- Joined
- Jun 14, 2008
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Longevity is not seniority.
If it isn't, then what is it?
Main Entry:longevity
Pronunciation:l*n-*je-v*-t*, l*n-
Etymology:Late Latin longaevitas, from Latin longaevus long-lived, from longus long + aevum age more at AYE
1 a : a long duration of individual life b : length of life *a study of longevity*
2 : long continuance : PERMANENCE, DURABILITY
Main Entry:seniority
Pronunciation:s*n-*y*r-*-t*, -*y*r-
Date:15th century
1 : the quality or state of being senior : PRIORITY
2 : a privileged status attained by length of continuous service (as in a company)
You have to have longevity to build seniority and vis versa.
By the way, why is it that ALPA now uses DOH? Could it be that they expected a mass exodus after U left ALPA? What would happen to their incestuous behavior then? All any pilot wants (except the West for obvious reasons) is his DOH.
You and Boeing Boy are apparently disgruntled ALPA_____ 😛h34r: ______you may fill in the blank.