What the West pilots do not understand is that it would be very difficult, if not impossible, to recall Cleary and the Hardliners. That has been tried by the East pilots over-and-over before and the elections were tampered with or the rules were changed by the RC4/5.
Just look at what happened at last week's BPR meeting. The USAPA C&BL's require an election to be held if an Officer resigns and there is more than 12 months left in his or her term. What happenend? Cleary called a BPR meeting and forced a resolution to be passed that will eliminate the EVP position. Why? Tp prevent somebody from being elected to the EVP position that is not in Cleary/Mowrey's "inner circle" so Cleary can control the union and prevent West participation.
I seriously doubt the West MIG position that an internal movement can gain control of USAPA will work. And, I believe one of three things need to happen to gain control of USAPA. They are:
1. A merger with a larger airline who has a larger pilot group that would elect their union as the newly combined pilot group's next election in a NMB sponsored representational election;
2. Or USAPA files for bankruptcy with an adverse damages award and where the Plaintiff's attorney fees are ordered to be paid by the Defendant in the Addington trial,
3. Or an internal movement to elect a new union because eveyr pilot can vote, the NMB would control the process, and the election would be legitimate.
Meanwhile, the Objector/Challenger Arbitration will be held next month, and if dues can be lowered, this will help the pilots from continuing to lose spending power due to USAPA's actions.