US Pilots Labor Discussion

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No, you need to talk to YOUR HIGH PRICED lawyers. It's as if the case NEVER HAPPENED, and cannot be refiled until a RATIFIED contract happens. Also, at that time, the burden of proof is sigificantly different.

NONE of it still counts. Go ask Marty or the Doc.

I guess you could say that the depositions and other evidence may still exist, but the case will have to be retried in its entirety. The burden of proof will be quite different.


Stop communicating with this low life UNION BUSTING SCAB! Their time is near and their leash handlers are getting antsy! Let these UNION BUSTING SCABS speak to each other but not us self respecting TRUE TRADE UNIONIST.

You don't know what you are talking about. Go look up "union busting" and read it. Replacing one CBA with another is not "union busting". What AOL is attempting to do is, indeed, union busting. So, I agree with your other characterization.

Oldie. You don't seem to understand that the west operates from a place where there can be no argument against them. WAWAWAW320, nic4us, and (honorary westie) 767jetz are rightly able to invoke authority that blows our arguments out of the water.

When they create definitions out of thin air, they have the full authority of Humpty Dumpty on their side:
'When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, 'it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.'

How can we possibly prevail against such dominion?
Oldie. You don't seem to understand that the west operates from a place where there can be no argument against them. WAWAWAW320, nic4us, and (honorary westie) 767jetz are rightly able to invoke authority that blows our arguments out of the water.

When they create definitions out of thin air, they have the full authority of Humpty Dumpty on their side:
'When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, 'it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.'

How can we possibly prevail against such dominion?
Excellent point. They most certainly are living in "mother goose land". Funny how the number of west posters on here pretty much equals the number of ALPA reps they had. Coincidence? I think not.

Oh, pardon me.... I just awoke from a Pavlovian induced stupor that ALPA drilled into us over the decades. Every time ALPA was ridiculed we were programed to lash out with some B.S. line about how we should feel guilty because ALPA was only what we made it to be, since it swayed to our every desire.

Funny, how many years did we make excuses for them, trying to believe they really meant it.

That is the big deception that keeps ALPA going. They control by sound bite, fanciful phrases and a constitution/by-law structure that insures the elite, and only the elite, can make policy decisions. This clever framework disempowers the line pilot at every turn, and the ONLY way for the line pilot to have a true effect is by banding together and dumping them.

Yes, ALPA did NOT directly ratify LOA 93, or the other myriad abominations to which we were subjected. However, they had exclusive use of their "experts" and "lawyers," as well as the bullhorn of bulls***, to scare the bejeezes out of the rank and file, thus all but guaranteeing the result THEY wanted for the benefit of the mother ship. The members be damned.

While they loved to say to us: "YOU are ALPA," the reality was very different.
Now you can see. UNION BUSTING SCABS communicate with one another because us TRUE TRADE UNIONIST dont associate with them. They are the lowest scum on the face of this earth and should be treated as such. Turn you back on them and let them crawl away in shame. Let them talk among themselves and try and justify their UNION BUSTING SCAB actions. Let them tell each other that they are not really SCABS but every REAL TRADE UNIONIST KNOWS who and what they are.

And thanks to ALPA's LOA 60 no paychecks to be deposited until the 18th! I know the company loves that interest they're making Help add to the big boys (and girls) bonuses.

Ever stop and think that if the company is fragmented, the east's most senior pilots could get screwed the worse. I am talking about the 330 guys who would have nowhere to go, when nobody takes them with the planes.

Oh, and then there are the antique 757/767s that will hit the desert, no jobs for those guys. Probably the same for most of the 737s as well.

As "a most senior pilot," let me reassure those westies who are so very concerned for my welfare. USAPA rules; DOH is it.

We all have places to go post-USAirways. We discovered that fact when we were psychologically indoctrinated to the imminent loss of the airline many years ago. We peeked into the abyss and found that....there is no abyss at all! There is indeed life after USAirways.

As far as employment "anywhere," I beg to differ. There may not be any great opportunities for us in the USA, but on a global basis (with our experience level) we can find gainful, comfortable employment as direct-entry captains. Back in the dark days, I was offered an A320 captain job in Singapore BY TELEPHONE based on my level of A320 captain experience.

If LCC gets fragmented and my airplanes depart the operation without me, I will not seek employment as a pilot (although I am confident that I could continue to fly elsewhere at similar compensation and quality of life.) I still get emails from head-hunters looking for pilots with exactly my, and my senior colleagues', experience level. I just don't respond to them anymore.

But this worst-case scenario also assumes that the crews would not go with the airplanes. Unlikely. Possible, yes. But unlikely.
I think union dues and agency shop fees at usapa are identical. Perhaps there is like a 2% reduction if not a member, but really do not know and do not care.

Able to vote on what? There will never be a tentative agreement, and when there is something to vote on, say changing profit sharing distribution method, there is no vote, the BPR decides, and elections do not matter from a West perspective either.

There will eventually be either a JCBA or self-help to vote on. I think it would strengthen the position of DFR-II advocates to have 100% West participation in voting no to a USAPA DOH with C&R's Section 22 position. Not participating could be considered apathy on the part of the WEST in any future DFR-II. When fighting a war, it's best not to provide ammunition to the enemy.

You obviously wouldn't know what a scab was even if you fell and scraped your knee.

But please come back with one of your "union-busting USAPA scab posts" I'm sure ALPA wasn't out striking when USAPA was democratically voted onto the property. Continue your ranting and raving fantasies you and your ALPA buddies are so fond of....You are a joke.

Have a wonderful day!
You obviously wouldn't know what a scab was even if you fell and scraped your knee.

But please come back with one of your "union-busting USAPA scab posts" I'm sure ALPA wasn't out striking when USAPA was democratically voted onto the property. Continue your ranting and raving fantasies you and your ALPA buddies are so fond of....You are a joke.

Have a wonderful day!
Have you ever walked a picket line and if so, where?
You obviously wouldn't know what a scab was even if you fell and scraped your knee.

But please come back with one of your "union-busting USAPA scab posts" I'm sure ALPA wasn't out striking when USAPA was democratically voted onto the property. Continue your ranting and raving fantasies you and your ALPA buddies are so fond of....You are a joke.

Have a wonderful day!

He and 767Jetz throw the word around like little children in name calling contests and its sad. Neither of them have a clue. 767, you were quick to pounce on my husband because he is at CO, he walked a picket line at Comair, have you ever?
He and 767Jetz throw the word around like little children in name calling contests and its sad. Neither of them have a clue. 767, you were quick to pounce on my husband because he is at CO, he walked a picket line at Comair, have you ever?

Getting a little lonely out here isnt it sweetheart? UNION BUSTING SCABS have it hard. When comair went out we gladly helped them out? I did any and everthing I could from my job then to help them! The man you are married to is a TRUE TRADE UNIONIST not like the UNION BUSTING SCABS you are attempting to protect here. I suggest you crawl away too. NOBODY LIKES OR RESPECTS SCABS BE IT PICKET LINE CROSSERS OR UNION BUSTING SCABS LIKE USAPA!!!

We turn our backs on UNION BUSTING SCABS as they are not worth our time and effort. They are low lifes and deserve zero respect. Try and justify UNION BUSTING ALL YOU LIKE, STILL A SCAB!!


Union Busting?

Union-busting is a practice that is undertaken by an employer or their agents to prevent employees from joining a labor union, or to disempower, subvert, or destroy unions that already exist.

Union busting is a field populated by bullies and built on deceit. A campaign against a union is an assault on individuals and a war on truth. As such, it is a war without honor. The only way to bust a union is to lie, distort, manipulate, threaten, and always, always attack.

Martin Jay Levitt, 1993, Confessions of a Union Buster

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