USAPA has the opportunity to really change the view from the west if they do the right thing and get some/all of our furloughed guys back. Do the right thing USAPA! West was furloughed due to a shift in block hours. Give us those block hours back and get our guys working again.
Tiger, I think USAPA motive is more concerned about getting it done right than really changing "the view from the west." I said before and again, ALL the recalls belong with the side that took the hit on the furloughs due to company violating. The grievance was filed because of West going below the numbers. That was the spirit the dispute was filed and those WEST jobs need to come back, period. If we got some East due to the same thing, great, but the diispute was filed based on low West numbers. Since we're still separate, there are only 2 lists (E/W) that the company and union can use. I hear what your hinting, but if your furloughed under one set of rules and the rules don't change, you come back on the same set of rules. If you think USAPAs wrong, go back to Wake. He might turn it for you if hes got the juristiction. (That was an honest comment, not sarcasm)
Tiger, we're not going to change your minds on USAPA. We'll still be the great satan even if we got every West pilot back and no Easts. USAPA will do the right thing because they have to, not to change minds. They got to comply with the contract. Besides you got 2 pilots, Brookman and Vasin, putting together the remedy. Good balance. If its not done to your liking, Im sure Vasin will let us all know.
Dear Megasnoop, It is quite clear your mission on the forum is to defend USAPA at every turn. Wouldn't it be wise to use language and a tone that would foster a means of east and west working together.
BLT. I've said this before, I am "1 for 5" in voting on the leaders now in. My comment on some things didn't make me popular in CLT. Maybe they think all who hated ALPA would love USAPA. I was replying to Nic4us "usapa discrimination machine",
Remarks like usapa discrimination machine. That bodes well for pullling in the same direction? Your kidding, right?
With continuating language like his, will we ever come together? I posed the 800-pound question.
Your current act of lashing out at both east and west pilot commentary is not winning any hearts or minds, but just reinforcing everyones view of USAPA as the worst (so-called) union to ever exist. BLT
You got me lost. I lashed out at "EAST" commentary? Where? Until 2 days ago, Ive been off the board for a month. Comments on WEST commentary were just as I said. But if I lashed out at EAST commentary, how could my mission be to defend USAPA? You got a WEST guy Nic4us saying Vasin made all the difference,
I find it interesting that what is probably the first joint grievance to have West input ( Mitch Vasin), is won in our favor. This is the biggest lesson usapa should take back to CLT.)
when there have only been 3 TA disputes arbitrated by USAPA, ALL 3 he was involved in and 2 lost. He seems capable according to the SBA, but these overreaching gottchas got to be called out. (There were actually 2 other disputes filed by MacAlvena, but your side no-showed and lost them by default. Please correct me if I got any of that wrong)