goosebumps cover her body at the thought of such grandeur, she …..”

“Wait a minute…oh, must have dozed off. Oh yeah, I am actually sitting in CLT, just moved up to Blockholding C/O , and there are a few hundred above me leaving in the next 2 or 3 years. Hate my airline, love my job, and love my life. Got to quit having these nightmares.. I am not a PHX pilot.”

You are dishing it out with the best of them Prechil…take this in the fun it was intended. Not so bad here out East as you want it to be. I am hunkered down for the duration, even if it be years and years. Seniority Matters.

RR (with apologies to my 7th grade English teacher)

That was AWESOME !

One small correction, she wants PHL 30 C/O now.
How about the aryan race list???....I have blond hair and blue green eyes.....seems to fit the usap...ass mental state currently.

BTW...NIC is LEGAL and ACCEPTED by the company.

Lots of things out there are legal and accepted, but they'll kill you in the long run.
So basically you object to beating a dead horse. OK, I can buy that. Now send some PM's and make some posts holding your friends Nos and oldie and few others accountable for the same crime and maybe you would gain some credibility. Until then it's the same old double standard BS form you and the rest of the USAPA lynch mob. Don't dish it if you can't take it.

And by the way, since you asked, we were talking about the east's double standards.
The only dead horse we keep bring up us we will settle for nothing less than DOH. True things like Judge Wake and his trail keep comming up and we have to remind the west that it didnt happen. Dont quote from the trial that didnt happen and think we wont remind you that it didnt happen. Your use of the word "crime" is a real stretch. And unlike the west we dont have PM's going back and forth like 10 year old girls maybe thats the mentality were dealing with 10 year olds.
Welcome. Yes there is.

USAirways management is tired of dealing with USAPA and its attepmts to avoid Binding Arbitration which the prior CBA (ALPA) and the East MEC entered into freely.

USAPA inherited all agreements and has subsequently tried (and failed) at imposing a Date of Hire senoirity list upon the West. They put themselves into a DFR (Duty of Fair Representation) lawsuit. They lost in court for failing to protect the interests of the minority (West pilots) who they are trying to harm. The case was appealled by USAPA and was dismissed by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeal on the grounds of ripeness, ONLY. The Merits of the case are strong however.

USAPAs continued or future attempt to impose any senoirity list that hurts the minority (West) in favor of the majority (East) will become "DFR 2" and will be "Unquestionably Ripe" as stated by one of the 3 judges. 2 of the 3 judges dismissed due to ripeness only.

Management is tired of USAPA's antics and has asked the court system for a Declaratory Judgment in the matter of whether of not they (Mgmt) must comply with the 3-party contract that they agreed to. The 3 way agreement between the West, East and managment was that they (mgmt) would agree to accept the Arbitrated senoirity list if it met certain conditions. It passed the test. The "Nicolau" award, through Binding Arbitration was accepted by managment as THE senoirity list.

USAPA has refused to accept the facts and have held all pilots and flight attendants hostage by keeping the wages low and benefits lower. They remain to stay on LOA93 which is a bankruptcy era agreement which hurts every East pilot. They seem to enjoy it. They also blame management and ALPA and anybody who will listen for the failure of their 'union'.

So YES. Wednesday Judge Silver asked all parties involved into her courtroom. After LOA93 arbitration fails to produce snapback wages and keep the East pilots at an industy low and Judge Silver corrects both managment and USAPA for their inability to accept responsibility, USAPA should be a thing of the past.

USAPA = Failing daily and losing steam.
And Breezy before any of this sinks in go read " THE WIZARD OF OZ ", you will see an amazing similarity between the two. People going down the yellow brick road. etc.etc. and they are both FICTION.
The only dead horse we keep bring up us we will settle for nothing less than DOH. True things like Judge Wake and his trail keep comming up and we have to remind the west that it didnt happen. Dont quote from the trial that didnt happen and think we wont remind you that it didnt happen. Your use of the word "crime" is a real stretch. And unlike the west we dont have PM's going back and forth like 10 year old girls maybe thats the mentality were dealing with 10 year olds.

mikey60......pleeeeease, Seems Dr phil has another patient.

Legal list (TA) accepted by the company or an illegal list by east malcontents currently called usap..ass

And yes it did happen....and will again via the DFR HAMMER.

And Breezy before any of this sinks in go read " THE WIZARD OF OZ ", you will see an amazing similarity between the two. People going down the yellow brick road. etc.etc. and they are both FICTION.
Afraid of the truth mikey60? What part did I get wrong? Please explain.

USAPA = For every season, spin, spin. In every update spin, spin.
You're way overstaffed on captains, and that's probably an effect of having your boy Bular in the Dir of Ops position. WIth the recent reorganization at the top, the overstaffing is bound to be corrected. Second, more than a third of East retirements are from the right seat. Nicolau gave the East two thirds of all upgrades - East and West.

If you think you're getting a good deal now, then ok. Have at it.

Enjoy LOA93. Sucker.

I'll enjoy LOA 93 if you agree not to come on here and continue your tantrum about how we would be better off with the NIC.... sorry sucker, won't happen
mikey60......pleeeeease, Seems Dr phil has another patient.

Legal list (TA) accepted by the company or an illegal list by east malcontents currently called usap..ass

And yes it did happen....and will again via the DFR HAMMER.

Just a reminder Dr. Phil is not a medical doctor so he cant have a "patient" . This is one of your many dont know what your talking about.
They have a close connection to the West they just won't admit to it.

Who cares? Really. Why do you care so much? It doesn't change what they say or the validity of it.

Maybe they do have a connection. Maybe they don't. Is it really any of your business? Your preoccupation on the subject demonstrates your lack of a coherent response to their position based on facts.

And by the way, those two posters are two of the longest posting members on this site, with a reputation and record far greater than yours. What they post can't even slightly be considered emotional venom, unless your definition of such is anything that disagrees with your point of view. Their input is greatly appreciated and 99% of the time is absent of any personal attack, snide comment, or flame bait. Can't say that about most of the easties on here.
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