US Pilots Labor Discussion

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It will not pass with USAPA because they will most definitely get sued for DFR for going against the constitution that was voted on by a majority of pilots.
You still don't get it.

A union's C&BLs don't trump federal law. USAPA inherited the Nicolau arbitration. No union has ever been held liable for either unfair labor practices at the bargaining table or a DFR from the members by using an arbitration. East pilots can sue, but they'll lose. The Nicolau is the only way forward and you USAPA diehards made it so. Just ask Jack Stephan predicted. He tried to warn you, but in your arrogance fueled ambitions you didn't listen.
It will not pass with USAPA because they will most definitely get sued for DFR for going against the constitution that was voted on by a majority of pilots. So that same injunction threat that comes from west when an unquestionably ripe contract is ratified would apply for the east pilots that would file upon a nic ratification.

All you have to do to avoid that threat is get the constitution changed by your reps beforehand, or elect a new agent. Those things could happen in the next 5 years if LOA 84 rates or yearly raises are stifled, but the ratifiable contract will take more money than the company is willing to part with, just like scooter said 3-4 years ago.

Must of missed something here b.t.d.

usapa's cbl will never trump/supersede FEDERAL LAW. your #### for brains lawyer lee seham stated such in front of the 9th.

By all means b.t.d., sue your union for following FEDERAL LAW!

Over a third of your retirements are out of the right seat. You hardly gain any captain seats in separate ops versus the Nic. That's why you wanted DOH so badly: to steal West upgrades.


You are a laugh a minute.. We hardly gain any capt seats.. So tell me ...
how long will the upgrade be delayed for an East pilot hired in around 89 with a 2800 senority number now...?

the bottom east capt is now 2175 for group 2....

so once 65 age kicks in it's about 2.5 years with no additional movement..... So this person under separate ops is a captain in 4 to 4.5 years minimum...

under the NIC the senority numbers goes to 5500 or so and .... the delay is HUGE.....


isn't going to happen.
Well , well , well, this is a real eye opener.....

This representational election in PHL may be one of the most crucial events since the founding of USAPA. Now that may seem like an overstatement, however if you have been paying attention to the recent political food fight over the USAPA office location then you may just have some idea of why.

As you are sure to know Steve Szpyrka has been elected Chairman by acclamation and this is a very good thing indeed. The Vice Chairman contest, however, has yet to be decided. The field of candidates is filled by popular men, each of whom has his own skill set. Some of them also come with certain political dispositions that pose a significant danger to the driving force behind our goals as a union. This is a distinction that we, as a group, would all be quite remiss to allow to go without proper attention.

Today let’s examine the political pedigrees of Jamie Weidner and Eric Jordan. The current landscape has three clear factions, one driven by the USAPA president according to his responsibilities under the constitution, one driven by certain west contingents beholden to AOL and, unfathomably, one driven by certain east elements who are singularly motivated by the desire to vindicate themselves for their past failures by sabotaging the efforts of Mike Cleary and those who support his agenda.

These east elements are largely acting at the behest of men like Dave Ciabattoni and Woody Manear - you may have read about them recently. Here are a few of the things that Dave and Woody had to say about the recent political salvo aimed at Cleary: -“At a minimum, you must regain control of USAPA (From Cleary) in the best interest of the Pilots”. Dave Ciabattoni - and -“Your President needs a steel-toed update from the Board and we sincerely hope and believe it will come this time”. Woody Manear - Pardon us for saying, Woody, that Cleary is OUR president until the end of his term, or do you have other designs?

It is abundantly clear that both of these men, by their own admission, are intent on seeing the man at the helm unseated. What is most astonishing is that they are fixated on this goal foundationally ignorant of the fact that our present course has us on our way to victory, and that if they are successful that course will be irreparably altered.

You may be asking what this has to do with Jamie Weidner and Eric Jordan. Weidner exercised his right as a constituent to weigh in on the office debate and here are some of the things that he had to say; - (about the USAPA office staff) “The line pilots I talk to aren't too concerned about the staff quitting either. Reality is if they quit they can be replaced.” and “... the line pilots expect an up or down vote on a lease for the Woodlawn property without any additional interference.” (from the president) Jamie Weidner -

Jordan appears to be on the anti Cleary bandwagon as well, joining Ciabattoni and company in their reckless folly. Here’s some of what Jordan has to say: -“most are losing faith in Cleary's ability to make a decision or take action that benefits the masses, not just him.” and “the EVP has done his job informing everyone without prejudice.” - Eric Jordan It looks like Jordan has already fully made his mind up to drive a wedge between the officers, choosing sides with Hummel before ever spending one minute participating in the process.

It is also worth noting that Weidner and Jordan are already teaming up and wading into the office debate together; - (in a joint email to the BPR) “we hope you move forward in securing a lease with the Woodlawn property.” Jamie Weidner and Eric Jordan

Were the issue of the office location innocuous as some would have you believe then this collaboration would be no great affair. However, when you consider the real political agenda at hand it should be abundantly clear that Weidner and Jordan are singing from the same sheet of music as Ciabattoni and Manear and therefore are certain to share the same goal of destabilizing the current leadership for political gain.

It is easy to understand why many are growing weary of the struggle for a fair seniority integration and industry standard contract but we absolutely will prevail if we remain resolute and stay the course. Endurance and steadfastness are the keys to victory, do not let these political machiavellis tax both beyond already strained limits.

Choose wisely as you cast your vote for PHL Vice Chairman. Ask yourself if you want to elect anyone who would condone behavior that is certain to have a crippling effect our fundamental goals.

You are a laugh a minute.. We hardly gain any capt seats.. So tell me ...
how long will the upgrade be delayed for an East pilot hired in around 89 with a 2800 senority number now...?

the bottom east capt is now 2175 for group 2....

so once 65 age kicks in it's about 2.5 years with no additional movement..... So this person under separate ops is a captain in 4 to 4.5 years minimum...

under the NIC the senority numbers goes to 5500 or so and .... the delay is HUGE.....


isn't going to happen.
You're way overstaffed on captains, and that's probably an effect of having your boy Bular in the Dir of Ops position. WIth the recent reorganization at the top, the overstaffing is bound to be corrected. Second, more than a third of East retirements are from the right seat. Nicolau gave the East two thirds of all upgrades - East and West.

If you think you're getting a good deal now, then ok. Have at it.

Enjoy LOA93. Sucker.
The ALPA throwbacks should quit being sore losers and just accept the new direction the majority is taking. Their ALPA tactics of divisiveness and manipulation were summarily rejected and their attempt to revive them are obvious and will get them no where.

Personally I am insulted that they have such a low opinion of the pilots and think we as a group are too stupid to move past the ALPA cronyism, manipulation, and corruption that always knows better than the pilots. Are you ready to have them tell you what the hell your opinion is supposed to be?

Ha! They presume we are the gullible herds ripe for manipulation, half-truths, and exploitation.... but they are the idiots that fall back on failed ALPA schemes of maneuver and expect to be welcomed with open arms by the ones who booted them out.
Must of missed something here b.t.d.

usapa's cbl will never trump/supersede FEDERAL LAW. your #### for brains lawyer lee seham stated such in front of the 9th.

By all means b.t.d., sue your union for following FEDERAL LAW!

NIC has ruined this pilot group. It did so long before USAPA came about. Time for it to go. New list by DOB!
NIC has ruined this pilot group. It did so long before USAPA came about. Time for it to go. New list by DOB!
Nicolau ruined this pilot group? Nicolau is the product of an arbitrator and two pilot neutrals saying what's fair. Only a whack would think that's "ruining" anything.
What about all of the complaints about ALPA that happened 20 years ago? Oh those are OK but what usapa does is history.

Double standard??????

You misunderstand what I'm trying to say. I don't deny that something happened in CLT. Posting the same post adnauseum from the same poster...once the post has been made why post it again and again and again?

The difference between 767one's argument and yours is that a scab is forever, and the act of scabbing is forever fresh. What USA320 posted was old news because those pilots could have, or may already have, shaken hands and apologized to each other. But USA320 continues to bring it up.

It certainly looks like USA320 and BoingoBoy are great supporters of the west cause. You can have them both. Please, take them. Really. USA320 is legendary over here, for all the wrong reasons. BoingoBoy, for whatever reason, can't seem to get the fact that he is retired and should be out golfing, or fishing, or whatever trips his trigger. (as a retiree, if being on this forum for over 10,000 posts trips his trigger, I feel very sorry for him.)

I think someone hit it on the head.....JETZ and BB definitley have a dog in this fight they just won't say what breed.
NOBODY posts the emotional venom that these 2 post. They have a close connection to the West they just won't admit to it.

NIC has ruined this pilot group. It did so long before USAPA came about. Time for it to go. New list by DOB!

How about the aryan race list???....I have blond hair and blue green eyes.....seems to fit the usap...ass mental state currently.

BTW...NIC is LEGAL and ACCEPTED by the company.

You're kidding, right?


So what was it... 2 weeks ago? But when your buddy nos posts news events about alleged scabbing 25 to 30 years ago, or things that happened at Piedmont, that's considered a current events post? I don't see you giving him the "give us a break already" speech about his "news."

And by the way, it's not old news since USAPA has yet to comment on what actually happened. Why are they trying to cover up an event that happened on our union's property. We all have a right to know.

So typical. Always trying to redirect attention away from anything that sheds light on USAPA's state of affairs. Next I guess you're going to tell everyone "don't bother to click on the link, since there's nothing worth reading there." :rolleyes:
Not trying to redirect anything. If anything goes on in any union is should see the light of day and will.


Looing at the bids.

How can you determine that we are overstaffed on captains by looking at the bid? Have you done an analysis? How is the block hour flown to days on ratio? How many POTAs did we have in Jan.? We just had a bid close for May, and they have been done in Tempe(where all the really smart folks reside) for a while now, why didn't they fix it?

You guys are all about facts and who is right, so please answer and show your work.
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