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US Airways Pilots Labor Thread 4/15-4/22

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Longevity is not seniority.

If it isn't, then what is it?

Main Entry:longevity
Pronunciation:l*n-*je-v*-t*, l*n-
Etymology:Late Latin longaevitas, from Latin longaevus long-lived, from longus long + aevum age more at AYE

1 a : a long duration of individual life b : length of life *a study of longevity*
2 : long continuance : PERMANENCE, DURABILITY


Main Entry:seniority
Pronunciation:s*n-*y*r-*-t*, -*y*r-
Date:15th century

1 : the quality or state of being senior : PRIORITY
2 : a privileged status attained by length of continuous service (as in a company)


You have to have longevity to build seniority and vis versa.

By the way, why is it that ALPA now uses DOH? Could it be that they expected a mass exodus after U left ALPA? What would happen to their incestuous behavior then? All any pilot wants (except the West for obvious reasons) is his DOH.

You and Boeing Boy are apparently disgruntled ALPA_____ 😛h34r: ______you may fill in the blank. :up:
But you merged with Empire... What about them? Why not give them their DOH? We addressed this very topic about a year ago on here and you and your friends on here basically said "what's done is done and it won't matter anyway". It may not have been you particularly but the people you sing around the USAPA campfire with, I can't remember. Well, AOL really enjoyed watching USAPA talk out of both sides of their mouth between the Empire and Addington cases and I am sure the jury will be just as thrilled to see how USAPA is nothing more than a weathervane twisting in their own wind on the DOH issue.
I can understand that your position is saturated with your own interests, being ex Piedmont I imagine your weren't too happy about DOH when you merged with USAir. Now of course, you are a big proponent because it is what suits you most. But here is some advice for you and your campfire buddies on here, just because the west has a different version of what is fair doesn't mean we are spoiled children. We just want what we came to this merger with, that is all. You mischaracterize us and people like Jim just because we don't agree with your version of what is fair. And that is why there never will be any agreement among us on this issue. What remains for your union, however, will most likely be a court ordered remedy to follow. After the million spent on arbitration, the million spent on AOL and the baseless, frivolous lawsuit against 18 of our pilots, the lawsuit against our MEC and the stealing of our CBA, many of the west pilots have reached the point where we can care less what you think is fair, and even less of what you feel you are entitled to. You guys out east are bitter because your airline had been dying for 15 years before Parker bought the corpse. I guess he didn't realize (no surprise) the corpse was best suited to be an organ donor. Oh well. Grabbing USAir certainly wasn't his first blunder.

And let me guess. Your position is absolutely, positively NOT saturated with your own best interests. What a saint you are.

Do you walk on water when you're not posting here?
Between the two, longevity is far more difficult to earn.

That's a stretch, doncha think? Longevity requires nothing more than hanging around - no effort involved. One would certainly think that most east pilots, whose hanging on has given them a lot of longevity but little seniority, would realize that getting seniority has been a lot more difficult for them.

(as in a company)

Guess you missed the earlier attempt to translate "a company" to "across all companies"...

You have to have longevity to build seniority and vis versa.

Except that longevity and seniority have different ratios - the seniority that is gained in 20 years at one company may be gained in 10 years at another.

By the way, why is it that ALPA now uses DOH?

Maybe you should go back to catching the mail bags in those Stinsons - ALPA hasn't changed their policy and the latest ALPA to ALPA pilot merger arbitration went relative position. As did the two before that.

You and Boeing Boy are apparently disgruntled ALPA_____ 😛h34r: ______you may fill in the blank. :up:

It's sad to see someone of your advanced years losing touch with reality :shock:

That's a stretch, doncha think? Longevity requires nothing more than hanging around - no effort involved. One would certainly think that most east pilots, whose hanging on has given them a lot of longevity but little seniority, would realize that getting seniority has been a lot more difficult for them.


Hanging around????
YHGTBK. Is that the summation of your years with this company? Does the phrase "sweat equity" mean anything to you? Did you honestly skate through those turbulent years without any effort at all? Do you also have x-ray vision?

I guess some of us have more invested in our chosen craft. It has not been a cake walk for most of us.

Let me hazard a guess that you are somewhat bitter about ALPA's departure and just missing the change in retirement age.

Perhaps in retirement you are drinking your wine made from sour grapes🙂
Yes, indeed. It seems our friend Jim is sipping his wine made from the sourist of grapes..why?
He missed the 65 window...ALPA got tossed...he has no hobbies (except to intercede here)

(oh, and he loves to argue...even in circles if need be)

And there's Prechillil...who wants nothing she didn't bring to the merger (her words)....

Oh, yeah? You just said you'd enjoy left seat in PHL....didja bring that postion?.....

Your "AWA" hubs are shrinking quicker than a chilled pecker....thats what YOU brought to this merger.

Get over yourself.
Let me hazard a guess that you are somewhat bitter about ALPA's departure and just missing the change in retirement age.

Perhaps in retirement you are drinking your wine made from sour grapes🙂

Getting the golden ring of DOH must be important to you....joining the ranks of those who excel at little other than throwing barbs and all...so sad....

The trial begins nine days from now.

The eastyz are slipping inevitably and inexorably into the desperation mode: "We have no answers that can counter the message, so we must attack the messengers."

"Chilled pecker" --- now there's a real weener for ya! ! ! ! 😱 :unsure: :lol:
Getting the golden ring of DOH must be important to you....joining the ranks of those who excel at little other than throwing barbs and all...so sad....


Didn't mean to ruffle your feathers. There is a place for the well placed barb. And who among us is innocent of the same on occasion?

Such as your barb about longevity = just hanging around does a grave disservice, not only to your own career, but to everyone's.
(Piedmont1984 @ Apr 19 2009, 10:15 AM) *


based on continuous length of service for a company.

Wonder why everyone on the East always disregards those last three words.....opportunistic blindness perchance....


Ummm..."those last three words"? = "service for a company" Umm again = Isn't the supposed name of this company still USAirways? Is it not, in fact the America West title that's now defunct? Did those on the east list do anything other than continue to show up for work all these years?

Speaking of "opportunistic blindness"? Well..we can certainly agree that issue's fully in play here. It'd appear our perspectives are polar opposites on the source for that though. In any case = Keep quibbling away, and piously insulting anything said and anyone from your former coworkers...It's both insightful and most amusing :lol: With all that "support", so typical of the "association"....well..suffice it to say that I simply can't adequately express my complete joy that Alpa's extinct here. Whatever else has happened or will ever unfold...a truly great thing was accomplished in achieving that extinction 😉
Such as your barb about longevity = just hanging around does a grave disservice, not only to your own career, but to everyone's.
Unless you're making the case for the career of East pilots being worth more than anyone else's, longevity is nothing more than watching the time go by. There are many flying jobs out there that involve more "sweat equity" than working for a major airline. Chances are you had one or more of them before getting hired by "the majors". Would you be equally adamant about "sweat equity" if US had merged with one of those companies? Would you be equally adamant that you should end up below them because you didn't put in as much "sweat equity?

How much did your "sweat equity" earn you at good ole US? Lots of time as a junior F/O? Now you and others see a chance to get extra credit for that "sweat equity", by taking from the West pilots who had nothing to do with your lack of reward for that "sweat equity" at US...

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