Well actually were surpassing tha APA raise by quite alot, and yes! With ou COC provision we just sue!
That has worked do well in the past. Great idea.
Well actually were surpassing tha APA raise by quite alot, and yes! With ou COC provision we just sue!
NO BRAINER HERE! DUI has already approached! Good luck on the LIH non rev thing !That has worked do well in the past. Great idea.
So be it. Parker took the cowardly approach to "leadership". If it burns his dream merger...too bad.
I'm not going to place any bets either way but I hope they don't get it done until next year.I don't know Bob. This thing is on a pretty fast track and by the time the curtain gets pulled back on the "Wizard" it will be a done deal. If he really needed the East and West to do this deal, he wouldn't have given us the "mushroom" treatment like he has so far.
Furthermore, I don't think the money folks give a rats ass about pilots in misery, as long as they have an injunction, the metal gets moved and lots of labor cost gets saved. Not much to hate, if you are a money man on Wall Street!
We shall see.
The nic will be settled one way or another. Don't lose sight or Parkers's hands while we are all distracted by the Nic. Nic or doh might be small issues if we don't keep our eyes on the Tempe Tabernacle Team.Since you C&BLs mandate DOH you're going to try and submit something non-Nic.
Since Parker is also at the table and, seeing this submission as unacceptable do to the potential litigation it may bring, Parker will step in and not allow it.
This will then go to arbitration.
The joint solution is the Nic.
Doug doesn't have the financial or backing of APA to "STRUCTURE " a deal for the COC if you read the agreement carefully, the APA put in it that AMR MNGMNT was not eligble for any COC kickback in their contract, in fact he has already approached USAPA about giving it up! I see a T/A (10% chance it happens) 7 years of litigation, stagnent WEST(if not sold off first) , raises, COC litigation and no combined airline for at LEAST 10 years! All 3 JUST AS SEAJAY PREDICTS! But I do see massive overlap layoffs as DUI moves to DFW!
The nic will be settled one way or another. Don't lose sight or Parkers's hands while we are all distracted by the Nic. Nic or doh might be small issues if we don't keep our eyes on the Tempe Tabernacle Team.
So this is where you and BEAN, ex STUDIO 54 employees went to work sure explains alot!I bet you miss Crystal palace ...Team tempe just sounds so much better doesnt it? Amazing to go back through the years and hear, see and smell the same ole arguments..Unions agaisnt management! Sad sad sad...Maybe one day someone will get a clue on how to work together instead of thinking up of stupid names for HQ! Its soooo yesterday!
Maybe MM will do an interview to articulate the USAPA position.
Compass Correction Coalition, Keeping Our Union Honest. ?
(Not really, but if we say it enough you will buy it.)
Keeping our Union Honest:
The self proclaimed mantra of the Compass Correction Coalition. Sound good? But really, who are these guys? A self appointed committee to claim dominium over the truth of all things USAPA? Sounds a little self serving doesnt it? Of course it does because it is self serving and arrogant.
So what is really the truth with the CCC crowd? Well thats a not so well guarded secret packaged in a pretty box with a bow. No matter what you think youre buying into with the CCC, what you get is unbridled self interest for the benefit of the few at the expense of the many. Wanna see how? Keep reading.
Lets look at the April 27th Compass Correction post, Making Ourselves Irrelevant, of Elwood Woody Menear and Rich Wargin, self proclaimed Truth Sayers that they are. In this post they opine in the very first paragraph that our duly elected and Compass Correction supported USAPA president Gary Hummel
ran on the idea that only one of the 29 Sections of our contract is internally contentious.
Really, because I gotta tell you, there are 6 letters posted by USAPA President Gary Hummel in the approved Allied Union Services venue during his campaign and not once did Captain Hummel proffer the above mentioned idea as a campaign promise, insight, commitment or plank. Does it look like Woody and Rich are representing a falsehood as a truth? Of course they are, but they believe you will buy into the idea without hesitation. Why? Keep reading.
A little further review of the matter and it becomes a bit clearer. As a good stand up guy, Captain Wayne Mann penned an endorsement for Gary Hummel and posted that endorsement on February 13, 2012 through the Allied Union Services venue. Nothing wrong there; A stand up guy supporting his candidate.
Here is an excerpt from that post:
During the Second World War, the communications officer for the Nazi party utilized the communication tactic that came to be known as the Big Lie Theory. Simply put it relied on the state controlled communication process to disseminate information that the bigger the lie, the easier it would be to convince the masses that it is the truth.
An excellent reference to a historical propaganda premise that applies to the communications disseminated by the boys at the Compass Correction Coalition. Yep, ole Woody and Rich are trying to pull another fast one.
You see, what Woody and Rich are actually doing is trying to convince you that a sentiment that has been a longstanding position of Eric Ferguson and the AOL group is actually a new idea brought forth in Gary Hummels campaign. Now the question becomes why would these two self appointed Sayers of Truth employ the Big Lie Theory and make a connection with Eric Ferguson and Leonidas, (the boys trying to leap frog seniority), and Gary Hummel?
I wonder if they have a hidden agenda? An ulterior motive? Does self interest play a role? Well I am going to go with NIC for Pay as the number one answer to those questions. Who cares if a bunch a guys gets thrown under the seniority bus? Woody and Rich need a new pair of shoes. Self interest, its not hard to spot.
Remember, a little woody.!
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