Your claim of breach of contract was dismissed, and discussion that only revolved around Nicalou was a product of Wake's court. USAPA, now that the 9th Circuit has clarified the issue, defense if needed will be why the ratified contract did or did not breach the "good faith standard. Evidence will be broad and based around the fact the previous agent was unable to arrive at an acceptable "seniority proposal", the interests of all its members East and West, finding a solution that the majority will accept, the merits of the proposal and its basis in a widely accepted labor standard(which there is a an incredibly vast amount), it's C & R's to mitigate merger impact over the short term, proper explanation and understanding of union's "good faith" requirement pursuant to DFR and so on and so forth. And yes, the 9th Circuit and their ruling will allow USAPA to present the case that should have been allowed, that Wake's improper rulings didn't allow. Keeping in mind that your petition to the court over a longevity integration may or may not warrant judicial intervention, given the legal obligations that the 9th Circuit just issued with this published opinion.
If, and that is if it makes it to trial, the standards for a future claim just became unquestionably higher with this ruling and the standards for a union, in this case USAPA and its broad range in establishing and defending its legal obligations were maintained and re-emphasized with a published appellate opinion.
As pointed the company made agreement with the legal representative of the West pilot group at that time, ALPA. It is now USAPA, as evidenced by the change already made to your contract since they have become all US Airways pilots legally authorized bargaining agent.
It should be clear that Wake nor your attorney's understand Labor law as the obviously convinced you they did. It should also interesting that the two Democratic judges have intepreted labor law to protect organized labors rights, while the two George Bush appointed judges, would love for courts to insert themselves in union affairs, which would have negative influence on their effectiveness. I am sure behind closed doors, ALPA is pleased with this opinion and by its nature, that courts will stat out of the business of unions and less its behavior toward its members is "wholly irrational."
I perfectly understand the committed effort to put a good spin on this to try and maintain support. I can imagine its not very gratifying to imagine you have been led down the primrose path by the Addington leaders and attorney's and realize it was a 2 year, 2 million dollar waste. It would be really hard to maintain support for any future endeavor, especially with a far weaker hand going forward, and when the entire situation resolved around the incompetence of a former weak union, that outsourced the most basic of labor principles> When it become apparent that West Captains will be safe in their positions, West first ofiicers will have first dibs on those positions, and senior members will have instant access to East premium flying based on their DOH, which would allow your top few hundred to be competitive for any East position by the time you have an integrated bid.