US Pilots Labor Discussion

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You are as incorrect as two left feet. The fact of the matter is you have no idea what you are even talking about, How is the RLA a process of negotiations??? Its not!! The RLA is the law that covers airlines and trains. It has ZERO to do with negotiations. You need to educate yourself next time before you post.

No spin here at all as I know that the company offered several percentages over west book and the pilots in the east were shielded from the information.

I know usapa begs you all to get out here and post to try and save them but the word is out and usapa is on borrowed time. Once the loa93 loss hits and those senior guys you have realize they retire under LOA93 with nothing to look fwd to but the PBGC you will have lost the biggest part of that sorry excuse for a union.

Get to work on just how you are gonna spin that! I guess you may as well start the process on how you are gonna spin the DJ which should be out by spring. There is a lot of spin work ahead for you better get started.

We were offered several percentages over west book and were not told? And the west would have settled for it? We get it anything for NIC!, and us senior guy's didn't know way back when retiring under loa93 was a possibility , sort of like relizing my kids got older and someone was going to have to pay college expenses, No! a sorry excuse for a union "gave" my, "yes gave" MY "pension away in the middle of the night. I am thankful I have the PBGC, so spin that, and a pension investigation, As for your DJ, stall tactic by a scumbag company looking for the next transaction ! JAMIE JG, JJ, MM! ALPA SUX
Another reason for the break-up of USAIRWAYS, compare it to the Market share of DAL can you say , parts fo sale!(DCA slots, west operation) JAMIE, JJ, JG , MM!
WerJan 07, 2011 (SmarTrend(R) News Watch via COMTEX) -- Below are the top five companies in the Airlines industry as measured by their Debt To Equity ratio. The Debt/Equity ratio measures a company's leverage and a high level often implies that a company has financed much of its growth with debt.

US Airways Group (NYSE:LCC) has a Debt/Equity ratio of 59.84x based on total debt of $4.4 billion.

e # 1 Thanx team Tempe!
If a fragmentation comes the bottom half of the east will be on the street faster than the bottom half of the West.

Plus those on the east will not be hired elsewhere. Their age (not to mention their personality and history) is their death sentence in that regard. In 2 years Delta and United will be in full hiring swing again. Anyone on the west who is on the street in the above scenario will quickly find themselves at a legacy airline moving up quickly.
Another reason for the break-up of USAIRWAYS, compare it to the Market share of DAL can you say , parts fo sale!(DCA slots, west operation) JAMIE, JJ, JG , MM!
So you are back to fragmentation again. Come on what have you done to advance your dream. You keep talking and hoping. Do something about it.

Let's see some action not just the usual blabber from the east.
So you are back to fragmentation again. Come on what have you done to advance your dream. You keep talking and hoping. Do something about it.

Let's see some action not just the usual blabber from the east.
Might check your situational awareness, Team tempe has 2 choices , a joint CBA that allows the WEST to be downsized or shut down to cover EAST attrition and int'l growth, or split this baby up, either way the EAST will NEVER , regardless of what a court says, vote for a seniority proposal, that allows EAST pilots to lose jobs to pilots hired a decade plus after them! NOW BLAB on CLEAR!MM!
I guess the company doesnt share the usapa view of an arbitration as a negotiating proposal.

The Ninth even opined it was an internal union matter... No need to guess about that... it's clearly written.
Anyone on the west who is on the street in the above scenario will quickly find themselves at a legacy airline moving up quickly.
This is funny, I'm sure they are all guaranteed jobs, I would love to see how quickly they move up on the BOTTOM of a 10,000 pilot list. You really crack me up. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Why answer my question with a question? Why would the company need to seek as you put it "cover"?? Think it may have something to do with breaching a contract? I guess the company doesnt share the usapa view of an arbitration as a negotiating proposal. I have to give it seham, just thow as much crap on the wall as you can and see what you can get to stick.

No indemnity for LCC against west law suits means no DOH for you and usapa. Now we've hit the lose, lose situation. Some will lose far more than others. Those that retire in 12 lose the most and its just goes on from there.

Your turn now to answer my question.


Your question was answered by Oldie... WE DO HAVE DATE OF HIRE... A new contract will take time as the company is not at all eager to do anything to get embroiled in the litigation happy west contingent nor are they eager to increase their costs... so what else is so obscure to you?
Anyone on the west who is on the street in the above scenario will quickly find themselves at a legacy airline moving up quickly.
That may well occur... but they'll be lucky enough to be furlough fodder in the next downturn... NO NIC FOR THEM!
Your question was answered by Oldie... WE DO HAVE DATE OF HIRE... A new contract will take time as the company is not at all eager to do anything to get embroiled in the litigation happy west contingent nor are they eager to increase their costs... so what else is so obscure to you?
Nothing is obscure!
It all seemed soooo easy in your fictitious world, didn't it? You had all the answers, didn't you. How's that working out for you now?
Nothing is obscure!
It all seemed soooo easy in your fictitious world, didn't it? You had all the answers, didn't you. How's that working out for you now?
It is actually working out quite nicely... thank you for asking!
Plus those on the east will not be hired elsewhere. Their age (not to mention their personality and history) is their death sentence in that regard. In 2 years Delta and United will be in full hiring swing again. Anyone on the west who is on the street in the above scenario will quickly find themselves at a legacy airline moving up quickly.
Oh so your advocating "AGE DISCRIMINATION" you know that's against the law! Don't care will be retired, BTW they will get there DOH isn't that kind of you! JAMIE, JJ, JG, MM! Or STAPELING as you say.
Nothing is obscure!
It all seemed soooo easy in your fictitious world, didn't it? You had all the answers, didn't you. How's that working out for you now?
That particular clip has been explained on here at LEAST a thousand times (speaking for effect here). Either you're really dense or you just refuse to understand. I'm guessing some of both.
Might check your situational awareness, Team tempe has 2 choices , a joint CBA that allows the WEST to be downsized or shut down to cover EAST attrition and int'l growth, or split this baby up, either way the EAST will NEVER , regardless of what a court says, vote for a seniority proposal, that allows EAST pilots to lose jobs to pilots hired a decade plus after them! NOW BLAB on CLEAR!MM!
READ CAREFULLY MM. I never said anything about seniority. I said get to work and do something about implementing your dream of fragmentation. If you can do it will never have to live under the Nicolau a bonus for you. Get to work and stop talking about it like all you east guys ever do.

I don't want a contract usapa could even neg. so split this baby. I would like nothing better than to get away from you east guys. Go inflict your special pain on another group. Who BTW will be the majority and I am sure would love to demonstrate how majority voting works for them.

Stop talking start doing.

What does usapa say. Watch what them do not what them say. You say a lot of things. I don't see you doing much.
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