What is Woody up to these days, since his name was just brought up recently. In the past we out west would see some diatribe of Woody waxing eloquent on something or other, but we haven't seen anything for the longest time.
What a difference a few weeks makes. Woody was one of your poster boys for insults. Now he's chosen sides backing DC against MC and TP and now you want to "hear" from him?
If this Domestic pilot might be so bold as to address you directly. I would point out that actually the actions of usapa have already "disadvantaged" a decent group of our Former America West pilots. Unless in usapaland it is an "advantage" to be Furloughed or Downgraded.
"Disadvantaged?" HOW?
Not to mention that in FACT Judge Wake has said that Damages are accruing. That indicates to most rational folks that Damages have occurred and are accruing right now. IE the longer you all drag this out the larger the bill gets.
Don't remember reading that. How about an exact quote. I guess the 9th will determine rationality. But damages will be shared by all pilots, members or not, if any are established. Kind of like suing yourself, except your paying your own legal bills, too. Your paying ours as well in germane expenses.
As a pilot prepares as best as possible for every eventuality, This lowly A-320Domestic pilot suggests you explore exactly what you are really at risk for. usapa doesn't seem to be telling many pilots. Have they told you the risk they have put the new union in by continuing the RICO suit after seham said to drop it????? Why else do we now see usapa wanting a settlement??? Flip
RICO "risk" on both sides is being settled by rational people working toward a common goal. BPR resolution to do so. If you elect the Goat man in your upcoming election and all will be well. Your cast of characters running for the two vacancies reads like YOUR old leadership. And you guys complain about us?