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US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Watch the West take a seat on the APA side of the table from the very first available opportunity to do so.

Sigh!...and after the mighty west dominates the APA...would you graciously have them address that no furlough promise that apparently exists only for the American folks?
Agreed. Hummel campaigned on the promise to utilize "frequent and heavy polling" of the rank and file. Let's hope he keeps his promise and asks the pilots how they wish to proceed.

I've complete agreement with you there. You and I only encounter X amount of people at work. It's reasonable to assume that any extended conversation comes from those most like-minded to ourselves. I've been, shall we kindly say, a "bit" displeased with the alpa-esque type of "imperial" BS that I've seen in recent times. ANY union should always strive to keep members informed, and base it's actions solely on the expressed desires of the membership....period.
I know that PiBrat wanted the Cactus 18 lawsuit dropped. I doubt it was an act of kindness, rather a realization of a failed strategy.

You know what you can do with that? Glad you finally got a clue on LS, try getting a few more and running your mouth less.

My comment about the bigger picture applies to your side as well. Why don't we wait to hear what Judge Silver rules. If she rules that the east is bound to the Nic - and given recent merger developments, I will then urge my reps to accept the Nic, decline to pursue any appeal and move forward as a unified pilot group, albeit a fragile one, to deal with the APA.

What are you willing to do?

I can't speak for Metro but I can say with certainty that the west pilot group will adhere to whatever the court decides, just as we would have if Nicolau had decided on DOH. There is no question about that and, by the way, thank you for your candor in this regard.
I can't speak for Metro but I can say with certainty that the west pilot group will adhere to whatever the court decides, just as we would have if Nicolau had decided on DOH. There is no question about that and, by the way, thank you for your candor in this regard.

"I can say with certainty that the west pilot group will...." You're clearly the proud owner of a life very rich in fantasy. It's been my experience that it's entirely impossible for any individual to "know" the full thoughts and feelings of so much as even a single other person, much less any entire group of people. Where have all those posters gone, that loudly shouted that they would individually pursue litigation were the nic not used?
Agreed. Hummel campaigned on the promise to utilize "frequent and heavy polling" of the rank and file. Let's hope he keeps his promise and asks the pilots how they wish to proceed.

CLT Domicile Update

Monday, April 23, 2012

"For any pilot who thinks this is acceptable, please remember that it will not be the National Officers who will decide your fate and cast the vote should a merger develop, it will be the BPR.''

No need to poll the rank and file because the BPR is going to decide our fate.

Nor is a vote by the rank and file needed.
CLT Domicile Update

Monday, April 23, 2012

"For any pilot who thinks this is acceptable, please remember that it will not be the National Officers who will decide your fate and cast the vote should a merger develop, it will be the BPR.''

No need to poll the rank and file because the BPR is going to decide our fate.

Nor is a vote by the rank and file needed.

The BPR will be the body casting the vote, but I think the rank and file has already begun to tell them how they are expected to vote. Before long, most of the rank and file will know the phone numbers of their BPR reps by heart.

My comment about the bigger picture applies to your side as well. Why don't we wait to hear what Judge Silver rules. If she rules that the east is bound to the Nic - and given recent merger developments, I will then urge my reps to accept the Nic, decline to pursue any appeal and move forward as a unified pilot group, albeit a fragile one, to deal with the APA.

What are you willing to do?
I'm not willing/able to do anything. I'm not a pilot for either side.

Notice the many similarities in a potential AA/LCC SLi as where in AAA/AWA.
I dare any westies to rationalize same Nic type sli with AA.
Thus far they are restraining their chutzpah with silence. Good for them.


I can't rationalize a Nic type sli but I will accept it should the arbitrator decide so and I fully expect to lose some relative seniority based on the fact that American widebodies far outnumber ours. That's OK. It's fair.
"I can say with certainty that the west pilot group will...." You're clearly the proud owner of a life very rich in fantasy. It's been my experience that it's entirely impossible for any individual to "know" the full thoughts and feelings of so much as even a single other person, much less any entire group of people. Where have all those posters gone, that loudly shouted that they would individually pursue litigation were the nic not used?

Your post makes no sense (as usual) because the litigation we threatened was POST arbitration where litigation is warranted. I do believe, as an integral part of the west group that I do have a sound judgement on the west mindset with regards to respecting the law and honoring agreements. You can spin it all you want but your pathetic and desperate arguments are just that, pathetic.
The BPR will be the body casting the vote, but I think the rank and file has already begun to tell them how they are expected to vote.
Like during the bankruptcy when the PIT and PHL Reps who controlled the MEC would not put the company's offer out for a vote despite the majority of the rank and file demanding it?
I can't rationalize a Nic type sli but I will accept it should the arbitrator decide so and I fully expect to lose some relative seniority based on the fact that American widebodies far outnumber ours. That's OK. It's fair.

"That's OK. It's fair." Ummm....interesting that the statement is made with complete ignorance of how any glorious arbitrator, or likely panel of in this scenario, would/will rule. Talk about nic "justification" philosophy at it's finest. Let's say, for the pure sake of argument, that the following scenario unfolds:

1) Furlough protection provided ONLY to the American side.
2) The "It's fair" arbitration (noted in advance), places all US pilots at the very bottom of, or very close to, in any combined list....With me so far? = Whatever any arbitrator(s) rule...well..no matter, since "It's fair", right?
3) Doug and buddies promise the moon to the APA and any/all American unions, just to get their grubby little hands on them and close the deal.
4) Doug and merry band of pirates realize they can't pay out as promised, and, within a short period of time, drag their newly acquired, freshly manipulated train wreck back into BK court, gutting the "promises"/contracts/etc.
5) Your sorry arse, along with perhaps even all, most all, or at least thousands of US people, are on the street within 2-4 years.

Still..."fair" for all concerned? I mean...aren't ALL arbitrations "fair"?....No matter what happens?

Addendum: "I can't rationalize a Nic type sli.." Indeed?...Why not? (This ought to be good fun) American is in BK...aren't they being "saved"? 😉

Notice the many similarities in a potential AA/LCC SLi as where in AAA/AWA.
I dare any westies to rationalize same Nic type sli with AA.
Thus far they are restraining their chutzpah with silence. Good for them.

By the same Nic type SLI you mean that all the AA WB pilots go first, all the AA furloughs go to the bottom and the rest of us are slotted in by aircraft?

No I don't see that happening. I see all the AA furloughs going to the bottom. I see some ratioed slotting by aircraft with a WB fence. Using the Nicolau and the AA lists.

How do you see it working out?
I do believe, as an integral part of the west group that I do have a sound judgement on the west mindset with regards to respecting the law and honoring agreements.

Kindly just spare us all such infantile BS...unless, of course, not so much as one of your fellow paradigms of perfection and legal respect has never so much as gotten a parking ticket.
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