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US Pilots Labor Discussion 10/14-10/22

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Why, then, is East still flying so many of those "unprofitable" former HP routes? Just a quick check shows that East flies more departures from PHX alone than West does from CLT and PHL. I sure didn't know that before the merger East flew such routes as PHX-MCO (now there's a high yield route LOL), PHX-MSP, PHX-ORD, PHX-DCA yet East flies most of the departures on those routes today. From LAS, East is flying to MCO(another high yield flight LOL), DCA and most of the PHX departures. Yep, I sure do remember those long time East routes. Plus, of course, all the flying on additions to the fleet post-merger until just recently when new A321's started arriving.


Outsourcing to CHEAP labor isn't a new phenomenon. Think of much more expensive it is to cover these routes with the West contract, pay rates, work rules, and benefits. No wonder the west has taken the vast majority of furloughs.
Oh brother, keep trying to make it look right. I think the average person knows what DOH is. Other companies other than airlines have merged. Your argument about your airline my airline is weak. You go figure it out because I know you Westies got a major winfall and deep down so do you. If I was you I would not worry to much. I think it wont be to much longer that you guys will be able to steal our jobs. You should try to be more humble though.
Nope, no "winfall" at all.

My relative seniority at my airline was recognized just as yours was.

You're still in the same relative spot you would have been had we not merged.

Sounds VERY fair to me.

And you should try backing off the "this career owes me" attitude though.
Wow, talk about windfalls!!!

A 1999 hire will be getting just over $10,300 from the lump sum distribution.

These junior pilots who, by the way, could not have qualified for the pension plan because they lacked the longevity, now get this undeserved chunk of change at the expense of their senior pilots.

Talk about lottery winners.

Its one thing trying to steal from the west, but stealing from your own?

Wow, you think fences would have prevented that, no?

Too bad you guys were all about DOH and nothing else. I remember you guys walking away from merger talks with that on the table because you wanted to be able to rescue your failed careers at our expense.

Enjoy the hole you've dug for yourselves.

I'll be off to CLT as soon as I can!
Dear Megasnoop,

It is quite clear your mission on the forum is to defend USAPA at every turn. Wouldn't it be wise to use language and a tone that would foster a means of east and west working together. Your current act of lashing out at both east and west pilot commentary is not winning any hearts or minds, but just reinforcing everyones view of USAPA as the worst (so-called) union to ever exist.


union |ˈyoÅ￾nyÉ™n|
• a state of harmony or agreement

Ah, that would go both ways......ala Clear,HP,Metro......yada,yada,yada
You're still in the same relative spot you would have been had we not merged.

We are indeed, just as you are. This is only because of separate ops, however. Under Nic our respective relative seniority was only preserved at the moment of the snapshot. As time passes, under Nic, the west relative seniority improves compared to pre merger and the east relative seniority decreases, dramatically in most cases.

This is due to lopsided attrition and generally older east pilots who by no coincidence have generally been here longer.
We are indeed, just as you are. This is only because of separate ops, however. Under Nic our respective relative seniority was only preserved at the moment of the snapshot. As time passes, under Nic, the west relative seniority improves compared to pre merger and the east relative seniority decreases, dramatically in most cases.

This is due to lopsided attrition and generally older east pilots who by no coincidence have generally been here longer.
See post 64.
We are indeed, just as you are. This is only because of separate ops, however. Under Nic our respective relative seniority was only preserved at the moment of the snapshot.

As time passes, under Nic, the west relative seniority improves compared to pre merger and the east relative seniority decreases, dramatically in most cases.

Your first statement is false, because east relative seniority in relation to the snapshot improved under the Nic while West relative seniority declined.

Your second statement is false, because as time passes two pilots in a sequential listing , lets say number 700( an east pilot whose relative seniority improved 9%) and 701(a West pilot whose relative seniority decreased 11%), will both move up the list equally and therefore their relative seniority would both increase equally.
Your first statement is false, because east relative seniority in relation to the snapshot improved under the Nic while West relative seniority declined.
Wrong, some on both sides had slight variations up or down at the snapshot.

Your second statement is false, because as time passes two pilots in a sequential listing , lets say number 700( an east pilot whose relative seniority improved 9%) and 701(a West pilot whose relative seniority decreased 11%), will both move up the list equally and therefore their relative seniority would both increase equally.

Also wrong because you are apparently applying one dimensional thinking. Remember we are talking Nic vs pre merger. Many east pilots who, pre merger, would have occupied the top positions for years never see numbers in the 800s. So unless the ratio is 6 or 700 hundred to one the ratio breaks down as the group ages and the older (having been here longer) east pilots retire.

Also remember that this is a math debate (your post) and not a "You should thank me for your job" debate.
Any data to back up that bold statement? Other then opinion or wishful thinking?

You first

"Look Mr. arbitrator we have already shifted flying back west from the east. So no fines or penalties required.

That is where the shift in flying was. "

Post #44
Oh brother, keep trying to make it look right. I think the average person knows what DOH is. Other companies other than airlines have merged.

In the Real World (tm), an east pilot asking for DOH rather than relative seniority would be laughed out of the room. Please reference the Nicolau award and the subsequent Addington decision. These are not coincidences, nor is there a grand conspiracy.
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