As an individual, all I can do is try my best to live up to the priciples "integrity" honesty and honor.
As individuals, I would take the word of any east pilot at face value, and trust that word as honest.
1) Fully agreed. That's the best that any of us can ever do..given "the human condition", and I fully respect any who earnestly do their best to walk that path.
2) For me; I can't agree there. As with any other person(s),,east/west or wherever; I take such things on a case-by-case basis. Some of your most vocal advocates have fully demonstrated to me that I shouldn't trust their "word" or "integrity" in any way, shape or form. By way of example..you've got a self proclaimed, but completely phony "war hero" hereabouts loudly trumpeting about "Class" and "INTEGRITY MATTERS" ....Words simply fail me there, save to note that you can possibly understand my irritation with such BS. Additionally..people who're so utterly immature as to say, on camera..."and we hate you guys"..or "you know why I hate all of youse!!??"..while fully displaying the appearance of emotionally distraught children in need of a mom's hug...Well...you can perhaps understand my difficulties with some of "yours". That being said; I certainly place no supposed premium level of perfection on either myself nor any others our east...or anywhere. Trust, for me's entirely dependant upon the individual person, which requires more than casual knowledge of the person....period.
All the west-east, east-west bickering aside though; I don't judge any person by their "group", and regardless of our clearly opposite opinions on the nic business/USAPA/etc...I expect that we'd have enjoyable conversation should we ever meet, and yourself and any/all other "westies" will never be afforded any personal distress or uncilvil treatment by me in the workplace.
I truly wish that there were some magical "fix" we could all employ to get the groups together as a united entity....but I've no honest vision of that happening.
PS: The latest from the "luvn" fest: "We adults are tired of hearing what you're gonna do when you grow up. Just grow up." I've just one question nic4us = Where do you find these people?...Seriously? 😉 Aww..scratch that last. I've sometimes made a fool of myself when posting as well 😉