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US Pilots Labor Discussion

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In summation: "Waaah!..I want my nic!...You meanies won't just hand it to me!....Gimme' my nic!.....Waaah!" 😉
I think Woody and Eric.x.2 are great guys but I'm afraid that they would fight with Clear if you threw a rattle and a nipple in their crib. :lol:
Waaah! I want my DOH. Give me my DOH. Waaaah!!!! Why won't you rookies just give me my DOH! Waaaah! 🙁
Clear realx, we are going to have DOH, just get use to it. If I were you guys I would be worried, lets see AA is going to have a fence on their widebodies, East is going to have a fence on their widebodies, and west is going to have a......... waiit a minute you don't have widebodies. Oh no.
Waaah! I want my DOH. Give me my DOH. Waaaah!!!! Why won't you rookies just give me my DOH! Waaaah! 🙁

"Why won't you rookies just give me my DOH!" The answer to that?...Well...that's easy = You've a pronounced spiritual deficiency, coupled with complete contempt for persons more experienced than yourself, plus an amazingly infantile sense of "entitlement"...what that last is even conceivably based on, I'll never understand 😉
EXCEPT FROM THE BPR UPDATE However, if the CBA succeeds, Captain Bates stated that they need other pieces to fall into place such as a new Transition Agreement, fences, and then the representational issues (who will represent the pilots: APA, USAPA, Teamsters, etc). The last issue that will have to be addressed is seniority, which is governed by the McCaskill-Bond Amendment. Captain Bates also pointed out that the APA is neutral on the current USAPA seniority issue.
"Why won't you rookies just give me my DOH!" The answer to that?...Well...that's easy = You've a pronounced spiritual deficiency, coupled with complete contempt for persons more experienced than yourself, plus an amazingly infantile sense of "entitlement"...what that last is even conceivably based on, I'll never understand 😉

"Spiritual deficiency'? Really? From persons as morally bankrupt as yourselves, that's a good one.
From persons as morally bankrupt as yourselves, that's a good one.

"morally bankrupt"? = BS. Your bunch defines such. The day never came, nor ever will, when I could EVER say to another person with more time worked than myself: "Move over!...'cause I'm SPECIAL!" 😉
EXCEPT FROM THE BPR UPDATE However, if the CBA succeeds, Captain Bates stated that they need other pieces to fall into place such as a new Transition Agreement, fences, and then the representational issues (who will represent the pilots: APA, USAPA, Teamsters, etc). The last issue that will have to be addressed is seniority, which is governed by the McCaskill-Bond Amendment. Captain Bates also pointed out that the APA is neutral on the current USAPA seniority issue.

Just a "heads up". The company said that they were neutral on the seniority issue, until that horse couldn't be ridden any longer. When it was time to actually stand in front of a judge and state their position "for the record" in a court of law, what did their lawyer have to say? That little "coloration" of their position bought them what, 4 or 5 years of LOA93 wages, with liberty and justice for all. It might be prudent to consider the reasons that APA might choose to color their position that way at this time. I do not believe that they wish to be party to the impending DFR.
"morally bankrupt"? = BS. Your bunch defines such. The day never came, nor ever will, when I could EVER say to another person with more time worked than myself: "Move over!...'cause I'm SPECIAL!" 😉
More time worked where? Are you going to demand credit at AA? How about the guys that have worked at several airlines before them came to AWA? Does that time count?

Do we have a national seniority list? How does your argument work for the guys that were furloughed? They were not working yet you demand credit for them by using DOH.

How about inventing your own seniority list and C&R then trying to impose it on a smaller group? Karma is a ####.

So yes, morally bankrupt! You made an agreement, you broke that agreement.
So yes, morally bankrupt! You made an agreement, you broke that agreement.

Show me my signature on any such "agreement" I supposedly made. What I've promised, and will adhere to, is NEVER voting for anything nic inclusive. That promise will be kept.

I'll leave you to your sad little world wherein all morality is clearly a "relative" issue.
Show me my signature on any such "agreement" I supposedly made. What I've promised, and will adhere to, is NEVER voting for anything nic inclusive. That promise will be kept.

I'll leave you to your sad little world wherein all morality is clearly a "relative" issue.
Every Easthole in the book can vote no until the end of time. You'll never, ever stop the Nic from being crammed up your six. You really should start whining on the AA boards about your poor crappy career choices. Maybe those guys would be willing to lose their pensions and work rules to help you out. :lol: :lol:

Judge Silver is going to end this for good. Accept it or don't. Jump off a bridge. We don't care.
Every Easthole in the book can vote no until the end of time. You'll never, ever stop the Nic from being crammed up your six. You really should start whining on the AA boards about your poor crappy career choices. Maybe those guys would be willing to lose their pensions and work rules to help you out. :lol: :lol:

Judge Silver is going to end this for good. Accept it or don't. Jump off a bridge. We don't care.

"You've a pronounced spiritual deficiency, coupled with complete contempt for persons more experienced than yourself, plus an amazingly infantile sense of "entitlement"...what that last is even conceivably based on, I'll never understand.."

Sigh!...I rest my case 😉
Show me my signature on any such "agreement" I supposedly made. What I've promised, and will adhere to, is NEVER voting for anything nic inclusive. That promise will be kept.

I'll leave you to your sad little world wherein all morality is clearly a "relative" issue.

Your hired CBA made that "agreement" for you (alpa).

Outcome through binding arbitration is the Nicolau Award.

Company accepted the Nicolau Award as SLI for Us Airways pilots per the Transitional Agreement. Stated such under oath and in front of Judge Silver recently in the DJ.

You don't get to vote on Section 22 because it's done, complete and FINISHED with a joint contract with the COMPANY per the current Transitional Agreement in effect.

Have a nice day..... 😉

There is a report that the APA-US Airways Term Sheet for Group IV (B-767-400, B787-8/9/10, A332/333/340/350, B-777) pay rates will be $216/hour at DOS and $250/hour at year five." For US Airways' A330 Captains that is an immediate $56/hour raise and $90/hour raise within 5 years. F/O pay based on 68% would be $146.88/hour DOS and $170/hour in 5 years. In five years an A330 F/O would make more than current Captain pay rates.

Today Doug Parker told the BPR the no furlough clause APA-US Airways Term Sheet applies to both the US Airways and American's pilots.
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