US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Well I am sure the truth is closer to usapa's estimate than the 2 dozen number, the local CLT news reported around 150.

But, labeling anything as an "official usapa update", is like saying, read the following with a high degree of skepticism.

The local CLT news also states that the company blames the delay in a contract on usapa and the pilots ongoing seniority dispute. Here is the skeptical part....the reporter states..."usapa claims that dispute has been settled".

Umm..if the dispute has been settled...why all the bills from Seeham?
There were probably more pilots there than the news media reported. The NBC affiliate did a live broadcast and reported there were a "few dozen pilots" picketing.
There were probably more pilots there than the news media reported. The NBC affiliate did a live broadcast and reported there were a "few dozen pilots" picketing.

james ray may be the first of many usapa elite east pilots brought before and tried in a federal court of law for out and out lies paid for with my union dues.

When Ray described the process under the mediator, he forgot to mention the parking lot.

He also ignored the Decalatory Judgement and the fact that the company clearly doesn't buy off on the idea that seniority situation is settled. The Supreme Court decided not to address the ripeness issue. Big deal. Not a single word regarding the Merits.

Lies by ommission; the USAPA tradition.
He also ignored the Decalatory Judgement and the fact that the company clearly doesn't buy off on the idea that seniority situation is settled. The Supreme Court decided not to address the ripeness issue. Big deal. Not a single word regarding the Merits.

Lies by ommission; the USAPA tradition.

DO NOT let our resident super hero know this, we need Reed for more important things and this info might distract him from his fighting against the truth and justice- the USApian way...
I have quite a few Scab lists..that link you provided was the most complete I have ever seen. Thanks. Sad to see so many EAL guys I actually knew..and have never talked to since. Being a member of the 570 at UAL, I have been only thinking of the relatively small number of new hires that crossed in 85'. I had forgotten about the hundreds of line pilots that crossed. Yikes, not a fun place to work for the last 20 or so years, no matter what the current outcome.

I am not good at searches..but do any UAL or CAL scabs hold positions at U or AWA? I believe we had a few EAL scabs skirt through in the Shuttle merger here on the East........I can only hope they have headed West prematurely.

Don't agree at all about a CAL scab being head of our Public Relations..but we do indeed have a real scab on the BPR in CLT. But the CLT pilots seem ok with that.


The shuttle had 2 scabs. One is long retired and I belive the other is gone as well.
Sorry, but in front of a Federal Judge, Jury, Arbitrator...I've just of much rights as you don't it?

Where it is obvious that these two groups can never safely work together in a cockpit, I expect the company to legally return the NIC as it will create a fortune in training cost. Even thought it has been accepted, it can be returned. That's just my opinion but it should be everyone else's as well.
You had over 300 pilots in EWR with your continental and united picketing pilots combined.

Lets take a look at the amount of pilots on a list of picket crosser s.

Continental Summary CAL 83 1,996 Scabs listed
United Summary UAL 85 837 Scabs listed

Say hi to your fellow pilots on the list
Yup. How long ago was that? How many are actually still on the property? How many retired before the age 60 rule change? I bet you have no idea. I'll give you a hint... not nearly that many left on the property.

How many scabs are on USAPA's BPR? A couple as I have heard. How much unity did the all powerful USAPA show in Charlotte? Pathetic! Your support from within is fading fast. Your days are numbered. Enjoy LOA 93! :lol: It's not my fault if you are too blind to see it.
"Well over 200 pilots" attended the CLT picket?!!

USAPA caught in yet ANOTHER Lie.
OMG what a bunch of liars! I counted about 35-40 pilots.

And did you hear that guy? So now they say US Airways pilots "donated" their pensions, as if through the goodness of their hearts and love of their company. It was a distressed termination that was done with the gun of liquidation at their head. So if it was now a donation, stop all the crying about what you gave up to save the company. I don't remember ever calling my church and complaining about all the money I've donated over the years! :lol:

Then he says there is no seniority dispute. There is a seniority list and it's complete. Really?? Would that be the Nicolau list since it's the only one the company has accepted and paid for? What about the company's DJ suit pending in court? Did we suddenly forget about that? I would call that a dispute.

It's amazing the depth of these pilots denial, lies and twisted facts. It's no wonder they had such a lousy show of support at that event. And where are the picketing signs and the organized march? They looked like a receiving line. Truly pathetic. Some of them actually believe their own garbage. They are in for a very rude awakening, don't you think?
OMG what a bunch of liars! I counted about 35-40 pilots.

And did you hear that guy? So now they say US Airways pilots "donated" their pensions, as if through the goodness of their hearts and love of their company. It was a distressed termination that was done with the gun of liquidation at their head. So if it was now a donation, stop all the crying about what you gave up to save the company. I don't remember ever calling my church and complaining about all the money I've donated over the years! :lol:

Then he says there is no seniority dispute. There is a seniority list and it's complete. Really?? Would that be the Nicolau list since it's the only one the company has accepted and paid for? What about the company's DJ suit pending in court? Did we suddenly forget about that? I would call that a dispute.

It's amazing the depth of these pilots denial, lies and twisted facts. It's no wonder they had such a lousy show of support at that event. And where are the picketing signs and the organized march? They looked like a receiving line. Truly pathetic. Some of them actually believe their own garbage. They are in for a very rude awakening, don't you think?
Wow I thought you were talking about this event, How many combined pilots do you have and this many showed up ALPA SUX!
Where it is obvious that these two groups can never safely work together in a cockpit, I expect the company to legally return the NIC as it will create a fortune in training cost. Even thought it has been accepted, it can be returned. That's just my opinion but it should be everyone else's as well.

Sorry Chief;
Just because 12-24 people post on a web site that they will never be able to fly together doesn't make it so. I know one semi-frequent poster personally. He's a nice guy, we just disagree. He told me once at dinner that "It's not personal, it's just business.". I echoed the same words. I have also had the occasion to visit with many east pilots in IAH, DFW, LAS, & PHX. On only a very few occasions have sour word been sent my way. We are professional aviators. We largely can compartmentalize life events to safely do our assigned jobs. After the job is done, we adjourn and head to the hotel for a meal and perhaps a cold adult beverage. I could fly with any of these men or women......left seat or right seat.

Your second point is incorrect. The product of the final and binding arbitration also has the condition of "no bump, no flush". This should mean that there will be NO additional training events. Only those events that are caused by vacancy. This is why USAPA is hell-bent on delaying the Nicolau as long as possible. If you can get every AAA pilot in a left seat of a narrow body aircraft, none of those guys will have to "fly with a westie". FACT.

The only advise that I would like to offer is this: Please take the time to read ALL of the arbitration transcripts & court proceedings (sorry, that's a big reading assignment). Do with USAPA what we ALL did (or should have done) with ALPA (from time to time); Question authority, demand correct & verifiable information, demand transparency & common sense (we just spend money and I believe some FPL "investigating" is issuance of the profit sharing, then deciding to use the previous method).
OMG what a bunch of liars! I counted about 35-40 pilots.
Then he says there is no seniority dispute. There is a seniority list and it's complete. Really?? Would that be the Nicolau list since it's the only one the company has accepted and paid for? What about the company's DJ suit pending in court? Did we suddenly forget about that? I would call that a dispute.
Another nice try, there is a list and is DOH every one seems to know that except a few of you nice folks, The company's DJ is another way to stall from getting a contract that will increase costs, bset course of action is for the west to get a contract and then you can do you next DFR, as of right now your dead in the water. :p
How can you tell usapa is lying? There are talkiing or press releasing.

That interview was so full of lies and half truths it was out of control.

usapa says 200 the press (neutral third party) says 2-3 dozen. Who you going to believe?

The seniority issue is not decided. If the seniority issue is settled why is the company suing usapa? They must not think it is settled.

When he was talking about being released, he left off the other half of the equation, being parked. Much more likely to happen.

Donated the pension. So if you donated it why are you investigating where it went. The spokesman just told you. You donated it. What, now you guys want to go back on your word again? Donate your pension than demand it back.

usapa a union built on lies.
Ask any EAST pilot, the "NO BUMP NO FLUSH" provision is absolutely meaningless. When a base gets closed or downsized you get bumped and flushed and what exactly DOUG will want to do in his dwidleing "LEISURE" PHX market! JAMIE, JG,JJ,MM!
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