US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Check out their retirement and lump sum activity for the last two years.

Now that you are here, you said you made more than an East pilot, elaborate please.

Go back and find the post where I said that Nos?? You wont! What I said was Horizon RJ70 capt make as much as an eas narrow body capt. 121/hr for and rj and 124 for 737/A320 on the east.

You should be proud too with your industry leading loa93

You next for the scab lesson when I'm done with Oldie!!

Dont be upset that you busted the union, usapa (YOU) did that and that means you are a scab. AOL didnt break a union YOU did. Now wrap yourself in the scab cloak and take responsibility for your actions. Usapa broke a union for its own selfish desires and that is just want SCABS do so again that makes them SCABS! You are a member right oldie??? Putting together the list right now. USAPA UNION BUSTING SCABS!!

AWA320 and TRUE PILOT REP dont forget it either ;)

You insist on many of your recent posts to bring this issue up. There is an official list. america west and united are frequently mentioned on the list. I caution you on bringing up the freedom airline issue. I feel so sorry for you I feel it necessary to tie one hand behind my back whilst I post to warn you of information I have about this issue that is less than flattering to your cause.

The list
Naw just breaking you down for the scab you are!! You work with plenty day in and day out! The east is full of UNION BUSTING SCABS!

You have the audacity to come out and claim to be a UNION pilot when you and your buddies broke a union for own personal selfish needs! Strike breakers do and claim they need the money for home and family they are scabs but you thru usappa are lower than scabs! You tear the whole place down and form your own scab outfit to get out of the very things designed to protect union pilots REAL UNION PILOTS!!! You will depart this career with the stench of union busting scab all over you. You and your kind (Usapa) are a disgrace to REAL TRADE UNIONIST. You should be ashamed to even step that scab hide into an airplane.

I am a real union pilot old man and still proudly display my ALPA wings SILVER!!! Never busted a union and never busted a strike but you can NEVER say that now can you?


They just replaced the union with one that has real seniority principles in its By-Laws like the AFA. No need for outsourcing to achieve legal or political immunity from its members, like ALPA. ALPA and Trade Unionism go together like Keith Olberman and Ann Coulter.
Go back and find the post where I said that Nos?? You wont! What I said was Horizon RJ70 capt make as much as an eas narrow body capt. 121/hr for and rj and 124 for 737/A320 on the east.

You should be proud too with your industry leading loa93

You next for the scab lesson when I'm done with Oldie!!

awa post jan 11, 1140 am

"I get paid BETTER than you top f/o on the same a/c and there is no two ways about it. I will collect my profit sharing and still be content. I will continue to wave and say hello to you all as I taxi by you in CLT and Philly all the while knowing that I am getting more per hr than the guy sittin in the blue top to do the same job. If my flt gets cancelled for any reason I rest easy knowing that I head to the hotel WITH PAY just like I flew the trip.

So continue to hurt me with LOA93 :rolleyes:"

You insist on many of your recent posts to bring this issue up. There is an official list. america west and united are frequently mentioned on the list. I caution you on bringing up the freedom airline issue. I feel so sorry for you I feel it necessary to tie one hand behind my back whilst I post to warn you of information I have about this issue that is less than flattering to your cause.

The list

Freedom??? I didnt say a dam thing about freedom? Lets get back to usapa and the union busting scabs they are! You are a founding member too right? Lets take a look at a usapa statement.

USAPA stands for US Airline Pilots Association. We are a union comprised of 5,200 mainline pilots that fly for US Airways. We formed our union based on the principles of democracy, transparency and free thought. We strive to create an environment where our pilots have all the tools needed to focus on the efficiency and safety of each of their flights.Organizationally, USAPA is governed by our Board of Pilot Representatives. Our Board is elected by our pilots from the individual pilot domiciles throughout our mainline US Airways system.

We know that was a complete utter lie dont we NOS??? Usapa was formed for the express purposes of getting out of a mutually agreed upon arbitration and you hired a third rate hack that has been fired by every airline he has ever worked for. He told you to bust the union and you could get out of your obligations. Once you did that you became lower than strike busting scabs! You're no union pilot, you broke a union for you own selfish desires and that means you are a SCAB! When you retire you will do so with the stink of union busting scab all over you.

You deserve to be the lowest paid in the industry that place is reserved for scabs.

Go back and find the post where I said that Nos?? You wont!


AWA320 post today, page 617, he said;
""I get paid BETTER than you top f/o on the same a/c and there is no two ways about it.""


Yogi Berra said a few years ago, with AWA320 in mind;
"I didn't really say all the things I said"

Yogi Berra
They just replaced the union with one that has real seniority principles in its By-Laws like the AFA. No need for outsourcing to achieve legal or political immunity from its members, like ALPA. ALPA and Trade Unionism go together like Keith Olberman and Ann Coulter.

You making excuses for being a union busting scab GG? SCAB is as SCAB does my man!! No excuses. Real trade unionist dont want to hear the reasons you feel you had to do it, you're still a SCAB once you do.

AWA320 post today, page 617;
""I get paid BETTER than you top f/o on the same a/c and there is no two ways about it.""


"I didn't really say all the things I said"

Yogi Berra

Whats your point Nos??? Unless the east got a pay raise that we know nothing about, top 737/a320 fo pay in the east is 85/hr I MAKE MORE THAN THAT. So again whats your point??

Whats your point Nos??? Unless the east got a pay raise that we know nothing about, top 737/a320 fo pay in the east is 85/hr I MAKE MORE THAN THAT. So again whats your point??

Please check out the 7 year f/o pay for america west. The last two years east got a lump sum, you did not. You lied when you said you made more than a East pilot. I am going to tie both hands behind my back and post with my nose to make it fair for you. You were hired November 2003 and act like a victim of some kind.

You come from a notorious group of pilots that scabed, accusing others that never did.
You making excuses for being a union busting scab GG? SCAB is as SCAB does my man!! No excuses. Real trade unionist dont want to hear the reasons you feel you had to do it, you're still a SCAB once you do.


Ahh you see, SCABS feel they can walk off the street and take something someone else has spent the time and sweat effort doing. Sort of like a 3 year pilot feeling he has the right to advance into positions that others had been waiting a lot longer for and made sacrifices to preserve. If anything, USAPA is a fight to stop the scab mentality that goes hand in hand with what you advocate.

If you start bringing up, well we saved you blah, blah blah you are full of it and which will do nothing but bring a deluge of facts supporting the opposing sides of the view of where the real worth of the airline is and what has kept it going. When you look at the revenue generation of the company, you are on the losing side of that but really that is an argument that is beyond the scope of what you do which fly airplanes and any free market argument is irrelevant in "Trade Unionism."
Please check out the 7 year f/o pay for america west. The last two years east got a lump sum, you did not. You lied when you said you made more than a East pilot. I am going to tie both hands behind my back and post with my nose to make it fair for you. You were hired November 2003 and act like a victim of some kind.

You come from a notorious group of pilots that scabed, accusing others that never did.

I'm on 8yr pay nos and earned more per hr than the east on 7yr pay as well!! You got a lump sum well bully for you! I come for a group of HONORABLE pilots Nos and not one of them ever, EVER busted a union! Not one!! You did and that means you are the lowest form of scab there is!! You make all the excuses you want but nothing will ever change that fact. You are not a union pilot Nos you are a union busting scab!

Ahh you see, SCABS feel they can walk off the street and take something someone else has spent the time and sweat effort doing. Sort of like a 3 year pilot feeling he has the right to advance into positions that others had been waiting a lot longer for and made sacrifices to preserve. If anything, USAPA is a fight to stop the scab mentality that goes hand in hand with what you advocate.

If you start bringing up, well we saved you blah, blah blah you are full of it and which will do nothing but bring a deluge of facts supporting the opposing sides of the view of where the real worth of the airline is and what has kept it going. When you look at the revenue generation of the company, you are on the losing side of that but really that is an argument that is beyond the scope of what you do which fly airplanes and any free market argument is irrelevant in "Trade Unionism."

Spoken like a TRUE SCAB GG, preach on brother preach on. See GEORGE, SCABS have all sorts of excuses why they feel they needed to SCAB but at the end of the day my man, they are still just SCABS!! Usapa will for ever be a true UNION BUSTING scab outfit. Lets forget about who save who because you already know the truth on that but you feel better with your head buried in the sand so that we'll just let be. USAPA is about freedom yet they dont allow the west to communicate. Some freedom huh GG??

Its the end of the day and USAPA is still just another union busting scab outfit. You're a member too right??

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