US Pilots Labor Discussion

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I am only providing the information you requested. I never provoked this discussion, you did. When you take your medication and calm down, refer to your previous posts. Good Night.

"Australian Summary AFAP 89 85 America West & Braniff Scabs"

the list again, you asked

Nos I dont take meds. I know you need an escape but for UNION BUSTING SCABS there is no escape. Now you broke a union for you own selfish desire so its time to wear your SCAB cloak!!!

Now again you wont find one of their names on a master scab listl. How long before your name is on one??
Oh and for the record I didnt ask you to provide any information, you felt you needed to justify you being a UNION BUSTING SCAB so posted anset.

They just replaced the union with one that has real seniority principles in its By-Laws
Tell me, what does your CO pilot husband think about DOH? You do realize that DOH at UA &CO would severely disadvantage the bottom half of the CO list, don't you? I would go from 767 f/o to 757 captain overnight. How does your hubby feel about that? This should be an interesting answer.

Maybe he's a senior CO scab and DOH won't hurt him. That would be rich. A CO scab married to a USAPA scab-wanna-be.
I have not been and will not ever be sir. The accusation you made upon me sir is not true and malicious. It proves your ignorance. I have provided links to my utterances, you have never rebutted with proof of any of your diatribe. You are an alpa rep and shill. Nice try on the nicolau debacle.

Say hi to rice and gillen for me.
Sounds like jetz hit a nerve. Must be true. You throw the scab word around a lot and imply guilt by association all the time. Of course if you were a scab you wouldn't admit it around here, and probably protest the notion much like you did above. I think you ARE a scab. (Certainly cut from the same cloth. Talk about guilt by association!)
Hey Nos,

Why don't you tell gorgeous george, your fellow USAPA troll, about the scabs his/her husband is associated with. I'm sure you can come up with some good links to post on the subject. :lol:
Hey Nos,

Why don't you tell gorgeous george, your fellow USAPA troll, about the scabs his/her husband is associated with. I'm sure you can come up with some good links to post on the subject. :lol:

Dont expect much jetz. Thats the problem with UNION BUSTING SCABS they are all talk until they are pointed out for what they are.

It seems the only meltdown that is going on is you. The east has always typed its F/O's. Sounds to me like they are just bringing the west up to east standards.

Sorry I didnt respond to you before LES EDWARDS 99 hiire who is only on the property today as a result of the AWA buying AAA. I can not believe that you have the nerve to even open your mouth when you have less LOS than Dave Odell. I see why you are so P.O'd, you are what a thousand numbers below me??

Next time you decide to put my name out in cyberspace remember that I have the same ability to do that you! Keep in mind that UNION BUSTING SCABS have no friends in this industry NONE. Enjoy that CLT weather today ;)

I'm on 8yr pay nos and earned more per hr than the east on 7yr pay as well!! You got a lump sum well bully for you! I come for a group of HONORABLE pilots Nos and not one of them ever, EVER busted a union! Not one!! You did and that means you are the lowest form of scab there is!! You make all the excuses you want but nothing will ever change that fact. You are not a union pilot Nos you are a union busting scab!


And a 1st year SW F/O makes more than you; so, what's your point? Quick, make an emergency appointment to get your meds refilled before you blow a cork....oops, too late!

Dont expect much jetz. Thats the problem with UNION BUSTING SCABS they are all talk until they are pointed out for what they are.

There is no Usairways pilot on the list, a lot of united and america west, continental. I love your wrestling tag team match approach with your alpa shill friends. I am still only using one hand to type, correcting your feeble bipolar induced rantings with facts. Do play the banjo?
Tell me, what does your CO pilot husband think about DOH? You do realize that DOH at UA &CO would severely disadvantage the bottom half of the CO list, don't you? I would go from 767 f/o to 757 captain overnight. How does your hubby feel about that? This should be an interesting answer.

Maybe he's a senior CO scab and DOH won't hurt him. That would be rich. A CO scab married to a USAPA scab-wanna-be.

He was hired in 2005, and no he has no problems with DOH. He spent 16 years at Comair before that. His father spent 35 years with New York Transit Authority, so I guess its because he is from a union family. He would love an independent union there and the latest scope "win", has only reinforced his view of what a joke ALPA is. Their current contract negotiated by ALPA is worse than the one that proceeded it by the IACP, an independent union. They negotiated PBS in their ALPA contract and ratified the contract with a blank piece paper stating TBD for the section that most affects standard of living. Yeah, he loves ALPA.

It's like he says, when ALPA is in recruiting or politicking mode, its look at us, see how great we are and what we offer until something like that is negotiated and its wait you are ALPA it is your fault. You are left scratching your head, saying "but wait you said you offered decades of experience and access to the best professional negotiators and attorneys and a Economic and Financial Analysis team." It's sad when the world's largest pilot union comes in and negotiates a new contract that is pitiful compared to the one negotiated by the Independent union that proceeded it.
Sorry I didnt respond to you before LES EDWARDS 99 hiire who is only on the property today as a result of the AWA buying AAA. I can not believe that you have the nerve to even open your mouth when you have less LOS than Dave Odell. I see why you are so P.O'd, you are what a thousand numbers below me??

Next time you decide to put my name out in cyberspace remember that I have the same ability to do that you! Keep in mind that UNION BUSTING SCABS have no friends in this industry NONE. Enjoy that CLT weather today ;)


Wow, I am impressed. How did you ID this guy?

But this guy probasbly has more LOS than Odell now since he stole Odell's job and Odell has been racking up furlough time so that this ungrateful POS could come back to work. Now he is supporting the scumbag usapa outfit so he can steal a West captain seat. I will remember that name, thanks 320.
On the website. Really?

The Nic is on the company's figurative desk, with testimony in a federal trial acknowledging acceptance of the same.

No not a mig, thought you knew. I am not in the habit of joining scumbag organizations that are incapable of honest behavior, and are formed with the intent to steal from me.

I am curious, how much does it cost to be a member in good standing (able to vote) vice the cost of the fee needed to not get the letter from the company saying your fired?

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