He didn't say he liked it, He said he was one of the few that believed binding is binding. He was ok with dumping Alpa and a shot at changing the Nicolau award. But that hasn't really worked out very well. So now its time for money.
NYC says this is BS. He and the others on here seem to call BS on anything they don't seem to like. But truly they know that Senior guys will vote for money. Always have and always will. usapa knows this as well and for that reason there hasn't been a vote on a contract. It just may pass!! they knew this since the summer of 07'. Wilson Polling of east pilots told them this.
It's not BS but if you need to look at it that way to reconcile reality, be my guest.
Actually, I was THERE as an "agency fee objector". So now listen to me VERY CAREFULLY (for the benefit of those who can't spell):
I was called SEVERAL TIMES by the Wilson pollers.
The question was asked, in essense, if there was enough M-O-N-E-Y and P-R-O-T-E-C-T-I-O-N-S in the CBA would you V-O-T-E for the CBA?
I said, first, that I was an "agency fee objector" and could not vote one way or the other. However, I DID say that IF I COULD VOTE, it would depend on protections and money.
FACT: The West wanted IMMEDIATE implementation of the Nicolau award with a new CBA....the overwhelming majority of E-A-S-T pilots TOLD THE WILSON POLLERS N-O! (I asked THEM when they called, FOUR TIMES!!!...they told me my opinion matched the O-V-E-R-W-H-E-L-M-I-N-G M-A-J-O-R-I-T-Y!!!)
Secondly, the E-A-S-T pilots K-N-E-W that the company would NOT offer enough money to make up for the Nicolau award. Why? Because the company S-A-I-D IT!!
I said that, absent protections and money, you would N-E-V-E-R get the majority to for for a CBA for quite some time.
Look where we are now! Am I right, or am I right?
The senior guys BETTER V-O-T-E for for DOH or I for one will N-E-V-E-R support them getting any pay raise they think THEY deserve without me. Remember, I'm typed, current, ATP with a first class medical and with plenty of flight time to act as P-I-C.
You all better keep that in mind. AOL/Onion pilots will do the same to the senior pilots on the East. Hence the Nicolau award. Keep your friends, close, and your enemies closer. AOL/Onion pilots are the enemy to the Senior pilots. I K-N-O-W they know that.
This has been a PUBLIC service message on behalf of all O-N-I-O-N West pilots everywhere. You may now resume the loss of your domicles and jobs.