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US Pilot Labor Thread for the week 6/6 to 6/13

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Is AWAPPA going broke?


ALPA is currently processing the final bills from our outside merger counsel and once that final bill is paid, pilots will receive a refund of their AWA Merger Fund in the mail. We expect the checks to be processed and mailed in the next 1-2 weeks. Once you receive your check, AWAPPA is requesting a donation of $150 from each pilot to help cover expected legal expenses. Litigation is now underway as expected, and now it is apparent that USAPA will try to force additional litigation in an attempt to bankrupt and distract us. We need your donations to help ensure that does not happen. If the majority of AWA pilots donate their ALPA Merger refund to AWAPPA, we stand to take in more money that USAPA will. With the UAL deal sidelined, AWAPPA will need to act aggressively in order to protect your legal interests - we cannot do that without your monetary assistance.


I always wonder about someone who has to constantly repeat a phrase, as if they keep repeating it, forgetting what it means, constantly.

About the term "cactus", evincing something that always feels it must defend itself. Perhaps, like a crazy person that attacks everyone with imaginative "reasons". Prickly to everything. No nuance. Soft and with not very many years, rots on the inside. Not the image most intelligent people would be comfortable with, I would think.

Is AWAPPA going broke?

AWAPA's attorney is only representing the so-called officers of AWAPA and Leonedes . All the other guys named in USAPA's lawsuit are on their own and have to secure their own counsel. If I were one of those guys, I'd be saving any refunds for my benefit 'cause AWAPPA isn't going help them.
In other news, one of the pilots named in the suit is going to be facing the Feds on some shifty mortgage fraud in NV. Bet he's spending money on lawyers so maybe they'll throw in a freebe.
Never mind. You are like arguing with a Democrat; Double standards, spin on anything and character assassination are your MO. I said nothing about you being a week or so from the street but if you wish, I will.
Character assassination: like calling Obama, Osama. Like Lush Rimbaugh making jokes about Hillary's daughter. All the while encouraging a pedophile R-senator to run again, wide-stance Craig to run. Pulease. The Repuke OWN the word, LIE. I especially despise McVain telling his crippled first wife, hey babe, sorry you messed up your formerly great body, but, I want a divorce. Like Gouliani moving his girlfriend into his family's house and Newt. Do I need to go on?

US, prior to the "merger" was ready and able to take on the HP route structure after HP liquidated (Zanzibar). (Check the SEC filings, maybe do a little homework yourself).
Original post deleted.
WOW! :shock: A little touchy are we? Seems to me I had to listen to everything you guys put out as fact. Including USAPA's supposed lack of funds. Each fund raising letter, followed by the same diatribe. Just remember turn about is fair play.

Your response is most telling. Thanks. Hope you have a better evening.
In other news, one of the pilots named in the suit is going to be facing the Feds on some shifty mortgage fraud in NV. Bet he's spending money on lawyers so maybe they'll throw in a freebe.

Do you really mean "shifty" and not sh*tty?

HP_FA can do a better job explaining this. This is basic Agency law. The officers acted as agents of in this case the AWAPPA and Leonidas. What is not clear to me is if the non officer level defendants were acting at the request of and agents for AWAPPA then doesn't that in turn provide the non officer level people with a cause of action against AWAPPA?

Bob, I am taking a pass on this because I do not know the facts sufficiently to address the issue. But thanks for the comment.
...Once you receive your check, AWAPPA is requesting a donation of $150 from each pilot to help cover expected legal expenses...

Some lawyer's gonna have enough money for a REALLY BIG boat!
AWAPA's attorney is only representing the so-called officers of AWAPA and Leonedes . All the other guys named in USAPA's lawsuit are on their own and have to secure their own counsel. If I were one of those guys, I'd be saving any refunds for my benefit 'cause AWAPPA isn't going help them.
In other news, one of the pilots named in the suit is going to be facing the Feds on some shifty mortgage fraud in NV. Bet he's spending money on lawyers so maybe they'll throw in a freebe.

Is this it? http://www.broowaha.com/article.php?id=3351

Is there any other (intl?) airline that uses something other than their corporate name for a call-sign? While I admire doing things different, jumping over a cliff without seeing the bottom seems to invite pain, especially when the nombre evokes sticking needles in one's eyes. It is like a drug store named Osco that went south not knowing that osco, in espanol, means yucky. I have never seen a corporation change the name of their stores in such a quick manner, to Rite-Aid.

Maybe you have heard of a couple small int. outfits.

Ones named speedbird and shamrock.

But that does not matter now. At first I was angry that Doug and Bular have lied to us about using the call sign. They made the commitment and have lied.

Now I think that they have done us a favor. By still using two call signs the rest of the industry can identify the cactus from those with no integrity. Plus, you rust head do not deserve to use the cactus call sign.

Cactus has a proud history. And a perfect safety record. The east has not earned the right to call themselves cactus pilots.
All water under a burnt bridge now.

Reality, pay dues or your fired. Pay dues soon or a contract will be voted in by dues paying members.

Both airlines have to agree and vote on a contract or we are separate.

The america west pilot "leaders" underestimated the "aged, dumb, unorganized, unfunded and unfounded" original US Airways pilots. The america west pilots decided to break the law, ( USAPA vs awappa lawsuit )while the US Airways pilots pursued things legally.

Advice to america west pilots, start paying dues and proceed legally, like the original US Airways pilots.

Better learn to read. No laws were broken. It is a CIVIL case not a criminal case.
. The east has not earned the right to call themselves cactus pilots.
Indeed. I apologized that out of 231 international carriers there were seven that had call-signs different than the name of their carriers. Sorry. With grand names such as "Clipper", "Dynasty", "Empress", "Springbok", etc. "cactus" seems somewhat out of place.

Now, I would like to direct you to the meaning of "cactus", a defensive entity. No offensive capability whatsoever. Soft and within a few years, rotten to the core.

and, you are correct. Like a gang member "earning" the right to join by killing innocent people, I will pass on your concept of "earn". I have no doubt that many using the "cactus" call-sign are great pilots. You, sir, appear not to be among that group.
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