You mean kind of like the ninth circuit issued their opinion along with the dissent?
Exactly! See, we can agree. Man, I love progress!
Why it did not go away. Because there was a merger. Go ask the money men what the BK exit plan was if AWA had not come along.
Again, you are right! Well, maybe because we don't know if anything or anyone else was waiting in the woods. But, let's go with your view, the merger kept US Airways around. Why did AWA do it? Charity? I don't think so. Companies are around to make money and Doug Parker decided that a (cashless BTW) merger with US was in the best interest of AWA. I would imagine that the massive give backs of US pilots went along way to make him feel this way. I think we can all agree that with the 20/20 hindsight the merger was a great deal for AWA. It was a low yield/low cost airline that had all of it's ops in the worst hit part of the country. I, and Doug Parker and Scott Kirby don't think it would have fared too well over the last few years. No need to thank us.
For a majority of four existences our contract was inferior to yours. Maybe but as time marches on that is changing. Since 2004 you have been vastly inferior to the industry.
So 6 years of LOA 93.
Years on service
15 years 40% of your career at bottom wages. Getting close to being a majority of a career at vastly inferior wages.
20 years 30%
25 years 24%
30 years 20% of a career scraping the bottom.
How much longer are you willing to wait? 4-5 years.
10 years on LOA 93 wages.
20 years 50%
25 years 40%
30 years 30% of a career at BK wages and work rules. As you put it inferior wages. Longing for the glory days of what you had does not cut it. Let’s not forget that attrition you all place so much value on. How many are going to retire at BK wages bottom of the industry? Remembering what you used to make and seeing the last pay check walking out the door might anger some people.
Do you believe that usapa can get a contract good enough to make up for any of that
Yeah, but! Yeah, but! AWA's contracts sucked and set the bar for those of us that went through Chp 11. What about the target for LOA 93? Believe me or not. Again, it was the ALPA led MEC that got us there. Will USAPA get us out? I doubt it with the current leadership, but the majority seems to support them so I'm along for the ride, just like you.
You have your opinion. The guy whose opinion mattered disagreed.
We will see, won't we?
Not just you but guys like you.
Yeah, mean old nasty easties like me.
It turns out that they were not mainline. the company took their longevity for time there. The court has not rule on the MDA DFR so you can't point to that. Just because it was the same certificate does not matter.