Bottom line is this. THis is FLAT OUT WAR. All the hollow threats are just that. Tell legal arguments to George S. Patton. He would laugh and run you over with a Sherman!. This is the bottom line- these guys can go on for days and nights about their integrity, their honor their whatever. It is all SMOKE. Ask them to give you a date and time when the deal is theirs, and they will look at you like deer in the headlights! They cannot, will not, ever, be able to tell you, because they have still not figured out that the smokin' deal they got was an ALPA smokin deal, and ALPA is DOA! New bargaining agent, seniority negotiated, deal NEVER implemented! They can cry day and night, night and day, the reality is they missed the train of a lifetime. ALPA was DOA when it came time to sign on the dotted line, and guess what? It never got signed. Ask them again why it sits on Dougies desk, yet never becomes reality? They know. It can't become law because of all their cries and whimpers, Doug has to sign with the ELECTED bargaining agent! It isn't ALPA is it! Ask them! Ask them! H-P Driver, LUVN One of you PLEASE, tell me when the magic day comes when Doug signs the deal! Tell them when you see them, because they just don't get it! ALPA had to sign the deal, they didn't, therefore you don't have the deal. GAME OVER! All the BS you reads is just that. REMEMBER THE BOTTOM LINE- THEY DON'T have the power they claim they have! Had they had it, it would have happened!!