Without the merger 24% of your pilots wouldn't be here. Put an additional 24% of the America West pilots on the street and lets see just what your "value" is today.
Well going by what Mr. Parker has said in crew news sessions, just rewatched so I could quote pretty accurately, " I do not know where we would be without the merger, well I know where the east would be, they would be gone, but I do not know where we would be, maybe something similar to what Frontier is doing."
So perhaps you are correct and 24% of the West would be on the street. But one thing is for certain, without the merger 100% of the east would be on the street.
Todays value is measured today. Yesterdays value was measured yesterday. Tommorrows value will be measured tommorrow, and as it pertains to seniority integration at LCC, that value is measured by the Nicolau Award.