US Pilots Labor Discussion 12/27- OBSERVE THE RULES OF THE BOARD!

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You don't like what he writes because deep down inside you know everything he says is true.

Sorry Wake (what a coincidence!) :lol: but I don't much care about anything BBoy writes. I have no dog of my own in this fight but I know fair when I see it and the West is hardly what I consider to be fair. I simply wonder why BBoy has such a staunch interest when ALPA has been "disbarred" from the property and he is retired. He also posts on lots of the other forums on One may wonder why and I am merely one who does. Just asking the question but not caring for an answer much.

As for the West posters, I see many of them as mostly rude and rather nasty at times. You do know that other people read this board other than the West and the East, no? Much of what you and your West friends write just might come across to us as other than "nice". Don't waste good cyber ink if you can't answer with flowers and all that kind of stuff.

Anyway, what is deep down inside me is a hot fudge sundae. :up: That's about it for now.

And I really believe this is what irks them the most. They thought they'd come in slap the little guy around and guess what...we fought back!

Yeah, getting your teeth kicked in tends to "manage expectations". Who's fault is it that their expectations were so unrealistic? Seham.
OK. Money then. How much would it take ? and is avail ? or obtainable ? an 86 or earlier never furloughed, around 50 years old would give up 900 or so numbers ?
The seniors may but alot are drawing PBGC military etc. Attrition starts in less than 3 years and LOA 93 arbitration is in a few months.
Never said it was BS, but the reality is different than yours. Sorry.


You don't want to believe me fine, most east guys don't want to see the reality of this.

Which is, you all are not just fine with LOA 93 rates till whenever........His number was lower than what I want Nic or No Nic. Lower than even what usapa is asking for. Don't believe me, I don't care. But your usapa does and thats why we are approaching 2 years without even polling the Pilots. They don't want to know and don't want to create a paper trail. PBGC money is good for those gettin it, sure. But its a small number who are actually getting that and if you wave a bit more under their nose with just a few more years, you get the picture.

Your right, your reality is different.

So? This is a public forum where anyone can post.


Hasn't Udder stated that they are a customer? What could they possibly have to offer that a retired pilot with many years working at this company could not? At least on this particular thread...

Let me rephrase that. Why is it appropriate for a customer to share their opinion when a retired pilot should not?
Sorry Wake (what a coincidence!) :lol: but I don't much care about anything BBoy writes. I have no dog of my own in this fight but I know fair when I see it and the West is hardly what I consider to be fair.

You see, it doesn't really matter because it's done. The list is the list and no matter how many times you and every other person says it's not fair doesn't matter.

Oh, and not a coincidence.
Don't know about that, but he/she has said "I am surprised anyone would find it strange to find that former employees would have an interest in this board."

Apparently a change of mind has taken place.

Actually, I was THERE as an "agency fee objector". So now listen to me VERY CAREFULLY (for the benefit of those who can't spell):

I was called SEVERAL TIMES by the Wilson pollers.

The question was asked, in essense, if there was enough M-O-N-E-Y and P-R-O-T-E-C-T-I-O-N-S in the CBA would you V-O-T-E for the CBA?

I said, first, that I was an "agency fee objector" and could not vote one way or the other. However, I DID say that IF I COULD VOTE, it would depend on protections and money.

FACT: The West wanted IMMEDIATE implementation of the Nicolau award with a new CBA....the overwhelming majority of E-A-S-T pilots TOLD THE WILSON POLLERS N-O! (I asked THEM when they called, FOUR TIMES!!!...they told me my opinion matched the O-V-E-R-W-H-E-L-M-I-N-G M-A-J-O-R-I-T-Y!!!)

Secondly, the E-A-S-T pilots K-N-E-W that the company would NOT offer enough money to make up for the Nicolau award. Why? Because the company S-A-I-D IT!!

I said that, absent protections and money, you would N-E-V-E-R get the majority to for for a CBA for quite some time.

Look where we are now! Am I right, or am I right?

You are right that there is no new CBA, but that is all.

There has been no vote for a CBA to prove you right. Am I right or Am I right.

The reason for this is you and your union are afraid it might pass. To say otherwise is only your opinion and nothing more.

The senior guys BETTER V-O-T-E for for DOH or I for one will N-E-V-E-R support them getting any pay raise they think THEY deserve without me.
They would surely be concerned if it was only up to you! Remember, I'm typed, current, ATP with a first class medical and with plenty of flight time to act as P-I-C.

Good for you, this is quite an achievement. It would be even more of an achievement if you were the only one to be able to claim it. Am I right or am I right?

You all better keep that in mind. AOL/Onion pilots will do the same to the senior pilots on the East. Hence the Nicolau award. Keep your friends, close, and your enemies closer. AOL/Onion pilots are the enemy to the Senior pilots. I K-N-O-W they know that.

This has been a PUBLIC service message on behalf of all O-N-I-O-N West pilots everywhere. You may now resume the loss of your domicles and jobs.

I know this has been confusing. Certainly your referencing the closing of BOS,LGA and 165 east furloughs. Am I right or Am I right.

I don't much care about anything BBoy writes.
Nor I. I likewise find that "facts" and "carefully-written pragmatism" get in the way of my crankily pimping my ridiculous, unfounded opinions.

I have no dog of my own in this fight but I know fair when I see it and the West is hardly what I consider to be fair.
:lol: "Fair"

I simply wonder why BBoy has such a staunch interest when ALPA has been "disbarred" from the property and he is retired. He also posts on lots of the other forums on One may wonder why and I am merely one who does. Just asking the question but not caring for an answer much.
I know right? Where does a retired airline pilot and union man possibly get the nerve (and find the time) to post on, of all things, a board concerned with airlines and airline labor issues? It's madness.

As for the West posters, I see many of them as mostly rude and rather nasty at times. You do know that other people read this board other than the West and the East, no?
Like who...the Internet Manners Police? Are you insinuating that dudes using anonymous handles online claiming to be Westies may reap real consequences by being rude on the internet?

Much of what you and your West friends write just might come across to us as other than "nice".
:lol: "Nice" :up:

Too cute. ;)
Nor I. I likewise find that "facts" and "carefully-written pragmatism" get in the way of my crankily pimping my ridiculous, unfounded opinions.

:lol: "Fair"

I know right? Where does a retired airline pilot and union man possibly get the nerve (and find the time) to post on, of all things, a board concerned with airlines and airline labor issues? It's madness.

Like who...the Internet Manners Police? Are you insinuating that dudes using anonymous handles online claiming to be Westies may reap real consequences by being rude on the internet?

:lol: "Nice" :up:

Too cute. ;)


That's what I smell.

Fear of the truth.
So? This is a public forum where anyone can post. Don't like it - start your won forum where you can control who can post, then you can have a group hug.


Indeed this is a public forum and that's why I can post here too. I like about half of it. Don't want to control any of it because the other half of it provides so much mirth and merriment.

Actually I don't know why any of you post here. It's a he said~~he said all the way. Since I am a girl, you get to pick on me all you want to. However, THIS girl has an elephant hide so blast away. :lol:

That's what I smell.

Fear of the truth.

:lol: "Truth"

Behold the US Pilots Labor Discussion thread: many years it's grown and grown, with thousands of posts from many a professional and educated man (and woman, presumably), many a learned and well-spoken man, many well-witted and long-lived man; verily, and they cry "TRUTH!", for it is truth, they believe, that sets their wills, truth, they believe must be clung to as do their fortunes not cling to it as well?

But lo, Fate is cruel, and most so to the wise and well-witted, and Fate laughs as they each hold their truth to their hearts all the while beseeching others to seek it, behold, Fate laughs as she has made each man's truth invisible to his neighbor, and his neighbor's truth invisible to him. And there was much cackling and seething, shrewd-toungedness and rudeness, they cursed one another and gnashed their teeth and pulled at one another's hair.

Ah, but who to divine the true truth? Who else but the sacred bringers of knowledge, those most valiant beasts slithering behind man and his machinations: "We shall hire attorneys and solicitors of the law!" these professional and educated men cry as they empty their gold upon the serpents at their feet, endearing them to rise, rise and fight, for - the TRUTH!

And it was so, and years did pass, and the serpents did grow fat and sluggish and drunk as they swam among the gold and silver pieces. Truth they seek! A truth that can never repair the wounds they've inflicted on one another, a truth that shall never refill their coffers nor fill their bellies, a truth that satisfies not but - that most foul in refined men: pride.

Behold these ragged men on that far off day of victory, poorer from their wisdom, embittered by their struggles, but glowing with triumph! "Pride! We have our Truth!" they exclaim and smile, though the truth tastes as ashes in their mouths.

And fate doth laugh, and the serpents doth laugh.

Cue the choir, close curtains.
You see, it doesn't really matter because it's done. The list is the list and no matter how many times you and every other person says it's not fair doesn't matter.

Oh, and not a coincidence.

How do you know that? Has the 9th ruled? If not, you are just guessing. Guess all you want to but that doesn't make you right. No wait! Yes it does oh Pubah of the West. :lol:
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