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US Pilots Labor Discussion

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The proposed US Airways-AMR merger is a reverse merger similar in scope to the US Airways-America West merger with US Airways the surviving company. I believe the CoC clause does not apply in the proposed merger because US Airways is the surviving business enterprise.

If the CoC clause applies then why was it not triggered in the US Airways-America West merger?

According to APA, "Airline industry seniority integrations are now governed by the McCaskill-Bond Amendment, which became law in 2007. McCaskill-Bond requires a “fair and equitable” integration of seniority lists and includes a provision for a negotiated settlement between the parties. If the integration cannot be settled within 20 days, either party may refer the dispute to a neutral arbitrator, who must render a decision within 90 days. (In practice, the parties generally agree to extend the time limits as necessary.)"

At the April 20 APA DFW Domicile Meeting APA President Dave Bates how badly the AW-LCC seniority merger was done and said that this will be the opportunity to fix this for once and for all. It will fall under McCaskill-Bond which means it will be a 3 member board that decides if we can’t negotiate a deal and it will stick. There will be some kind of hard fence for wide body pilots.

Then later in the meeting apparently APA Membership/Furlough Committee Chairman Rusty McCaniels indicated APA's lawyers had differing opinions on It (the SLI), but said it should come out to where if you are at the 50 percentile point on your fleet your combined seniority number would put you at that place. Said that this along with seat pay protection might solve the Supp CC problem but if not then it would be decided by another 3 person panel.
No. The TA did not establish two separate pilot groups with two independent contracts.
Wow, this makes no sense.
The two contracts existed and remain in existence, until a single contract is in place.
So those contracts were not modified by the ta?

. Absent a negotiated single contract the two contracts remain the same and are still negotiable.
Well is the TA part of the "current" contracts?
The only reason the COC was not effective the arbiter ruled it was bunches of stock sold to different investors, so one group did not take control of US Airways.

January 7, 2008

Arbitration Panel Denies Change in Control Grievance

To : All IAM Members Employed By US Airways

Dear Sisters and Brothers :

The System Board of Adjustment created to resolve the Machinist Union’s Change in Control grievance today issued its decision. The neutral arbitrator, Richard I. Bloch, sided with US Airways and denied the grievance.

Full Decision

The issues surrounding the grievance were very complex. Arguments to the System Board involved different interpretations of the contract language, bankruptcy law and Delaware corporate law (where US Airways is incorporated). The Machinists union received differing opinions from legal experts regarding our chances of ultimately prevailing in the grievance. Because the potential stakes were so high, however, we had to go forward with the case even if our chances of winning were slim. Yet, the IAM never viewed the Change in Control grievance as the solution to all the membership’s issues.

While the IAM fought for a favorable resolution of the grievance, we simultaneously worked to reach negotiated transition agreements to improve pay, benefits and working conditions for all IAM-represented employees. Even winning the Change in Control arbitration would not have addressed pay inequities between East and West employees, fair seniority integration, job security improvements, and better and more secure pensions. Our bargaining efforts resulted in a tentative agreement for Fleet Service that, although ultimately rejected by the membership, would have significantly improved wages and job security in exchange for withdrawing the Change in Control grievance for Fleet Service employees.

Traditional Railway Labor Act bargaining is not scheduled to begin until late 2009 when the current East agreements become amendable. With the National Mediation Board having ruled that both East and West employee groups are combined under a single carrier, any efforts to reach an agreement that does not cover both groups would be fruitless and impractical. Only the current transition negotiations for the combined groups can achieve any gains prior to traditional negotiations, which won’t start until nearly two years from now.

Airline industry conditions, and the situation at US Airways in particular, have deteriorated in the last year, and those conditions could be even worse when traditional bargaining begins. The America West-US Airways merger presented a unique opportunity to address many of the membership’s issues prior to the amendable dates in our agreements, and that window still exists, but the bargaining environment is changing daily.

Therefore, in an attempt to improve the financial and working conditions of IAM members, direct negotiations with US Airways will resume. District 141 will return to the bargaining table January 22, 23 and 24 2008 and District 142 will continue bargaining January 29, 30 and 31, 2008.

Full membership solidarity is essential for the IAM to succeed in this bargaining. East and West, Fleet and Maintenance – we must all be united in our common goal of retrieving what was taken from us and making a career at US Airways a long-term, profitable endeavor.
Sorry Clear, The AA pilots are like us they don't want anyone that should not be jumping ahead of the line. Coming to save their jobs, well thats your department you westies are good at that. The joke about widebodies was to show how the west has such a sense of entitlement. It's going to be a DOH list with all sorts of conditions and restrictions just get use to it. You be on the 777 before you know it Skippy. Me, I'll be long gone!!!! 😉
Without those painful sacrifices, our airline wouldn't be in a position to be throwing a lifeline to the pilots of American Airlines.


Mike Gillies
PHL Vice Chairman

You better have a chat with Mr. Gilles since he is the one with the entitlement attitude.

It will not be DOH and it will include very few C&R. C&R cost money and the company does not want to spend it and the AA pilots do not want to give it up to protect the east from your poor career.

Go read A/M and tell us what method is used to integrate seniority? BTW the APA does not want any of us senior to them east or west. So if you think you are going to go in there and get a better deal for yourself and throw the west under the bus think again.

Lastly I can only hope that you and guys that think like you are gone very quickly. Tell you what if you are so concerned about the "junior" east pilots how about you leave now and give them your spot.
Lastly I can only hope that you and guys that think like you are gone very quickly. Tell you what if you are so concerned about the "junior" east pilots how about you leave now and give them your spot.
Let's see what the pension investigation comes up with, if we can get anything good out of it I would luv to give up my seat, you clowns should be hoping we prevail in some sort of way so there will be a mass exodus, we'll see!!!!! hang in there son.
First off, you have no AMR friends.

Second, they just dont care.
Hey JUNEBUG, myself, Claxon and Black Swan want to get together with you and take you to dinner some time when we have an overnight in PHX what do you say? And yes 2 college roomates from the late 70's fly for AA, hey I can see if they want to come.
This is a 7 year old form. What does it possibly have to do with what is going on now other than to show the fear you east guys are feeling.
Every straw is a lifeline, every molehill a mountain. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't there used to be a lot more Eastie Boys in this thread, I mean before USAPA's list of failures was as long as it is now? It looks like all that's left here is a handful of die-hards up to their necks in water, denying the ship is sinking. The S.S. USAPA drifts towards the sea bed while the Nicolau iceberg floats merrily along...
Every straw is a lifeline, every molehill a mountain. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't there used to be a lot more Eastie Boys in this thread, I mean before USAPA's list of failures was as long as it is now? It looks like all that's left here is a handful of die-hards up to their necks in water, denying the ship is sinking. The S.S. USAPA drifts towards the sea bed while the Nicolau iceberg floats merrily along...
Now that's very poetic.
Let's see what the pension investigation comes up with, if we can get anything good out of it I would luv to give up my seat, you clowns should be hoping we prevail in some sort of way so there will be a mass exodus, we'll see!!!!! hang in there son.

I really hope you guys get it, not because I hope to see you leave, but because I think it was a crime you lost it in the first place. That being said, I would say the chances of it are not good. I hope the lawyers being used are not like some of the sleazes USAPA uses, they tend to prey on lost, no chance in hell, causes. Best of luck.

A question for all easties:
We cannot use the Nic. until we have a single contract, this is so because the ta mandates it, correct?

If the part of the TA that requires a single contract in place to use the seniority list is currently valid, why do you believe the part of the same TA that requires the Nic. is not valid?
It's finished. What about the dinner?
Are you buying Move dinner because the Nic destroyer is finished? :unsure:

Is this your way of throwing in the towel and wishing him safe travels on his move to Charlotte?
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