US Pilots Labor Discussion

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No dreamin, the only dream is of NIC gone by, fragmentation before any contract I'm afraid!MM!


Ever stop and think that if the company is fragmented, the east's most senior pilots could get screwed the worse. I am talking about the 330 guys who would have nowhere to go, when nobody takes them with the planes.

Oh, and then there are the antique 757/767s that will hit the desert, no jobs for those guys. Probably the same for most of the 737s as well.
You, Seham usapa equal SCAB! Here is the proof.
How organizations find union bustersClients may seek out labor consultants based on experience, track record, language skills, and reputation. Labor laws differ from one nation to another, therefore global experience with international labor relations law may be a factor. The E.U has recently seen an influx of counter organizing activity largely due to U.S. companies establishing satellite divisions on the European continent and Asia. Some multi-national corporations have pre-established relationships with U.S. consultancies

Oh and your little tiny threat about not forgetting me, you aint gonna do jack but run your mouth!! Thats what SCABS do!!

AWA320 and TRUE PILOT ADVOCATE! Now what??????
Pretty sad, indeed. I made no threats, directly or implied. Only a promise that I wouldn't forget you. I'll bet there are lots of east folks on here that feel the same way, Ray.

And you do seem to run your mouth alot. So I guess you were right about what SCABS do. I never knew that detail myself, since I've never known or worked with any.
Tell me in great detail how the company will go along with your/usapa ILLEGAL list?

Oldie...please let the bullshit end.

Dude, the BS ended Monday. It's all over. For details on the list, watch the December PHX Crew News video. Doug will explain it all to you. You may have been there and heard him explain it the first time, you just don't comprehend.

See that light at the end of the tunnel? That's the DOH train, bearing right down on ya. You can get on, or let it run you over, your choice.
Here, the Plaintiffs’ claims are even weaker than the claims of the America West
pilots that the Ninth Circuit held were unripe. While USAPA’s refusal to negotiate a CBA
incorporating the merged seniority list resulted in actual furloughs of some America West pilots
that would not otherwise have occurred, here, the Plaintiffs may be injured only if (i) USAPA
agrees to violate its constitution by implementing the Arbitration Board’s merged seniority list as
part of a new comprehensive collective bargaining agreement, (ii) the US Airways pilots agree
by majority vote to ratify that new collective bargaining agreement,10 and (iii) the list is
implemented without any conditions to alleviate or eliminate the perceived negative effect on the
9 See USAPA Constitution and Bylaws, Exhibit A to the Supplemental Declaration of James L. Linsey (“Supp.
Linsey Decl.”), at 8, § 8.D and 25, § 5.A.3.
10 The court in Addington noted that “[a]dditionally, USAPA's final proposal may yet be one that does not work
the disadvantages Plaintiffs fear, even if that proposal is not the Nicolau Award,” and thus the implementation of a
CBA that does not include the Arbitration Board’s merged list would not necessarily be a breach of USAPA’s DFR.
2010 WL 2220058 at *5.
Case 1:05-cv-04751-NG -VVP Document 118 Filed 06/25/10 Page 12 of 37
Plaintiffs. Indeed, such an action by USAPA and the US Airways pilots would be a superseding
cause breaking any chain of causation emanating from ALPA’s alleged DFR breach. See Ramey
v. Dist. 141, IAM, 473 F.Supp.2d 365, 368 (E.D.N.Y. 2007) (dismissing DFR claim because
unforeseen events broke chain of causation). Thus, even more so than in Addington, there are
“contingencies that could prevent effectuation of [the Opinion and Award] and the
accompanying injury,” and Plaintiffs’ claims should be dismissed as unripe. Addington, 2010
WL 2220058, at *4.
You see NIC , the NIC will never be a forced position on USAPA, because ALPA want's no part of it! As evidenced by their(ALPA's) response. Say it "internal union process"!
Hey Nos, my gross in 2010 was north of a $100k. As an East F/O, what was yours? Just curious.

I called you out correctly as a hypocrite sir. You have dragged the industry down in pay, credibility and honor for years. Now you are showing me what a big one you have lately, very low class.

america west pilots flew drugs, crossed picket lines, made less than any pilot since your inception. Your ceo did not have the sense of responsibility when he got behind a wheel after drinking for the fourth time in recent history.

You are a cyst on the reputation of the pilot profession and airlines in general.
We, and by "we" I mean the mojority of east folks, want nothing more than for you to have "an unquestionably ripe" DFR. Please, help us accomplish that endeavor. You see, you won't get one until we have a RATIFIED contract, and that most certainly WILL include DOH + C&Rs. Then, sue away.

Can we count on your support?

Read my reply to RR.

The West does not want "an unquestionably ripe DFR". You do, but you are not going to get it.

usapa is incapable of negotiating a contract. You will never get DOH into a ratified contract. And, if by some incredible quirk of fate you do, the contract will never be implemented as it will be immediately barred by injunction, once it is "unquestionably ripe".

usapa has created a catch 22 intentionally to delay the process. They have put the company into a bad place, and that is why Wake and Graber saw that the Addington case was ripe.

For all the east lurker out there, there is no contract coming under usapa. The company knows it, the West knows it, Wake and Graber knew it.

And, they are not fooling anyone, we all know usapa knows it.
Read my reply to RR.

The West does not want "an unquestionably ripe DFR". You do, but you are not going to get it.

usapa is incapable of negotiating a contract. You will never get DOH into a ratified contract. And, if by some incredible quirk of fate you do, the contract will never be implemented as it will be immediately barred by injunction, once it is "unquestionably ripe".

usapa has created a catch 22 intentionally to delay the process. They have put the company into a bad place, and that is why Wake and Graber saw that the Addington case was ripe.

For all the east lurker out there, there is no contract coming under usapa. The company knows it, the West knows it, Wake and Graber knew it.

And, they are not fooling anyone, we all know usapa knows it.
Wake and Bybee, dude, Wake and Bybee. At least get the names right.
Hey Richard, did you get cancelled today?

Yes, I did..actually yesterday. And today. And a DH home tomorrow. Because I started the trip, and then subsequent leg(s) were flown by other pilots I am pay protected for the original value of my 4 day. The other day will be above that.

Our cancellation policy really lags yours, and I really like your 5+15 for 24 off on a trip..good rigs!

But ours overall is not that really hurts the 76 and 330 guys when a Europe turn cancels..but for the rest of us just getting onto the trip at some point usually protects us for the trip value. It does smart when you get extra time on the first 3 days of a 4 day, then go irregular ops on the last day..and only get the trip value.

But thanks for asking. And I know how you meant it.

Thanks for the correction.

So many judges, CEOs, Lawyers, have told you that you are not getting DOH, I am starting to confuse the names.

I will be more careful in the future.
Hate to call your bluff, but go ahead, name one. And west guys or their lawyers, or Mr. Nic, of course, don't count. And, we're not even asking for DOH, only DOH with C&Rs.

Go ahead, we're all waiting........
But so far you and your friends' attempts at sabotage have failed miserably. But thanks, at least, for being honest about your intentions to do so.

Really? Seen a DOH seniority list at LCC yet?

Say it with me Oldie...the only accepted system seniority list at LCC is the Nicolau Award.

Gonna be that way for the duration.
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