US Pilots Labor Discussion

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I think maybe they are using the money that should be going for hedging to buy more auction rate securities......or maybe just investing in management bonuses.



Why hedge when you are trying to sell this abortion by 2012. Parker knows what is best for him personally.
Where ya been USA320Pilot? Haven't seen and "unbiased" facts in a while. Isn't this kind of old news? Will parts two and three have anything new on the topic? Can't wait, another unsigned "OpEd".
You might not be seeing much of him anymore he might be fired soon (again) for posting catcrew infromation on a public web site, He just can't seem to learn. :eek:
The candidates have have made their platforms available to their PHL constituents. In reading their campaign mail, it doesn't sound as if any wish to construct a "bridge over troubled water" that is inclusive of all USAirways pilots.

They all seem to toe the USAPA party line, such as it is. I commend them for their willingness to serve their fellow pilots and thank the winner in advance for volunteering his service.
Who is your money on? And congrats on your bid, when ya goin to school? JAMIE, JJ, JG, MM!
Who is your money on? And congrats on your bid, when ya goin to school? JAMIE, JJ, JG, MM!

M.M., he is not that guy. I was watching the all nighters leave CLT one night and that guy was on MYR while PS was posting, so unless he was posting while flying, it's not him.
Good P.I. work Pi brat

That's what PI stands for! More like bored and pushing the envelope of short call reserve so watching catcrew and US Aviation at the same time. That's kinda sad, isn't it?

I don't always agree with PS, but hold him in higher regard that the other guy.
United Airline Pilots
""With an MEC Update for Friday, February 4, 2011, this is

MEC Communications Committee Chairman First Officer Steve Scheri.

MEC Negotiating Committee Update
The UAL and CAL Co-Chairmen of the Joint Negotiating Committee, along with their ALPA advisors, met with United’s senior management and negotiators in Chicago on Tuesday. The talks were forthright and productive, resulting in scheduled meetings between the parties over the next two weeks and ahead of our scheduled meeting with the National Mediation Board (NMB) on February 18. Based on the productive meeting, the JNC is cautiously optimistic that management has renewed its commitment to completing a Joint Collective Bargaining Agreement in the near term. While many Sections of the JCBA currently remain unresolved and in some cases our proposals are far apart, we discussed ways to effectuate productive and meaningful movement and agreed on processes to accomplish this. While the NMB may impose its own processes to complete this JCBA, we are optimistic that we can make substantive headway prior to NMB involvement and thereafter, with NMB assistance but without the necessity of their active participation in every negotiating session.

As always, please stay connected to the process by reading updates from the MEC and your local Council representatives.""
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