In any event, the call sign issue seems to be least of the company's problems.
Fully agreed.
In any event, the call sign issue seems to be least of the company's problems.
I think the faded paint scheme and the name change went with another era as well. Not the one you are thinking of though. The name change issue I mentioned was in line with what was being mentioned on the thread where the callsign needed to match the corp. name. Call it whatever, but do take this into consideration. One was promised, and now reneged after tantrums, another was mentioned, "Flag" ,now who the hell wants that. One thing is clear, whatever it's called it may not be around long enough to make a difference.The name change (and blue paint scheme) had nothing to do with "some BK"; it occurred at a point in the Wolf era when things were going rather well actually. The ICAO call sign was not changed along with the name. Don't know if the company ever requested it; ICAO likes to keep callsigns as simple as possible, so I doubt such a request would have been granted.
In any event, the call sign issue seems to be least of the company's problems.
My favorite callsign? Cactus, of course. And it so happens, that this callsign IS very well respected where-ever it goes.
And so early in the morning. Cranky.What? Who even knows that your callsign is "cactus" other than air traffic controllers, pilots and others like us who spend too much time on USAviation.com?
Respected wherever it goes? Where does it go outside of the aviation VHF and HF band which virtually no one listens to?
Just keep trying to pump up your feeble egos. You've lost every time you've tried it so far.
Cactus: Call of the Loser
One thing is clear, whatever it's called it may not be around long enough to make a difference.
I no longer have a dog in this fight but from what I'm hearing USAPA is starting down a slipppery slope with the DOH list they are working on. My sources tell me they are quietly looking at re-doing the whole seniority list with DOH for the former Empire and Trump Shuttle(Eastern DOH)pilots. Some have even suggested that all pilots from other airlines that got hired by USAir get their original airline DOH if their previous airline had gone out of business.
IMO, if they keep going forward with this there will be major dissension within the ranks at USAPA.
Fellow pilot,
Pilots are reminded that the deadline for transferring to USAPA-sponsored insurance is this Friday, June 13th; paperwork must be received by that date to ensure guaranteed acceptance into replacement products. Go to the USAirlinePilots.org web site and click on the "Insurance Transfer and Purchase" link in the Members Only section to start the process.
The full Negotiating Team, which includes the Negotiating Advisory Committee (NAC), NAC consultant Doug Mowery and Professional Negotiator Scott Petersen, continued their work this past week in preparation for upcoming contract negotiations with management. They met internally Tuesday through Friday in Charlotte, and work continues this weekend in preparation for a briefing to the BPR that is scheduled for this coming Tuesday, June 10, during the BPR meeting in Charlotte. As they mentioned in a NAC Update, the Committee realizes that your support will be imperative and that your involvement in the process will be directly proportional to the quality of the resulting contract. The Committee asks that you stay informed.
As a reminder, a regular meeting of the US Airline Pilots Association has been scheduled for June 10th, starting at 1000. Subsequent orders of the day will be 0900-1700 for days two and three (if needed). The location of the meeting will be the Ramada Airport South and Conference Center, 212 West Woodlawn Road, Charlotte, NC 28217. For complimentary transportation call: 704-525-8350. Pilots are advised that portions of this meeting may occur in Executive Session at the discretion of the Board. All USAPA members in good standing are invited to attend.
You were told wrong.It was told to me that it would be "hypocritical" for the "new" seniority list not to have DOH from beginning to end. Any Trump or Empire pilots on the West side ?
Leaking, by who? It's not even a chess move. 'Cause it's total BS. Simple as that.hmmmmmmm interesting chess move.
Wouldn't such a re-ordering benefit some AWA pilots? I wonder if it's even possible. If not, is this deliberate leaking of a possibility for political purposes?
It was told to me that it would be "hypocritical" for the "new" seniority list not to have DOH from beginning to end. Any Trump or Empire pilots on the West side ?
Leaking, by who? It's not even a chess move. 'Cause it's total BS. Simple as that.
No, only the West's minimum fleet count would go away. It's in the East's CBA which is still inforce and not amendable, except by TA, until 2009.I am very curious as to what USAPA's negotiating plan is.
Currently the best thing we have going for us is the minimum fleet count mandated by the transition agreement.
If USAPA tries to disavow the T.A. the minimum fleet count goes away...
...USAPA would be well advised to steer clear of the negotiating table at this point in time. For that reason alone I expect that they are in a hurry to get to the table. The results should be interesting to say the least.