US Pilots Labor Discussion

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C'mon Tania, we all know ALPA sold off the older pilots by their give away program, seperate ratification was never going to get a contract, besides the NIC won't get one either, the only hour glass sands that will be up are the ones that the RISK is attached to! MM!

:lol: :lol: He thinks you're Tania hahaha HEY JJ, Preach has an extra part that Tania doesnt have.

I believe your the one that mentioned BIG raises, I guess the AFA was incapable too, EAST attitude, better than the WEST attitude " MY NIC with LOA 93", ! MM!
It was the arbitrator the said the AWA dispatchers would get the bigger raises. Therefore would get DOH.

It will be the east pilots that will be getting the bigger raise, if usapa is capable of getting a contract. So what you guys want is all of it. The bigger raise and DOH.

But at this point usapa can't even get small raises.
JJ, we bring it up so that you can see just how foolish you are behaving. The arguement you are using is not unlike stating "you are holding out for something worse"!


That's about it, AWA 320. Totally comical, just like clowns at the circus or the Three Stooges.
And thx for passing on the info to JJ, I just returned from the head and i'm definitely not a Tania.
The only foolishness is your lack of understanding is the NIC is a no go item! MM!

Well then JAMIE you will remain at the industy bottom until a contract is imposed upon you/us! I can assure you of one certainty and that is, having a say in your contract is far better than having on imposed. This fight over your not wishing to accept the nic award is costly and one you can never win. This has been pointed out time and time again and still you usapains think you can just ignore a binding agreement and put in what you wish without suffering severe penalty. Now the company is going to be forced to use the nic. What you guys need to decide is if you want to be forced to take a substandard contract!

You do love to ignore the "boxes" you paint yourself into, don't you Nos?

The Empire pilots kept their DOH in SYR on the F28. No such protection for the West pilots, hence better. Kagel extended that to all F28 bases.

Now your "facts" box...

and...syr was closed as a base.
It seems to still be going. SCOTUS is going to talk about it on the 7th. Judge Silver is going to decide sometime soon. We keep talking about here. Sure seems to be going to me.
Both will toss faster than the chicken and noodles at a japanese steak house, and ok you know my name JJ okay if it makes you feel better! JJ!
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