Who says ALPA is the controlling party in the integration? I agree with Reed Richards. This thing is now outside ALPA.How do you say ALPA is the driver when they got smoked off the property here?
Well I guess I am not on your ignore function!
I did not say ALPA was in control. I was replying to Flybynite, in the context of, if ALPA became the bargaining agent prior to a seniority arbitration between LCC and UAL, which is the most likely scenario, if something comes of these talks.
But lets just say usapa is still the representative body for LCC, in a LCC/UAL seniority integration. What list could usapa possibly pass except the Nic? What other list could they get The UAL NC to sign off on as the certified list of LCC? I mean really? usapa walks in, says here is this DOH list we made up on our own, after a binding arbitration occurred when we were formerly in the same union you are in, and are about to be in again, but no need to worry about that pending injunction filed by 1800 West pilots to halt these proceedings, they really have no case to sue the living daylights out of you and National, our little lawyer says so.
Wake up Swan, the UAL folks are not going to help the east out in this. They are going to be there to look out for their intrest, not yours, not mine, not east, not West. They will be at the table for themselves, and they are not going to buy off on some hairbrain scheme cooked up by Bradford and Seeham, because some 17 yr furloughed guy wanted to take a West pilots job.