US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Leave it to the AFA to support the IAM and the pilots to only worry about your own wallets. All the CBAs at US contain language that you dont have to cross a sanctioned picket line on company property.

The AFA supported us and was ordered back to work by a Federal Judge, and the it was remanded to arbitration and the AFA won.

Your union went behind labor's back and struck a sweetheart deal. And you wonder why the IAM at US dislikes the East Pilots.

You all even went to Seth and had us take out buttons off that we wore when we came back to work that said, "Thanks for nothing, ALPA".

And write ups were down, we heard all the chatter on company radio about telling management things were wrong with the planes yet no one wanted to right it up as we would have sent the plan to the barn and take it out of service.

We even had a supervisor get busted by the FAA for signing off something that wasnt done.
Gate b-5 calling you 700uw another toilet needs cleaned
Pi Brat,

You might want to review what single class means in regards to what usapa MUST DO.

V1.A section of TA of which lives the NIC.

Except as provided in paragraph B. below, the airline operations of America West
and US Airways, with respect to pilots, shall be merged no later than twelve (12)
months following the later of (i) completion of the integrated pilot seniority list
and (ii) negotiation of the Single Agreement provided that if by that date a single
FAA operating certificate has not been issued, the airline operations, with respect
to pilots, will be merged effective with the first bid period following thirty (30)
days after the issuance of such certificate. The Airline Parties will make every
reasonable effort in good faith to secure a single FAA operating certificate for
America West and US Airways as promptly as practicable. The merger of the
airline operations, with respect to pilots, under this paragraph A. is defined as the
“Operational Pilot Integration.”

Did you ever read paragraph B
Jetz, interesting facts provided by your ual mec. Great info on the trend of alpa lately.

Thank you for the info.

""UAL-MEC Membership Committee Report
October 2010
As of September 29, 2010, ALPA International’s records show that there are 7,652 pilots on the
United Seniority List. These include 5,457 Active members, 269 on Military Leave, 76 on
Personal Leave, 160 Non-members, 1,417 Furloughed, and 33 Executive Inactive, and 60
Executive Active pilots.
ALPA-wide, there are 52,399 total members. 43,600 Active members, 3,581 furloughed
members, 1,352 Inactive members, 1,220 Military Leave members, 672 Personal Leave members,
and 1,317 nonmembers.
The airlines with the largest number of voting members in good standing are Delta – 10,758
(24.67%), United – 5,457 (12.52%), Continental – 4,197 (9.63%), and Federal Express –
4,174(9.57%). The regional carriers are led by American Eagle – 2,345 (5.38%) and Express Jet
- 2,174 (4.98%).
Based on the September 2010 ALPA Inventory, the number of voting members within ALPA
other than regional carriers is 25,628 (58.78%). This group includes, Continental, Delta, DHL,
Evergreen, Hawaiian, North American, Ryan International, Federal Express, and United Airlines.
All other ALPA carriers aggregate to 17,972 pilots (41.22%).
Interestingly, the total number of pilots in all classifications at DAL (including all nonmembers,
leave of absence, sick, and furloughed pilots) is 12,092; the total number of pilots comprising a
combined UAL-CAL pilot group of similar composition presently numbers 12,460.""
Not angry Dorothy. I and the commercial aviation world are watching USAPA and its supporters in complete and utter amazement. Leonidas may not have won big, but it has kept you from your DOH land grab (and made Doug & other LCC investors stinkin' rich with the labor savings that you have so generously donated these past 3+ years - since walking away from the joint negotiation table and voting in our illustrious "union").

We stand "unquestionably" firm on principle, integrity, moral, ethical and legal grounds.
get your boots on everyone its getting deep in here.
Why don't you all just meet out in the playground after school and beat each other up.

I have seen 10 year olds more mature than some of the posters.

No matter what you say, none of you knows what happens and what you post on here will not make a judge rule one way or another.

Your just wasting your time.
...b-5 calling
pi brat,

Back when we had a west mec and an east mec means we WHAT to you pi brat? Was an east alpa group put in trusteeship/receivership by alpa national and for what reason? Are these the same you trust with your statements?

I got news for you, usapa and it's illegal scheme list is not the end all my friend.

Otter do you have a ugly twin that is writing some of your posts?...I thought so, call him and tell your twin he is making a fool of you....
Did you ever read paragraph B

B. The Airline Parties then in existence and the America West and US Airways
MECs may jointly agree to implement one or more selected provisions of the
Single Agreement prior to Operational Pilot Integration as defined in paragraph
A. and apply such provision or provisions to America West, US Airways, or the
Single Carrier as the Airline Parties collectively and both MECs may agree.

You took that away sport in your ever decreasing wisdom known as single class usapa under lee seham, steve bradford and mike cleary's scheme.

Otter do you have a ugly twin that is writing some of your posts?...I thought so, call him and tell your twin he is making a fool of you....

another none answer mikey? maybe you, pi brat and oldie went to the same school in union phl 101?

another none answer mikey? maybe you, pi brat and oldie went to the same school in union phl 101?

And it's pretty obvious from your posts that you either didn't go to school, or went to a very bad one.

You can't possibly believe half of that stuff you post, it's so stupid. Do you really think that USAPA has violated ANY laws? That there is ANY contractual reason the NIC is FEDERALLY mandated? How stupid. You'll get the message soon enough.

You really are embarrassing yourself and your west friends.
And it's pretty obvious from your posts that you either didn't go to school, or went to a very bad one.

You can't possibly believe half of that stuff you post, it's so stupid. Do you really think that USAPA has violated ANY laws? That there is ANY contractual reason the NIC is FEDERALLY mandated? How stupid. You'll get the message soon enough.

You really are embarrassing yourself and your west friends.

Never said the NIC is "FEDERALLY mandated" oldie. Federal Courts of Law use Legal ARBITRATED final and binding cases all the time. Please show any that have been overturned by your lawyer's lee seham scheme or any other COURT?

usapa inherited such an agreement and this legal list will be enforced with a JOINT CONTRACT via the TA with lcc....or....DFR hammer meets thick scull usapa and soon...oldie.

And it's pretty obvious from your posts that you either didn't go to school, or went to a very bad one.

You can't possibly believe half of that stuff you post, it's so stupid. Do you really think that USAPA has violated ANY laws? That there is ANY contractual reason the NIC is FEDERALLY mandated? How stupid. You'll get the message soon enough.

You really are embarrassing yourself and your west friends.

btw oldie I think You'll get the message soon enough and you'll see statements by usapa elite are should I say this but f'n old!

See you on the 9th in Judge Silver's court got the address right oldie?

I have posted facts about the strike, when east calls the west scabs, I just have to point out the east pilots are all about themselves and crossed a picket line, performed struck work and made a sweetheart deal with the company against the IAM.

Never forgot.
Here is what you forgot, to tell the background of how it all went down. EVERY OTHER employee group had agreed to give back something for what some felt was required to make the company survive. Your group, after every other group had given something back, refused. That was your choice. So if all the other groups had felt the need to concede W 2 and this was based on their feeling that it was needed to ensure future employment, and the remaining group did not- how could the others then honor a strike by the holdouts who were not giving anything? It flies in the face of everything given that now they help you now that you refused to help them. This is why you get nowhere.
Okay, you are right, Varini was on the "Official East Seniority List" and he was Officially highered on 8-20-2004,(where I do not know, probably MDA and never flew a mainline jet) and was Officially furloughed and Officially on the street on the PID, along with over 1700 other east pilots up to and including Coello.

Just for you I will quit spouting the 85% staple fact. Instead, from now on I will make the statement, usapa wishes to staple 85% of the West pilot group below Monda, the last guy on the east list who still had a job.
MDA was mainline. Another misconception. Another reason Nicolau blew it.
Looks like Judge Silver will hear oral arguments on motions to dismiss on Feb 9th.
Good- this thing is going to be hands off by her. Right back to the 9th, and she knows it. Without an attempt to rule. She knows she will get overruled immediately. She can't even rule.
To make things clear pi brat..That's a lawsuit against usapa of which they have fought this from the start via lee seham and mike cleary's corrurpt regime called usapa.

Company also stated it will appeal to the 9th circus court of appeals if no remedy is found from the federal district court in this matter.

This is going to be classic.I say it isn't even a ruling for an appeal. It is a reference right to what the 9th said. But, let's say things run amok in AZ again and she does rule, and it goes against Leonidas. You can't even put a finger on what the company wants other than to DELAY- because it is merely a clarification( although West pilots think the company wants the west to prevail) First Wake gets a nice little education from the clerks, now a Fortune -500 company. The company wants the battle between the groups. Those clerks know EXACTLY what Parker and company are up to. Parker said enough in those crew meetings to get in trouble, as he admitted the big "THIS IS FOR YOU GUYS TO DECIDE...." He needs to be put on the stand and made to elaborate on that statement in his little PHX get together. He admitted he fully understood the 9th. Then he has the stones to file the clarification! This is why he has come back later and made the statement that he "often makes statements that I really do not mean." I guarantee he was TOLD to say that by LEGAL after they saw what he said in that particular meeting and had filed for clarification. They must have crapped themselves when they heard that little discourse. That little wandering chat when the light must have very dimly gone off that he was starting to step on his crank..... If it does somehow go to SF? Hopefully the spanking will be more public and much, much clearer. It won't be Wake getting spanked, it will be Parker. And his legal dept, who absolutely understood the 9th the first go. And had the temerity to file for clarification after the he flat out made it perfectly clear he understood it. You can bet some of those law clerks who really are calling the shots would LOVE to tee this guy up and send him knowing what he is doing.
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