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US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Leonidas Update: April 26, 2012

Last Friday, April 20, 2012, US Airways management signed Conditional Labor Agreements (CLAs) and “Agreements of Support” with the three largest American Airlines labor unions in order to pursue a merger between the two airlines. These agreements represent significant steps toward US Airways’ goal of merging with American Airlines. Mr. Parker has apparently been in negotiations with the three unions for several months as the CLAs are quite well developed. As more details emerged, we, like you, learned that in addition to sewing up support from American’s three major unions, Mr. Parker has assembled a financial proposal which is sure to be competitive against American Airlines' CEO Tom Horton’s plan to emerge from bankruptcy as an independent airline.

The enthusiasm with which the Allied Pilots Association (APA) is promoting the possibility of a merger, and their eagerness to sign the contract offered to them by Doug Parker, should come as no surprise considering the alternative that is staring them in the face courtesy of the bankruptcy court: “In fact, if management implemented their 1113 motion, the APA leadership and its advisers believe that the APA pilots would have the worst labor contract in the US airline industry “(APA: “AA-US Airways, our best alternative”)

However, many of the provisions the APA has already tentatively agreed to with US Airways management amount to serious concessions from the America West Contract, and some sections may even be worse than LOA 93! In light of the unilateral nature of negotiations so far, this is understandable, but not at all acceptable. For instance, the AWA scheduling section is, in most respects, industry-leading and should not be discarded in the interest of expediency. The same is true with most other aspects of the West agreement, other than pay. But even West pay, due to the other provisions of our contract, is significantly higher than it appears at first glance. It is our impression that our former AWA management may have mislead the APA into thinking they are getting a great deal in their haste to come to an agreement. But, we believe most West pilots would view vast swaths of the APA Agreement with Doug Parker as major, unacceptable concessions.

We know many of you are wondering what impact this has on the seniority dispute. At this time, the answer is straightforward: nothing. In the not-to-distant future, these events will likely create the “painfully ripe” threshold which Judge Tashima set as a condition for the West pilots to pursue DFR II. To us at Leonidas, and we presume most West pilots as well, the West perspective of this proposed merger is that of curious observers. We have made it clear for almost five years now: The West will not be bullied into acquiescing or forfeiting our seniority rights. When the founders of USAPA removed our collective bargaining voice, they also permanently removed the possibility of a compromise. Hence, there is only one seniority list recognized by US Airways, and that remains the Nicolau. It matters not with whom we might merge, or how much (or little) money is on the table. If handled properly, we think this transaction has potential benefits for every pilot involved, but we will not sacrifice our rights to accommodate it at our expense. And, regardless of whether or not this transaction comes to fruition, we wish our colleagues at American Airlines nothing but the best. However, we must remain abundantly clear today, just as we have been all along: there remains is no ability (or desire) for the West to negotiate away any of the rights embodied in the Nicolau Award, and we will continue to vigorously defend those rights.

Since 2007, we have managed to fund the litigation necessary to defend our seniority rights all by ourselves, as we had no one else to rely on. Many of our pilots have contributed, and continue to give to support our plight even in the face of personal financial hardship. Most of our former AWA pilots continued to fund our litigation even as they were on furloughed status. We salute those who have stood up for yourselves, your families, your fellow AWA pilots, and the rule of law by giving sacrificially to Leonidas, LLC as we seek to protect all of our careers.

Thank you for your support!

Leonidas, LLC

True to form unmitigated lowlifes...

Boeing Driver
True to form unmitigated lowlifes...

Boeing Driver

The westerners cheering is diminishing. Seems they have finally realized the APA does not bear the cross of Nic. as they dreamed, in fact it really doesn't matter at all. The APA is looking to Doug to save them, and will step on the back of Leonidas to achieve their goal of pay and retirement. Painfully ripe means nothing to anyone, except delusional Leonidas. It was merely one justice who didn't fully grasp the crux of the matter. The rest got it, rendered a decision, then moved on. They will do the same if the decision is again presented them. Painfully ripe is the hope of the good Dr Jacobs, who will put not only his children through college, he will also possibly send his extended family on fully paid college. Courtesy of Leonidas, of course. Painfully ripe is another way he will shake down the western faithful. It is nearing an end, the Nic. It will just be an expensive memory that Parker himself help sweep away. Franke would be proud of Parker, how he led the faithful to the brink, then walked like a good airline czar would.
Why did The Twilight Zone theme song play in my head when I read this?

I think Mike Cleary's multiple personnalities post on here as Claxon, MM and Eastus.

Where is your Nic? I will tell you. Nowhere, you lost that years ago. You can take that to the bank. It makes me chuckle every time I hear you begging for it, especially the Kohler man.
Where is your Nic? I will tell you. Nowhere, you lost that years ago. You can take that to the bank. It makes me chuckle every time I hear you begging for it, especially the Kohler man.
Claxon need I remind you that we haven't done too well in our endevours. It's time to stop this nonsense because we are approaching a critical juncture with this merger. This animosity should be put to rest.
He is involved alright, he is the one that took" sealed " information supplied to him, buy our last ALPA negotiating committee, DON BUTKOVIC and company supplied it to nicolau, and caused 2 days of closed hearings and gave the "WEST" the NIC, I would praise him to, "INTEGRITY" to a tee! MM! GARY's wash is coming to the "CLEANERS"!
Complete and utter lie.

Weeks is about as for from a political animal as you can get. Both he and Butkovic worked well together and had a mutual respect for one another. The above incident never happened and it's becoming quite apparent as to the pathetic attempts some easties are willing to go with t undercut the east.

I hope MM is enjoying his time in the corn field.
The westerners cheering is diminishing. Seems they have finally realized the APA does not bear the cross of Nic. as they dreamed, in fact it really doesn't matter at all. The APA is looking to Doug to save them, and will step on the back of Leonidas to achieve their goal of pay and retirement. Painfully ripe means nothing to anyone, except delusional Leonidas. It was merely one justice who didn't fully grasp the crux of the matter. The rest got it, rendered a decision, then moved on. They will do the same if the decision is again presented them. Painfully ripe is the hope of the good Dr Jacobs, who will put not only his children through college, he will also possibly send his extended family on fully paid college. Courtesy of Leonidas, of course. Painfully ripe is another way he will shake down the western faithful. It is nearing an end, the Nic. It will just be an expensive memory that Parker himself help sweep away. Franke would be proud of Parker, how he led the faithful to the brink, then walked like a good airline czar would.
Have you seen what USAPA paid Seham!? And what did you get out of him before you fired him?

Have you noticed when MM goes into the corn field Claxon pops up?
Where is your Nic? I will tell you. Nowhere, you lost that years ago. You can take that to the bank. It makes me chuckle every time I hear you begging for it, especially the Kohler man.
Where is your DOH!? I will tell you. Nowhere, you lost that, MDA, snapbacks, LOA 93, RICO, Status quo...well you just lost it. I LMFAO every time I hear you say LOA 93 ain't so bad, especially for the MM/Claxon man.

Now give it a rest Claxon.
You guys wonder how your reps can screw this up? Well. Here you go.

Oh, and someone remind boo boo where the position he was in 2005 and why the merger had to go do sooner rather than later.

Without those painful sacrifices, our airline wouldn't be in a position to be throwing a lifeline to the pilots of American Airlines.


Mike Gillies
PHL Vice Chairman
You guys wonder how your reps can screw this up? Well. Here you go.

Oh, and someone remind boo boo where the position he was in 2005 and why the merger had to go do sooner rather than later.

Without those painful sacrifices, our airline wouldn't be in a position to be throwing a lifeline to the pilots of American Airlines.


Mike Gillies
PHL Vice Chairman


Unbelievable, please tell me you made this up.

This is right up there with the update I saw from CLT. Something about, I know we're at $124/hr, but let's not jump on this $172/hr, because our COC will give us $212/hr. How on God's great earth is it possible for people to be this stupid? Maybe, it's not stupidity, but a total disconnect from reality? It's like receiving updates from the Care Bears in La La Land.

You guys wonder how your reps can screw this up? Well. Here you go.

Oh, and someone remind boo boo where the position he was in 2005 and why the merger had to go do sooner rather than later.

Without those painful sacrifices, our airline wouldn't be in a position to be throwing a lifeline to the pilots of American Airlines.


Mike Gillies
PHL Vice Chairman
You taught em!

Why push for a recall in PHL? You DCA guys along with the PHX and Weidner/Jordan PHL vote have controlled the BPR for well over a year. You guys own our futures. This is your show and has been for a long time.

Leonidas Update: April 26, 2012

In the not-to-distant future, these events will likely create the “painfully ripe” threshold which Judge Tashima set as a condition for the West pilots to pursue DFR II.

Leonidas, LLC

This statement in Eric's AOL update seems to point to the agreement that Tempe and APA have come up with does not include using NIC. Why else would he make the statement that "These events will likely create the painfully ripe threshold"?

This combined with what we have heard from the APA as "NIC not likely being a factor" seems to point to Tempe and the APA moving forward expecting this to be a 3 way merger under Mc/bond.

Sounds like Tempe figures the cheaper and quicker way to get this done is 3 way it and then let the DFR suit play its course out over the next 3 or 10 years or however long it takes the courts to fight it out.

I guess the real questions will be does APA want a bunch of older soon to retire east pilots and current west captains above a lot of their pilots or do they want a bunch of much younger currently west F/O's above thier current captains. 3 way merge keeps everybody in reletive position that they in now on the 3 fleets. NIC and a 2 way puts hundreds of west f/o's who are on average much younger than the east guys in a lot of captain spots that they do not hold at present. The other question is what will be quicker for tempe to get it done? Have to deal with the NIC legal fight to play out before getting it finalized, or finalize it using a 3 way and then operate as single carrier while the DFR suit spends years in the court system.

Meaning all we have to ask to see which way it will likely go is this.....What puts money in Tempe and the creditors/shareholders pocket the quickest? Figure that out and you have the absolute answer on what the plan is. Doug is about the money and the quickest way to the money.

Just my opinion after reading the info that is out there right now.
This statement in Eric's AOL update seems to point to the agreement that Tempe and APA have come up with does not include using NIC. Why else would he make the statement that "These events will likely create the painfully ripe threshold"?
They were probably briefed by the PHX reps and now understand the NIC is finished for real this time. The next DFR will be filed towards the APA.
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