This pointless banter is really such a waste of time guys. So put your pants back on, put a lid on the JackDaniels and lets try and hold back on the immature jabbing. Now, moving forward, does anybody have any legitimate ideas on how to compose a seniority list that will work for both parties. If we don't find something we both can agree on, we will not get past this. Forget DOH, forget NIC, lets grow up and start talking. If you are currently furloughed, please accept my invitation to participate in this new direction. Even though many pilots feel furloughed pilots status renders them irrelevent, I do not share this opinion and I welcome you to participate in this new constructive direction we are embarking on from this point forward. Let the discussion begin.
In the DL/NW case, the DL pilots came up with a way in mediation to address the attrition differential. We initially proposed taking a sample of the oldest 500 pilots and extracting them from the list, building the ratioed list, and then placing those pilots back in, one number senior to the pilot who was junior to them on their original list. We then have some short term conditions and restrictions to take care of the fact that the top of the list was a little heavy with NW pilots at the beginning.
The arbitration panel modified that proposal by using the oldest 274 NW pilots rather than a sample of the oldest 500. The differences were small. In the DL case, we had more of the senior pilots, the arbitrator's solution resulted in more pilots but many of them were more junior.
By the way, at the time of the DL/NW merger, both airlines had been out of bankruptcy for over a year and in terms of cash, debt, and operating margin were probably the two most financially solid carriers. Someone above seems to think we merged in bankruptcy, but that is a digression.
I see two ways of doing this. One, use the Nicolau list, which I think may be mandated by Judge Wake, and construct fences for the East. These fences would degrade over time as there are retirements and growth. Construct a formula for sharing A-330 jobs.
If there is the option of starting from scratch, then I would do it another way. I would pull out the 1000 oldest East pilots and then construct the list on a straight ratio between the pilots left, minus some furloughed East pilots. I would pick some midpoint on when pilots were recalled in 2005-2006 and place a number of East pilots at the bottom, you would need a lot more data to make that determination. Then I would reinsert those pilots that were extracted. In this case, you would have to construct fences for the West pilots, because the East pilots would be top heavy on the list. Also, you would have to have some sharing of the A-330 positions.