TWU informer
- Nov 4, 2003
- 7,550
- 3,731
The memerships of all the locals must speak up and ensure their leaders are representing their members and are motioning and voting in negotiations in the way that the members would want them to if they were able to be at negotiations themselves.
If the TWU has secret negotiations, and the negotiating committee will vote out anyone leaking out the facts, then how do we even find out what is taking place in negotiations? How do we confirm or even know if our interest are being represented or not?
If you ask the Local President to get the election committee together and send a ballot to the membership to glean the membership view of our so-called "working together" program, and the President refuses because he knows the membership views will differ from his current leadership direction, then we should be speak up to who?
The members of my local voted three times NOT to build a new Union Hall, it was built anyway. Thus only a few in this Local waste their time to go to the Union Meetings. Members will only beat their head against a wall for so long, then they move on to things in their lives that they actually have a little control over....Like Fishing, Hunting, and Riding Harleys.
Even the most diligent TWU Supporting members have submitteed negotiation proposals to equal out the skill premium pay between licensed AMT's and unlicensed skilled machinist, welders, composite tech, platers, ect. These submitted proposals out numbered any other proposal in volume. Only to the have the Local President claim that taking such a position is "political suicide". So they now speak up to who?
I think political suicide has already happened with our Local President and he his already "lame duck", but that still doesn't get these very vocal members views represented.
There is a long history of Tulsa Union leaders that are going to "save us from ourselves" so they either refuse to use the ballot, or the capabilities of the internet to engage the membership. Instead they come to believe that "they are all knowing" and the best direction would be for them to make all decisions for us. The membership has given up going to local union meetings to complain because they are just ridiculed by the chair and made to look the complainer. Even when ask by other Officers to come to a union meeting to force an issue, I end up not bothering to go because I already know the outcome of TWU Local Union Meetings. Someday there may be a person elected that speaking up to may actually have an impact, but not likely.
Luis will be in management just like Thompson, Hammack, Easton, Klopp, and others sooner rather than later.