US Pilots Labor Discussion

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The "Joint Statement of Labor Principles" does not say that DOH with C&Rs is not an acceptible way to combine the list. It only spells out what would be acceptible to the company, and USAPA's list meets that standard.

The Freund letter is from the lawyers at AWAPPA, and they don't even exist anymore, that I know of. Plus, a letter from the opposing lawyers can just be countered with a letter from USAPA's lawyers, saying the opposite. I can produce one of those, as well, if you wish. I can also present the majority opinion of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, if you do not already have a copy.

You proof is not valid. You may continue to look, if you wish. You would, however, be wasting your time.

Did you even read paragraphs 5 and six of the letter?

They both specifically say a stapling is unreasonable, and that a ratioed integration is reasonable. Further, that prolonged delay is bad. There I tried to use short words so you could comprehend. umm..comprehend means understand.

Freunds letter directly accuses usapa of illegal acts in any attempt at changing the arbitrated list. Further, AWAPPA is still alive, and could be up to speed to sue usapa just as fast as AOL.

You asked for evidence backing up my statement that usapa and the east pilot group has been told by the CEOs and lawyers that they are not getting DOH. I provided it, you discount it because youe head is so far up your ...oh nevermind....

Your right Oldie, usapa has never been warned, not by the West, not by the CEOs, not by their own potential lawyers, not by their own lawyers, not by ALPA, not by federal judges, and least of which, not by me. So when you do not get your way it will just have to come as a complete surprise.
Always an excuse with you. "Oh I didn't see the stop sign officer." :lol:

You said I didn't say it. You did not specify that I didn't say it in that particular post. It's called reading comprehension. It was certainly part of the ongoing discussion, which makes it part of the context that you choose to ignore. Once again, you are the one who is wrong, lying, and too much of a jack wagon to admit it.

Try to keep up butterhead. You're just making yourself look like more of an idiot. I'm starting to feel sorry for you and the other junior, angry f/o's on the east.
I'm impressed. Quoting R. Lee Ermey now, are we?

UAL and CAL haven't even really merged yet. Once they do, there will be reductions. Happens every merger. EVERY SINGLE ONE. They can only hope that the idots like you get the boot. I hope you come crying for a job here, since we'll be hiring soon. That is, unless you really DO work here, since you seem to have such an interest in LCC and USAPA.
Take away google and Nos wouldn't have anything to say...

Oldie and the rest are so desperate for the gains they'll get from DOH that they can't read anything without seeing "you'll get DOH".

Go to the chalk board and write a million times:



Um,,,,what is not part of the CBA.


A million times? You mean once for every time a usapa supporter wished they could steal my seniority?

How about you go tell your BPR members what to do, instead of thinking I would act on anything you might order, junior.
Sorry, but I generally don't talk to scabs. Since you are a scab yourself, I mostly ignore you and your irrelevant links.
I have not been and will not ever be sir. The accusation you made upon me sir is not true and malicious. It proves your ignorance. I have provided links to my utterances, you have never rebutted with proof of any of your diatribe. You are an alpa rep and shill. Nice try on the nicolau debacle.

Say hi to rice and gillen for me.
Take away google and Nos wouldn't have anything to say...

Oldie and the rest are so desperate for the gains they'll get from DOH that they can't read anything without seeing "you'll get DOH".

The Empire Airline pilots were put on the bottom of your seniority list at your former airline, you said nothing and evil persisted. Now you lecture on these forums today.

Coward and now hypocrite and trader jack, quite a legacy. I am starting to hear dueling banjo music due to your posts and others.

What was that you said? Liar was it?? Like I said Horizon RJ capt making as much as an east narrow body capt. Making you look stupid is full time work!!!

Check out their retirement and lump sum activity for the last two years.

Now that you are here, you said you made more than an East pilot, elaborate please.
you know, if LOA 93 bothers you that much, you should address your concerns to the creators of it, ALPA, in Herndon VA.

No, LOA 93 was crafted by Jerry Glass, and ratified by 57% of the East pilots.

The "ALPA caused all our woes" argument is really getting stale. You may be oldie, but your not very goody.
Pretty sad, indeed. I made no threats, directly or implied. Only a promise that I wouldn't forget you. I'll bet there are lots of east folks on here that feel the same way, Ray.

And you do seem to run your mouth alot. So I guess you were right about what SCABS do. I never knew that detail myself, since I've never known or worked with any.

Naw just breaking you down for the scab you are!! You work with plenty day in and day out! The east is full of UNION BUSTING SCABS!

You have the audacity to come out and claim to be a UNION pilot when you and your buddies broke a union for own personal selfish needs! Strike breakers do and claim they need the money for home and family they are scabs but you thru usappa are lower than scabs! You tear the whole place down and form your own scab outfit to get out of the very things designed to protect union pilots REAL UNION PILOTS!!! You will depart this career with the stench of union busting scab all over you. You and your kind (Usapa) are a disgrace to REAL TRADE UNIONIST. You should be ashamed to even step that scab hide into an airplane.

I am a real union pilot old man and still proudly display my ALPA wings SILVER!!! Never busted a union and never busted a strike but you can NEVER say that now can you?

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