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U.S. Pilot Labor Thread 8/3 - 8/10

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Indeed west comrade..whatever our differences are..YOU actually fly..go to that dipstick's postings for an historical overview...I don't get that pizzed off easilly, or without cause sir.

Now that is funny right there. I don’t care who you are. East you are the angriest person on this board. It is not just a little, it is the most minuscule disagreement from your opinion and you are off to the races attacking and insulting with abandon.

By the way only one L in easily. Can I expect a rant now on how some young punk should not correct his elders and betters? ect, ect, ect…..
Now that is funny right there. I don’t care who you are. East you are the angriest person on this board. It is not just a little, it is the most minuscule disagreement from your opinion and you are off to the races attacking and insulting with abandon.

By the way only one L in easily. Can I expect a rant now on how some young punk should not correct his elders and betters? ect, ect, ect…..

The official slang call sign for eastus is Sea Gull.

What he does is sit on top of his pier post all day squawking about anything and everything.

He's got his wings, but hates to have to use them.

Squawk, squawk, squawk.......poop......squawk, all day long. Sittin' there on the pier........
Yes. EVery legal expert will tell you that when you negotiate a NEW contract, you are still bound by every contract that you've ever previously negotiated with the other party.

and, it is "every other party you have ever negotiated with", too.

It is like that "captain" said in the video. Only the FAA can take away your "captain's authority" completely forgetting that the company can also, by firing you. Which, of course, is the entire issue.
Questions and answers took place throughout the meeting and the members present got a boatload of information. Your humble, obedient servant gave my thoughts and impressions of what we need to achieve a contract worthy of our professional talents. Remember, they don’t make a dime unless and until you move the aircraft. Also, please remember that you are the sole source of revenue generation. Your professional actions bring the money to the Company. Everyone and everything else is a revenue drain, supported by your actions. Never forget that - you work in a CAREER… not a job.

Anybody from USAPA want to clarify this statement to the rest of the 30,000 hard working USAirways employees?
Umm..sure..if you say so :lol: And here I've been operating for so very many years under the impression that the proper term was ignorant dipshi-t 😉 Thanks for clearing that up 😉

"As an aside, the fact that you are only capable of doing two things (demonstrating to thousands that you are intellectually incapable of any reasonable debate without an attempt to obsfucate things with insults worthy of the elementary school playground and perhaps flying an airplane) does not beget that everyone else in the world is so hamstrung. "

Aww..Garsh/Golly!..one of 'dem seriassed inteeeeelectuals. OK punk = Five grand/more at your choosing, says that I can waste your smarmy arse on any given set of IQ tests...now go find other "kids' of your sorry ilk to play with..or establish the wager. Your pathetic sort's nothing but a cancer on society..let's test your actual abilities, versus your mouth. 😉 As some semblance of a gentleman..I'll avoid a wager on shooting, or flying skills..as that would be akin to squashing helpless bugs like yourself on a screen.

Interested?..or do I have to go more politely "sub-tull" with your pathetic and sorry arse? 😉

Eastus, you are truly showing your colors in this one! I'm glad I didn't skip this one (I usually skip your pompous, worthless posts) because I find it so amusing. Clueby four gets under your skin because you KNOW he is right and you just can't handle it. Can't wait for your totally pompous response to this one.
Take it easy on EastUS, clearly he is 'challenged'.

He has only three response modes;

1. Poorly conceived sarcasm consisting chiefly of sighs and eyerolls,

2. Name calling; Wimp, Punk etc etc.

3. Wagering;
Aww..Garsh/Golly!..one of 'dem seriassed inteeeeelectuals. OK punk = Five grand/more at your choosing, says that I can waste your smarmy arse on any given set of IQ tests...now go find other "kids' of your sorry ilk to play with..or establish the wager. Your pathetic sort's nothing but a cancer on society..let's test your actual abilities, versus your mouth.

Here we have the trifecta where he is able to combine all three of his weak strategies into one babbling rampage.

Of special interest is the number of easties on the board who jump on board the EastUS bandwagon. Anyone curious about what it takes to lead these guys and why they have embarked on a failed legal strategy (USCABA inherits only the portions of prior agreements that it wants to inherit.) need look no further.

This loser still has not told us what his qualifications were when he was first hired. This is of interest because apparently hiring standards reached their apogee the day he was hired.
QUOTE (EastUS @ Jul 26 2008, 01:25 AM)
"Once upon a Time"....It took years of devoted effort, excellent scores in most everything, generally, service to one's country as well, at least a Bachelor's Degree...and a substantial amount of initial experience, as well as good judgement, to ever become "An Airline Pilot"...Clearly, as is made plain out west, and very sadly...those times are now but a footnote in history....

Of course I am aware that EastUS will not answer the question. He never responds to arguments directly.

Instead he will castigate this poster for being 'too wimpy' to accept EastUs's standard $5000 'I am a man' challenge.

He is trite but predictable, but will this self proclaimed intellectual giant ever figure out how to use HTML code so that one can separate his rants from the posters he is attempting to quote?

I have $5000 that says we will still see long rambling posts jammed together with those of his challengers.
Seham and crew had a couple months to plan and put together that bogus rico suit, but a few good lawyers came in and within 3 weeks time cleaned his clock. Maybe not unexpected, but then again.......

I'm not making any bold predictions, just pointing out a fact.

The fact is that no clocks were cleaned, you are only giving your bogus opinion.

"Judge Reidinger wrote in his judgment issued July 14: “It may well be that a court of appropriate jurisdiction will conclude that such actions do constitute violations of state law."

Criminal laws were violated by AWAPPA, just pointing out that fact.

Charlotte Business Journal article, click here
Squawk, squawk, squawk.......poop......squawk, all day long. Sittin' there on the pier........

Being that the East pilots are far more experienced and thus MUCH older than us young punk westies, I must disagree with above statement.

"Squawk, squawk, squawk.....poop......squawk" would be more like

"Squawk, squawk, squawk, grunt, grunt,.....pop laxative.......grunt, grunt.....here it comes!....Hallelujah!!!!.....poop.....squawk". At least thats how I see it.
Being that the East pilots are far more experienced and thus MUCH older than us young punk westies, I must disagree with above statement.

"Squawk, squawk, squawk.....poop......squawk" would be more like

"Squawk, squawk, squawk, grunt, grunt,.....pop laxative.......grunt, grunt.....here it comes!....Hallelujah!!!!.....poop.....squawk". At least thats how I see it.
My, isn't that a mature argument. Now, do like your buddies. Stick it in an envelope and mail it to someone.
I'll bet his 401K and investment portfolio looks a hell of a lot better than yours does.
And from what source of knowledge does this sober opinion spring from, all knowing one?

Perhaps I should declare myself to be the richest registered member of the US Aviation.com community, whereupon I shall demand your abject apology. Said apology would, of course, be promptly tendered, as in keeping with your own personal standard of webboard decorum.

It was just a few short posts ago that you were calling for my own apology to a distinguished war hero, the former Lieutenant NiceLandingCaptain. After a series of conflicting, confusing and flat-out odd posts about his military experiences, you were calling the matter closed, chastising EastUS and myself for questioning this patriot, and embarrassingly thanking him for his "service" to our country.

Since you have never served a day, perhaps you can gain an even fuller appreciation for those who have from this small insight. In the military, when someone tried to embellish their accomplishments by spouting off in a way that did not ring true, our usual reaction was not to cloyingly thank them for their grand contributions. We instead reached for the bull**** alarm. Consider this one of those times.

Talk about whining and vendettas, you need look no further than the reflection in your bathroom mirror.
Quick English lesson. Holding a belief that someone is a pompous blowhard is not a vendetta. It is an opinion. I might note that my opinion comes from empirical evidence, unlike your wacky "401k and investment portfolio" brain fart.

Maybe you can find an old game show applause meter on E-bay. Like it really makes a darn.
Nice strawman argument - the odds (or "percentile likelihood") has no bearing after the fact. It becomes an either/or question. Either something happened or it didn't, and any "percentile likelihood" of it happening is meaningless. This is true for anything from having the winning ticket for a given PowerBall drawing, to being struck by lightening, to getting a job as a pilot at a major airline, to flying jets over a war zone.

Nice try, though.


Interesting post, Jim. While you seized on the percentile reference in EastUS' post, it was really just a rhetorical device, and not at the core of his argument. You are certainly right, though, that either something happened or it didn't.

One would have to start with the proposition that NLC, who recently answered a question about this issue with, "USAPA SUX GAS FROM PARKER'S ASS," is 60 years old. That would make him 24 in 1972, the last opportunity for such claimed derring do to have taken place. He had to have finished college, earned his wings, completed Replacement Air Group training, reported to a squadron and begun flying missions by that age. On the young side, but certainly possible. As far as any combat ops in prior years, no way. In any case, Kitty Hawk was not on station in 1971.

Kitty Hawk's last combat cruise ended with Linebacker II in December '72. By that time, American combat operations had wound down to the point that in calendar year 1972, deaths among US forces averaged less than 2 per day. Yet this 24 year old nugget aviator and his "compadres" saved hundreds of troops from death on multiple occasions? Don't think so.

After reading many of his posts, it is my opinion that the writing style and opinions of NLC are clearly those of a much younger man. Either that, or they are those of the strangest 60 year old Naval Air combat vet I'm aware of.

He's a fake, Jimbo. No straw man, just an opinion.
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