Like USWEST, would still be here! SWA can choke us in PHX any time they decide to, USeast will choose the non, like I said before for a merger to take place DP has to go through USEAST, (their little meeting today, those pay rate things , snapback?, sign off and drop the LOA 84 pay restoration grievance, ) The EAST contract has things DP needs, wake up USWEST, ! MM! Who wants a hub whoes main competition is SWA, BWI, LAS, remember PSA( no my fellow pilots are too young, good for you)PIT, ETC , ETC, PHX will go the way the rest of usairs secondary hubs have , given the NIC , our EAST brothers have no choice but to make a stand, remember weve told them how lucky they are just to have a job, hope they don't return the favor!