Well, Nic, Since I will not, or have not, in the past, present, or future, ever, ever deny a jumpseat to anyone Cass approved a ride on my jumpseat......yet........ have been denied once by one of yours out of SFO to Clt that required me to lose my trip........based on what you said above...................WTF are you talking about!
I have not denied either, but recently offered to ride up front on an east flight if the Captain would approve it, to accomodate another non-rev, the Captain declined, I still got on the airplane, but we left someone behind.
What I am talking about is a new twist, the F/O denied this pilot because we are a "closed shop" and was unwilling to give a ride to a non-member. Called him derogatory names in public, and stated that a list was being written so folks like him could reference who to deny specifically.
First, we are not a closed shop, we are an agency shop. Second, this was not Captain authority, but F/O authority, prior to the Captain's knowledge. Third, it happened in public. Finally, if this list becomes available, I will ask to see it from the next east pilot I allow up front, I will highlight my name on it for him/her and tell them to be careful with that guy.
And just think, it was not that long ago you guys defended your Western Bras for doing the same thing. Something about Captain authority and to much stress in the cockpit. How about not letting any East guy ride if he had on the dreaded "yellow lanyard". Remember that cute little contract one of you guys came up with? It stated that if a East pilot broke one of the rules the West pilots would land at the nearist suitable airport. You guys have pounded your chest proudly about not letting any East Pilot ride on your aircraft. Must be that Karma thing.
I do not know who fired the first shot, nor do I care. I did not defend this and argued against it on the AWAPPA web board and in the West crew room. That contract thing was over the top. If someone handed me that I would have laughed in their face, turned to their F/O and said "I thought you folks had a No Fly provision".
Might be Karma, but in the final analysis, two wrongs do not, will not, and have never made one right.
In all reality, it's not ok for anyone. I must live in a hole, but for the most part I thought most of this was behind us. Any one who denies, IMO just needs to exercise the little power they think they have. I think Capt. authority when used in this way is a complete joke. .............but leave it out of the flight deck and off the J/S.
Agree completely, but would like to add......If you can not get past this, keep it out of public view.