Lowest outsourcing? Well lets look at those numbers.
Currently its advertised as just under 10%, however when you factor in Taesl its just over 20%.
Now our language only considers stuff outsourced if its done by non-AA employees, even if those AA employees are overseas and not TWU members its condidered "in house". I believe we are unique in that most of our peers consider anything not done by members under the agreement to be outsourced.
So not only does all the work done for AA overseas count as insourced but all the 3P work also gets counted as insourced. In other words for every dollar AA earns doing 3P work overseas by non-TWU members they can outsource a dollars worth of our work and the percentage would stay the same, even though we lost work. They do more 3P work overseas than we do in the US.
What you also leave out is that right now we still have all the things you just listed except the concession of using sick pay to buy retiree medical. We all are still under the DB (no different than those who ratified their deals) but it will be frozen on DOS and possibly terminated before we leave BK, we all still have Prefunding and Retiree medical although its likely that we will lose that before we exit BK, no we do not have the Sk bank funded medical that was "conceptually similar " to what WN and CO had. I say conceptually similar because thats even how the company described it, you left out the fact that while WN's plan was for 11hrs to buy a month of coverage, and they give them 96 hours per year to use or bank the AA plan was for 20 hours, which they could increase after three years, and they were only going to give us 64 hours to bank a year.In other words at WN you would need to bank 1320 hours, you could bank that in less than 14 years to provide you retiree medical for the 10 years from 55 to 65, at AA, at the beginning, you would have to bank 2400 hours for the same coverage but because we would only get 8 days it would take us just under 38 years of perfect attendance to pay for it.
Overspeed, the MCT's voted yes did they not? Are they keeping their pensions? Are they keeping their retiree medical? Atr they staying number 2 in the industry and if so where were they before they ratified their deal?
You make it sound as if we had ratified our deal that we would not be in the same place we are now. The fact is that the company is demanding 20% from everyone, even the MCTs. So why are you so insistant on spreading disinformation ? Here you are throwing all your lies, which are easily revealed for what they are as you hide behind an alias, now plenty of people use aliases here, most to protect themselves from retaliation from the company, you do it to make personal attacks, so what does that make you?