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US Airways Pilots Labor Thread 4/15-4/22

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Ummm..."those last three words"? = "service for a company" Umm again = Isn't the supposed name of this company still USAirways? Is it not, in fact the America West title that's now defunct?

Guess that "speechless" thing wore off....the silence was nice while it lasted though :lol:

You mistake the combined company using the US name with it being the same company - no surprise there. America West is far from defunct though - I know it's easier to just make it up as you go but you really should check the corporate structure sometime.

usual blah, blah, blah

But you merged with Empire... What about them? Why not give them their DOH? We addressed this very topic about a year ago on here and you and your friends on here basically said "what's done is done and it won't matter anyway". It may not have been you particularly but the people you sing around the USAPA campfire with, I can't remember. Well, AOL really enjoyed watching USAPA talk out of both sides of their mouth between the Empire and Addington cases and I am sure the jury will be just as thrilled to see how USAPA is nothing more than a weathervane twisting in their own wind on the DOH issue.
I can understand that your position is saturated with your own interests, being ex Piedmont I imagine your weren't too happy about DOH when you merged with USAir. Now of course, you are a big proponent because it is what suits you most. But here is some advice for you and your campfire buddies on here, just because the west has a different version of what is fair doesn't mean we are spoiled children. We just want what we came to this merger with, that is all. You mischaracterize us and people like Jim just because we don't agree with your version of what is fair. And that is why there never will be any agreement among us on this issue. What remains for your union, however, will most likely be a court ordered remedy to follow. After the million spent on arbitration, the million spent on AOL and the baseless, frivolous lawsuit against 18 of our pilots, the lawsuit against our MEC and the stealing of our CBA, many of the west pilots have reached the point where we can care less what you think is fair, and even less of what you feel you are entitled to. You guys out east are bitter because your airline had been dying for 15 years before Parker bought the corpse. I guess he didn't realize (no surprise) the corpse was best suited to be an organ donor. Oh well. Grabbing USAir certainly wasn't his first blunder.

AAA did not merge with Empire, period.
Unless you're making the case for the career of East pilots being worth more than anyone else's, longevity is nothing more than watching the time go by.

"longevity is nothing more than watching the time go by."

I believe I now see your reasoning here = The time flown, years worked, and sacrifices rendered by anyone anywhere, mean actually nothing and have no value whatsoever, nor should they ever....

It's actually a "good thing" then, to place someone who was barely into their last year of grammer school, as "senior" to others who began flying for "a particular company" at that same time.

Is that about right here so far? Sigh..Hokay; I think we're done here.
And let me guess. Your position is absolutely, positively NOT saturated with your own best interests. What a saint you are.

Do you walk on water when you're not posting here?

Fortunately for me, my version of fair is right in line with four arbitrators and two pilot neutrals. Definitely can't say the same with your fringe thinking.
Nope, wrong again. Time flown, etc, etc, is worth exactly what it resulted in - a certain seniority level. On the other hand, you want to take seniority from those who had a more fortunate career at another carrier to make up for being shortchanged by your carrier. The "it's all about meeee" road, in other words. You can dress up greed and call it sweat equity, longevity, hours in the logbook, sacrifices made, whatever, and it's still greed. Sorta like the mugger in a dark alley - "I was less fortunate, I didn't get the breaks, I, I, I" to justify their actions.

It's sad to see someone of your advanced years losing touch with reality :shock:


You may or may not have read my post about this being a public board. Your posts are there for all to read. :down: I will defend the vast majority of the other posters including many of the West pilots before I will defend your sarcastic responses. And you of all people are an East person! Not that you know a thing about loyalty? It must be that your ox got gored. Lost your ALPA position, eh?

You are obviously on the West Side of this Story. Pun intended. Anyone who disagrees with you gets a barb back too so I am in very good company.

As for my age, I have been around USAir much longer than you have. Try circa 1959. Granted, I was young then and I am in control of all of my faculties now, thank you very much.

There was a time.........a very loooooooooong time ago, when ALPA actually served all pilots and was useful and not full of useful idiots. My memory is not going nor is my ability to ferret out negative or mean posters. Your posts don't begin to use up my ferret quota for a half a minute.

Huh! And here you thought I was a girl~! 😛
(BoeingBoy @ Apr 19 2009, 04:24 PM) *
......must be important to you....joining the ranks of those who excel at little other than throwing barbs and all...so sad....

Guess that "speechless" thing wore off....the silence was nice while it lasted though :lol:

QUOTE (BoeingBoy @ Apr 19 2009, 04:07 PM) *
It's sad to see someone of your advanced years losing touch with reality


UtterlyUdder: "There was a time.........a very loooooooooong time ago, when ALPA actually served all pilots and was useful and not full of useful idiots." Amen!
AAA did not merge with Empire, period.

But EastUS claims that as long as the US name carries on after a merger, it was really the same company all along.....if you tell him he's wrong you're in for a tongue lashing...

Getting the golden ring of DOH must be important to you....joining the ranks of those who excel at little other than throwing barbs and all...so sad....


YHGTBK!!! You qualify for Barb King of this forum hands down. :lol:
You may or may not have read my post about this being a public board.

Oh I saw that, and also saw that you don't even take your own advice.

As for my age, I have been around USAir much longer than you have. Try circa 1959.

So much for your claim of being a mail bag catcher on the Stinson, I guess.

Huh! And here you thought I was a girl~! 😛

You're the one that expressed a preference for being referred to as "Ms" - keeping all the different stories straight is a full time job, isn't it.

But EastUS claims that as long as the US name carries on after a merger, it was really the same company all along.....if you tell him he's wrong you're in for a tongue lashing...


By no means...merely show me how and when the east pilot group did anything other than continue to work and fly all these years for whatever current management was in place? Was there some additional interviewing and hiring into any "different" entity that I just missed?

Let's address the then 6 year old at the time many were starting flying for US who, under St. Nic, would be made "senior" to those people. "Justify" and spin that anyway you possibly can. I'm all ears.....
By no means...

By no means?

Ummm..."those last three words"? = "service for a company" Umm again = Isn't the supposed name of this company still USAirways? Is it not, in fact the America West title that's now defunct?

You're getting like Ms mail bag catcher Utterly :lol: and having trouble keeping the different stories straight.

Oh I saw that, and also saw that you don't even take your own advice.

BB, you are a piece of work. :blink:

"So much for your claim of being a mail bag catcher on the Stinson, I guess."

That is simply an avatar. Where is the claim that I flew mail? I did know some of the men who did though. Fine fellows who when I was fortunate enough to be with them, I learned a lot about flying. :up:

"You're the one that expressed a preference for being referred to as "Ms" - keeping all the different stories straight is a full time job, isn't it."


Sorry Mr. BoeingBoy, I never expressed a preference for being referred to as "Ms". Where did you hear that? :shock:
You're getting like Ms mail bag catcher Utterly :lol: and having trouble keeping the different stories straight.

The "By no means" was in reference to any "tongue lashing"..Which I'd assumed would be obvious to the most casual reader. Whew! It's a good thing you're so adamantly against people who can only throw barbs about! 😉

Let me ask again = "Let's address the then 6 year old at the time many were starting flying for US who, under St. Nic, would be made "senior" to those people. "Justify" and spin that anyway you possibly can. I'm all ears....."
By no means?

You're getting like Ms mail bag catcher Utterly :lol: and having trouble keeping the different stories straight.


What a joke you are. As someone wrote, you must have been caught between losing your ALPA position and not being able to fly over age 60. Poor baby!

You exude bitterness and when you aren't extolling your own virtues, you probably love to pull the wings off of flies. :lol:

I actually feel sorry for you. DeNudo is right about you.

Did you know that if you sit at your computer as much as you obviously do, that your head gets very big and your body gets very small and your butt gets very flat? Maybe you should take the Mrs. for a drive now and then.

As for me, I am so done with you. :up:
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