That's not exactly an apples to apples statement. You may well be a creditor of AMR, but you have a bargaining agent representing you at the UCC table. The information you get either comes from your representative agent, or it comes through channels open to the general public. By law, the UCC is the representative group for all unsecured creditors which means LCC now has that group representing their financial interests on their unsecured debt with AMR. So LCC will get whatever information one of their UCC representatives gives them (like you with your agent) so long as sharing that information isn't a violation of the law or the parameters established by the bankruptcy judge. You can only ask your bargaining agent for information, but LCC can get information from any willing party on the UCC. Note I'm not saying that's what's happening here, I'm just saying that your role vs. LCC's role as an unsecured creditor are not entirely analogous.