Mandatory age 65 retirements start December 13, 2012. We in the east have pilots with full sick banks. Assume someone gets sick in their last 18 months at age 63.5 and they have a full sick bank. That will give them full pay until the last day. I haven't flown with many guys that are going to leave here with sick balances. As of July of next year starts the clock on the last 18 months.
The east is extremely short of crews right now and there have been consistant 90/95 hour months for years now. The flight time duty time changes are going to be a problem for this outfit. The training department will have to grow and that takes many months to ramp up. The ramp up for age 65 retirements will have to happen at least six months before December 2012. In the east when we have a Big Bus Captain retire it triggers so many training events. The attrition train is getting ready to depart the station. We are also dealing with age 60 issues in the International operations which requires the company to have additional pilots. Team Tempe so far has been behind the power curve in staffing and it will soon be a problem.
The training float going forward will not end for the next 15 years in the east. We lose more than 2800 pilots back east in the next 14 years due to age 65. Recalls have started and if the company is smart they will start hiring off the street in the spring, so that new hire pilots are trained for the 2011 summer flying schedule. 2012 will be here before you know it and all of us in the east are getting older.