I can't rationalize a Nic type sli but I will accept it should the arbitrator decide so and I fully expect to lose some relative seniority based on the fact that American widebodies far outnumber ours. That's OK. It's fair.
"That's OK. It's fair." Ummm....interesting that the statement is made with complete ignorance of how any glorious arbitrator, or likely panel of in this scenario, would/will rule. Talk about nic "justification" philosophy at it's finest. Let's say, for the pure sake of argument, that the following scenario unfolds:
1) Furlough protection provided ONLY to the American side.
2) The "It's fair" arbitration (noted in advance), places all US pilots at the very bottom of, or very close to, in any combined list....With me so far? = Whatever any arbitrator(s) rule...well..no matter, since "It's fair", right?
3) Doug and buddies promise the moon to the APA and any/all American unions, just to get their grubby little hands on them and close the deal.
4) Doug and merry band of pirates realize they can't pay out as promised, and, within a short period of time, drag their newly acquired, freshly manipulated train wreck back into BK court, gutting the "promises"/contracts/etc.
5) Your sorry arse, along with perhaps even all, most all, or at least thousands of US people, are on the street within 2-4 years.
Still..."fair" for all concerned? I mean...aren't ALL arbitrations "fair"?....No matter what happens?
Addendum: "I can't rationalize a Nic type sli.." Indeed?...Why not? (This ought to be good fun) American is in BK...aren't they being "saved"?