US Pilots Labor Discussion

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The faena is in full view as we speak.

And to be clear, you and all of our pilots (excepting our own Mike Davis) will always be politely welcome in my jumpseat, no questions asked.


It most certainly is, the ironic part is usapa thinks it is the matador, when in reality it is the bull that has been running in circles chasing the red cape of DOH.

PS. Since I do not know the guy, even Mike Davis is welcome on my jumpseat.
Well the BREEGER case will be ripe also, get in line! MM!

Unlike the West pilots the Breeger suit has no claim against the company, only usapa. Further, they have no claim if the Nic is used.

Wow, that was a really short line. After all is sad and done and the Nic implemented, there is no line at all.
What kind of person says I am fine with my industry worst contract? how about you?

And what kind of person is happy to be the second worst in the industry, is that all you really have to go on. I'm still laughing at you son.!!!!
Oh this is rich, all westies apply over at CAL/UAL upgrade is just a few short years and the bonus you get ALPO back, now that's unless the mighty UAL caves on scope and lets all sorts of RJ's on the property, thanks for the laugh reminded me when I got hired here 30 yrs ago, "you'll upgrade in 4 to 5 yrs" right!!!!!
Don't get your panties in a bunch luv. You would never get hired anyway if US liquidates, so it really doesn't apply to you and its pretty irrelevant what you believe.

Speaking of UA caving on scope, did you see that ALPA won the grievance against UA on the recent RJ scope violation? Tell me again about how we plan to cave. :rolleyes: Once again you only believe that which supports your view of the world. Absent that you make it up as you go.
Don't get your panties in a bunch luv. You would never get hired anyway if US liquidates, so it really doesn't apply to you and its pretty irrelevant what you believe.

Speaking of UA caving on scope, did you see that ALPA won the grievance against UA on the recent RJ scope violation? Tell me again about how we plan to cave. :rolleyes: Once again you only believe that which supports your view of the world. Absent that you make it up as you go.
Oh, so now you make the hiring decisions at UAL too. Yep, you're truly a legend in your own mind.
Now that I know who you are Ray, your lottery reference is even more poignant. You guys were always nice enough, but always thought somehow the world owed you a living. Your insistence on being owed a certain part of “the pie” because of your supposed contribution to the merger is now legendary. Your stale piece of pie is now much smaller with the closure of the Las Vegas base, and getting staler all the time. In fact, you might think about putting it your freezer so you can marvel at it with your grandkids.

We came into this merger with our sub standard LOA 93, but paid the price in blood and careers lost to secure a strong, enforceable, and potentially fruitful Section I. You came in with a holier than thou attitude, only slightly better wages, and no scope other than some soon to be fleeting minimum fleet protections under the always amendable TA.

You never really negotiated in earnest for seniority, always figuring the “worst” you would do is actual DOH. You won that bet, but it now appears your chances of ever cashing in that chip are nil.

We held out for DOH, incorrectly assuming our own union would at least follow its own merger guidelines and find a happy medium. We lost that bet.

Excepting both our chances at compromise (and you did not participate..could have had LOS for furlough!) at Wye River….. here we be! That “place” continues to favor the East, with yesterday’s ruling being yet another small and unnecessary win.

A new union with DOH as its charter, and no compromise in sight, other than whatever conditions and restrictions you can get. The faena is in full view as we speak.

And to be clear, you and all of our pilots (excepting our own Mike Davis) will always be politely welcome in my jumpseat, no questions asked.


You sir, are spot on.... applause
Oh, so now you make the hiring decisions at UAL too. Yep, you're truly a legend in your own mind.
Hey - did you notice the part where I said hypothetically speaking? As usual you forego comprehension in favor of attacks. My point is that if US liquidates or fragments, as you guys are now wishing for, the west pilots out of a job will be much better off than the you old east farts. :p
Speaking of UA caving on scope, did you see that ALPA won the grievance against UA on the recent RJ scope violation?

Do you actually call that a win? CAL grieved the placement of 70 seat RJ's which UAL has no limit on into their system and out of their hubs. ALPA won only that the CAL code couldn't be placed on the flights or sold on Those flights can still be sold as operated with the UAL code as code share flights and sold through or other distribution channels such as Orbitz, Expedia, etc. If I am not mistaken, there isn't a restriction in the "win" for Newark because "New York" was a UAL base and those flights can be marketed without even that weak restriction. The only true penalty for UAL/CAL is they might miss a passenger or two that would only look on but any passengers sophisticated enough to check more than one distribution channel will book the flight and the flights will operate as planned stepping all over the intent of the Continental pilots scope section which was negotiated by ALPA and just very poorly defended by ALPA.

So you guys should be proud there at UAL, your scope is now crapping all over the CAL pilots contract. Before you cite an ALPA win, you better know what you are talking about. Are you really UAL?
Unlike the West pilots the Breeger suit has no claim against the company, only usapa. Further, they have no claim if the Nic is used.

Wow, that was a really short line. After all is sad and done and the Nic implemented, there is no line at all.
The NIC won't be implemented, Naughler would have a very valid claim against the company! MM! Exposing the company to litigation! Breeger becomes ripe when Addington does, take your pick, the company is in no way obligated to assume any bargaining position leaving it an "internal union process" to be left to the union! MM!
Hey butterhead, did you notice the part where I said hypothetically speaking? As usual you forego comprehension in favor of attacks. My point is that if US liquidates or fragments, as you guys are now wishing for, the west pilots out of a job will be much better off than the you old east farts. :p
Yea, I missed it. BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T SAY IT. So I guess we could label that post as stupid or a lie. Take your pick. (actually, it's both, but I'm feeling charitable today)
I'm sure it is on a day like this in CLT, it's working out just fine for you guys. You get paid for wx cancellations, right?

Actually, depending on where and how it gets cancelled, we can make MORE money.

All part of being a real airline pilot, my young apprentice. If it weren't for days like these, if the weather were always like in PHX, you could train chimps to do it. Oh wait, I see they already have!
Unlike the West pilots the Breeger suit has no claim against the company, only usapa. Further, they have no claim if the Nic is used.

Wow, that was a really short line. After all is sad and done and the Nic implemented, there is no line at all.

You (West) also currently have no legitimate claims "against the company " or USAPA. In fact, you do not have any active lawsuits. None. Nada. All dismissed at the highest level. You and Breeger are indeed strange difference in the end. Though I would argue theirs is an honorable claim..but only against ALPA and the PI pilots, and not USAPA.

What are you counting on?..the Company's own groundless lawsuit as giving you some sort of leverage? Judge Silver could indeed go off the reservation, ala Wake, but remember..all roads lead eventually to the Ninth. A dead end for all Spartans.

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