Nope never said that. I said that we would be working from $37 not $33 and hour on pay. So number two to number eight. Nice Bob, where's that money on the table? Oh it's going to everyone but us.
Yes, but they were given an option and they opted out. Their deal was that once ratified they had the option of staying in the old plan. Guess, what? They all took their pre-funding money. It was their option, not forced on them.
The matching funds are there if you use the plan. The money in the fund is still used for retiree medical insurance for those who stay in the plan. AA does not get to use it for other things. It's illegal to use the money for other then what it was intended. You were told this by Rosen yet you still don't tell the truth.
The plan to use sick credits is the same one in use at WN and CO the contracts you idolize.
I read the deal and all the other contracts, it is quite obvious you may have read it, you just ignored that the agreement must be taken in its totality. NOt cherry picked.
Bob, you are wrong.Man up. The TA was a better deal than you told everyone, AA went to BK even though you said it was a bluff, and yes our work can be outsourced. But you will be safe in JFK while 4,000 plus M&R walk out the door. Either way, Bob you will be fine doing your amateur hour videos with Chuck tell bedtime stories about the money that's on the table and soaking up your local 562 salary on top of your UBP. Here's to you Mister Promise You Everything Union President, your one of the Bud Light Real Men of Genius.
Funny how comfortable you seem trying to blame Bob for all your tales of woe. Last time I checked, people on your side of the TA argument were out voted by a large margin. Not only that, but a very high percentage of eligible voters participated. Most couldn't tell you who Bob Owens is, let alone what impact his opinion had on their decision for the TA vote. You are damn sure in the minority here at DFW.