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US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Sit back relax and watch the big money play the world series of airline mergers. The Tempe boys will not be the only players on the field.

It's certainly fair to note that the Tempe boys have always "struck out" before in any big game. I'm guessing, which is all any can really do here, that this time they may have finally fallen into waters that will float them. All can only wait to see.
Alienate - yes. Obstruct - I think not. Too much at stake. What could happen is that APA will punish its sassy stepchild, or threaten to do so.

I certainly don't want my reps and leadership to fold, just to keep the goal in sight at all times.

Just because APA is twice our size doesn't mean they can or will roll over us. Like em or hate em - AOL deserves credit and should serve as a lesson.
DCA is correct in his assumptions regarding MB.

What I see happening is an attempt by USAPA to put n a modified lost and it being rejected by both the company and the APA. This will then go to the panel for arbitration.

Once the panel puts out a list and AA emerges from BK, the NMB will rule on SC status, we will become APA, and the contract they negotiate will become ours and we will all settle in to our new positions on a lost based off the Nic.

Curious , what is the "goal" you're referring to that you want your reps to keep in sight?
I am not sure exactly what the CLT reps have been inhaling or imbibing, but they are so far off the charts with their assertion that the east contract Change of Control language will be operative in any merger with American. Parker has made it very clear from many Crew News meetings over the past years that one focus in any merger will be that the CoC provisions of the east pilot contract will be avoided or neutered. The east pilots lost an attempt to claim CoC during the merger with AWA even though the HQ moved across the country, and the very top management (the actual control) came from the west side. With the American merger (as envisioned by Parker), it is clear that the top management (the control) will simply be moving out of the sandbox to actual civilization. (Can't say as I blame them.) There is even less legitimate argument for CoC in the AA-US merger than there was in the US-AW merger. CoC? CLT reps, you're smokin' somethin'!
Wow NYC, +1.

The CLT reps prey on fools who take everything they say as gospel. This CoC has got to be the most ridiculous claim they've put out since this merger attempt was announced. Guys like MM spouting off and firing up other easties to only lead them off a cliff.

MDA!, snapbacks, LOA 93 - none of these loses should have been surprises. But your leadership led you to believe otherwise.
1984 & DCA

You guys do realize that AMR management will be fighting Team Tempe with some huge horsepower with deep pockets looking to make millions. They could care less about labor!

Sit back relax and watch the big money play the world series of airline mergers. The Tempe boys will not be the only players on the field.


Has a peanut gallery ever influenced the outcome of a game :blink:
1984 & DCA

You guys do realize that AMR management will be fighting Team Tempe with some huge horsepower with deep pockets looking to make millions. They could care less about labor!

Sit back relax and watch the big money play the world series of airline mergers. The Tempe boys will not be the only players on the field.

AMR management? They've lost the confidence of just about everyone that's important. Even IAG isn't stepping in to help them.

I think most UCC members, including Boeing eventually, will come around and support Parker. AMR management is, right now, standing on a beach trying to will away the incoming tsunami.
Even the Hillbilly reps are beginning to understand what is plainly obvious. Parker doesn't need them one bit. He totally ignored USAPA as he should. They're worthless, the antithesis of any notions of a productive relationship. He isn't going to waste a breath consulting with USAPA. If they're lucky, they might get invited to the table to be kept appraised of new developments but most likely, as confirmed in the CLT update, they're going to be getting all their news from the Internet. :lol:

I love how CLT reps say they aren't willing to pay for someone else's career expectations...didn't they form a fake union to illegally impose that very act upon some other pilot group? :lol: :lol:

Good riddance USAPA, may deaths warm embrace smother you at the earliest opportunity.

Parker will not be successful. Horton will certainly spurn his advances. USAPA will remain in control of your destiny.
Oh boy, the usapys must be going nuts.
NAC Resume Request

The USAPA Negotiating Advisory Committee (NAC) is currently requesting resumes for full-time committee positions as well as the position of part-time Note Taker.

If interested in serving this committee, please send your resumes to NAC@usairlinepilots.org no later than this Sunday, April 29. If you previously submitted a resume and are still interested, we request that you please send a new resume, or a note saying your current resume on file will suffice.

Thank you,

USAPA Negotiating Advisory Committee

Classic! Don't worry it's in the bag! A couple of Compass boys working with a couple of westies. My personal favorite so far was the grievance chairman and vice chairman. Ciabattoni and Koontz

Parker will not be successful. Horton will certainly spurn his advances. USAPA will remain in control of your destiny.

Horton does not have the power to do that. The creditors committee will make the determination, and three of those nine votes are the three unions that have endorsed Parker's plan. I would say those three votes are already in Parker's pocket. Two more, and Parker wins. Horton is irrelevant beyond his ability to make his plan known.
Just because APA is twice our size doesn't mean they can or will roll over us. Like em or hate em - AOL deserves credit and should serve as a lesson.

AOL was handed a slam dunk by USAPA. Your assumption is that the APA guys are just as dumb. Probably not the best line of thinking.
Why? If that were the case there would be no internal union dispute at LCC.

McCaskill-Bond did not pass until after the US/AWA merger.

It still would not have helped. What USAPA tried to do would not stand muster under McCaskill-Bond, because it would have violated all the stuff about "arbitration" and “fair and equitable."
If the NMB determines that there is a dominant union on the property it can declare that union the CBA for the entire group. I do believe this happened with the mechanics.

Would this not circumvent McCaskill-Bond?

Why? If that were the case there would be no internal union dispute at LCC.

McCaskill-Bond did not pass until after the US/AWA merger.

Did M-B pass before the AA-LCC merger? Ie. If M-B has any bearing (which is doubtful) on the ability of a larger pilot group to subsume a union and force them on the same contract, and if AA can do it now despite M-B, then surely AAA could have done it to AWA before M-B (and you would be on LOA 93). I don't know which is funnier, that your screen name is Clue or that 4 folks followed you off the cliff. Please explain how M-B now allows a larger group to subsume a smaller one for the purpose of doing what M-B was instituted to prevent. Clue, your turn... 😛
McCaskill-Bond was part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2008. It did not exist at the time of the US-AWA merger.
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