My statement was
I think it is uncalled for that you take just part of that statement and twist my words to make it appear I was opposed to saving jobs.
?? Thats not the intent at all, I didnt agree with the "we saved all the jobs" part of the statement, thats why I said "I disagree to a point". Yes, we both agree that the jobs were lost in addition to the pay and benefits.
And I am not willing to sacrfice freedom for the sake of a coversion to socialism. I don't want to work for cause or have my kids or grandkids dictated to as to what job they will perform. You seem to think socialism only means a fai and equitable distribution of wealth, I think it also leads to less freedom, a reduction of liberites that we now enjoy. But I have been wrong before.
Well I have reletives who live in Ireland, a country with Socialized medicine, education, pensions and a prominent Socialist Party. So from a "right" perspective its a Socialist Country. One of their National Heroes is James Connelly, the person I mentioned in an earlier post and they have more freedoms than we do. For instance they are free to travel and spend their money anywhere on the face of the earth that they choose to. There are many countries where we as citizens of the US are restricted by our own government from going to and have to get permission from our own government to visit and conduct economic activity One example is Cuba, where if we spend too much of our own money we could end up being jailed for it. In Ireland the government doesnt tell people what they are going to do for a living either. They start off with six weeks vacation, long maternity leaves, medical coverage, pensions and government paid college education.Their Constitution cites the need to support family values, recognizing the family as the core of society,they restrict economic activity on Sundays, provide pretty much everything needed for the elderly and the young, yes they do pay high taxes but when you consider what they pay and what they get vs what we pay and what we get hey are doing pretty well.
Trading freedom and liberties for social economic welfare is like trading concessions for jobs. Expansion of this Federal Government in the name of fariness will not correct anything. At least right now we have the right to leave this industry if we dont like it.
Maybe you should read some of Debs, Connelly and Tressell and you will see that the only freedoms that are restricted are the freedoms of the rich and powerful to exploit workers, You are basing your opinions of Socialism on the totalitarian regimes of Communist dictatorships such as the USSR and not the democratic Republics of Europe,
Becoming a slave to the State is not my idea of advancement.
We already are. The State can confiscate our labor, our wages and even our homes, and they can do it for the benifit of Corporations.
You seem to be opposed to the concessions of your pay and benefits for jobs and the welfare of those with less seniority that would have otherwise been laid-off in 2003.
Yet you want to take from the labor of those who are better off than you and have it distributed to make things better for the good of all. What is the difference? SO there is evil and good ways to redistribute wealth you say. Well, please tell me what protections are in place once your socialist agenda takes ahold that will insure the good way prevails when it comes to the slaves of the state and/or your house and mine? Is the TWU and Organized Labor going to protect us? Oh they have done such a fine job to date. Wouldn't Jim Little say that the taking of your pay and benefits to protect the employment of others was done in a "good way", while most of us that still take that hit every two weeks would beg to differ?
I expect to enjoy the same rights and protections from the government as a worker that shareholders have as far as acting collectively for individual benifit. I want the freedom to act collectively in our best interests against much larger and more powerful corporations (which are collectives of investors). Our government has reduced our ability to do that.
Democracy with transparancy and accountability is what I support. I really dont have faith in any type of economic system, socialism, capitalism, fuedalism, any system left unchallenged eventually becomes corrupt, I like the balance that they have in Europe where the two ideologies comptete. Give one ear to the followers of Adam Smith and another to those of Karl Marx and let them compete based on who can provide us with what we need, but we are better off never making a choice because once its made the winner will no longer have to deliver.
Going back to the contract,
Management wants us to make AA number one in performance while they keep us at number five in pay,
Does that seem realistic? I say make us number one in pay then you have the right to expect us to do whatever we can to make you number one in performance. Its their move now.