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TWU negotiations.........what?

#1 Significant Early out Retirement Option - Keeping ccurrent retirement medical should be sufficient, with a 15 month window.

#2 Allow currently employees to remain at current payscales and pay premiums

#3 Allow for less license pay/requirement in overhaul for new employees upgrading or hiring into overhaul. Only paying for license required by the Q.A.M.. New or recalled employess only. AA will be able to change Q.A.M. License Requirements, grandfathering current employees into their current status.

#4 New hires will be on new payscale and health plans that wiil allow a transition to MRO payrates/cost for overhaul.

#5 Line pay will then be transitioned to market rates of pay for that work duty.

#6 Hard Freeze the M&R pensions but do not terminate them. All employees transfer to 401K Match.

#7 Allow Overhaul to have an independent profit sharing plan from 3rd party work.

#8 Allow Line to have their own independent profit sharing plan from their 3rd party work.

#9 Both Independent Profit Sharing Plans for 3rd Party Maintenance will be in addition to the new company wide profit sharing plans.

#10 Create an independent review panel to insure proper calculations of 3rd party profits/cost outs.

#11 Recall of RIF's employees will be into new payscales and options, allowing current OSM's to come into full overhaul Maintenance.

#12 Create apprentice type of program to allow all employees without license to get their certificates via experience recognition. Include tuition and license testing reimbursement. This will crreate a new pool of employees that may want to transfer and move to the line stations for the higher pay. Or later advance to Crew Chief/Inspector positions in overhaul.

#13 Allow for full overhaul base 7 day coverage and shift work. Implementing a Bid Shift/Bid Days Off by seniority. This will prevent 20+ year employees from involuntarily being placed in undesireable shift and days off work. New and/or recalled employees will be informed in advance and placed into undesireable shift/days off schedules.

Reasoning, early out will create openings for hire and lower average cost. The more that hired, the more average cost drops.
Line and Overhaul will no longer be on the same payscale, but transfer and seniority list will remain together. Qualifications requires to bump, upgrade, or transfer. As older employees retire, the cost of overhaul reduces.

Get out of my head.
Wouldn't labor loaning be more agreeable to lowering costs than more OSMs?
Full pay or a permanent 40% work force? Agreeable to whom?

Maybe we could labor loan line station mechanics to TUL at a reduced rate if 40%. It all comes down to less mechanics and higher wages, more mechanics lower wages or 60% at a higher wage and 40% at an average wage. Just keep the revenue flowing to the TWU International.
The TWU shouldn't be concerned with head count, the TWU should be concerned with pay and health benefits, and that's it. AA should be left to worry about the head count, it's their operation.

That would be great if we weren't talking about people getting laid off. Nobody wants to get laid off so why not work towards a solution that aims for fewer high quality jobs and minimize the pain in getting there? Like a progressive change to a get lean and mean philosophy with work rules and while putting in place a plan to buyout a portion who are looking for a exit plan.
That would be great if we weren't talking about people getting laid off. Nobody wants to get laid off so why not work towards a solution that aims for fewer high quality jobs and minimize the pain in getting there? Like a progressive change to a get lean and mean philosophy with work rules and while putting in place a plan to buyout a portion who are looking for a exit plan.
Possibly a "B - Scale"?
That would be great if we weren't talking about people getting laid off. Nobody wants to get laid off so why not work towards a solution that aims for fewer high quality jobs and minimize the pain in getting there? Like a progressive change to a get lean and mean philosophy with work rules and while putting in place a plan to buyout a portion who are looking for a exit plan.

Nobody wants a lay off but to continue to pay several thousand OH mechanics $12-$14 an hour over their market rate is part of the bleeding of this company. Every line mechanic has been subsidizing OH into making a wage far in excess of their value. Why the company doesn't have that or something close on their wish list is beyond me.
Nobody wants a lay off but to continue to pay several thousand OH mechanics $12-$14 an hour over their market rate is part of the bleeding of this company. Every line mechanic has been subsidizing OH into making a wage far in excess of their value. Why the company doesn't have that or something close on their wish list is beyond me.
It's not on their wish list because it's rubbish. A WN mechanic doing the same thing I do on a 737 is making over $40 an hour. The only ones bleeding this compAAny are the ones running it.
Nobody wants a lay off but to continue to pay several thousand OH mechanics $12-$14 an hour over their market rate is part of the bleeding of this company. Every line mechanic has been subsidizing OH into making a wage far in excess of their value. Why the company doesn't have that or something close on their wish list is beyond me.
Ask your union.

If the line maintenance group were to separate from overhaul then the could rid themselves of the TWU and then the company would prosper.

Every night before I lay myself down, I pray that the line mechanics are rewarded for their devotion to our profession. I ask my God if a way can be found to force the union to reduce my compensation so others might benefit. For you see I am not part of the 99% and the line deserves so much more.

I am going to write my Congressman to see if there might be funding for the line maintenance group. Perhaps an Overhaul Tax to fund the line maintenance group. Maybe the flying public will understand the plight of the line mechanic or even the billionaires of the world, perhaps Bill Gates will give line maintenance a free copy of Windows. I will call President Obama and have him reduce the price of gas, because gas us cheaper in Tulsa.
Ask your union.

If the line maintenance group were to separate from overhaul then the could rid themselves of the TWU and then the company would prosper.

Every night before I lay myself down, I pray that the line mechanics are rewarded for their devotion to our profession. I ask my God if a way can be found to force the union to reduce my compensation so others might benefit. For you see I am not part of the 99% and the line deserves so much more.

I am going to write my Congressman to see if there might be funding for the line maintenance group. Perhaps an Overhaul Tax to fund the line maintenance group. Maybe the flying public will understand the plight of the line mechanic or even the billionaires of the world, perhaps Bill Gates will give line maintenance a free copy of Windows. I will call President Obama and have him reduce the price of gas, because gas us cheaper in Tulsa.

Or maybe an Oklahoma State tax increase to subsidize Tulsa. They want it there so bad they can pay for it. We shouldn't have to. With Tulsa and OH gone the TWU is history and they know it. Maybe we can get a real union to represent us. Someone we'd be proud of and who won't screw us at every opportunity for sake of their own survival.
Or maybe an Oklahoma State tax increase to subsidize Tulsa. They want it there so bad they can pay for it. We shouldn't have to. With Tulsa and OH gone the TWU is history and they know it. Maybe we can get a real union to represent us. Someone we'd be proud of and who won't screw us at every opportunity for sake of their own survival.

Whats the difference of being an overhaul mechanic or a line mechanic? A piece of paper called a bid and absolutely nothing else. Everyone in overhaul can do the job of a line mechanic.
Or maybe an Oklahoma State tax increase to subsidize Tulsa. They want it there so bad they can pay for it. We shouldn't have to. With Tulsa and OH gone the TWU is history and they know it. Maybe we can get a real union to represent us. Someone we'd be proud of and who won't screw us at every opportunity for sake of their own survival.

What's the difference of being an overhaul mechanic or a line mechanic? A piece of paper called a bid and absolutely nothing else. Everyone in overhaul can do the job of a line mechanic.
Or maybe an Oklahoma State tax increase to subsidize Tulsa. They want it there so bad they can pay for it. We shouldn't have to. With Tulsa and OH gone the TWU is history and they know it. Maybe we can get a real union to represent us. Someone we'd be proud of and who won't screw us at every opportunity for sake of their own survival.

Whats the difference of being an overhaul mechanic or a line mechanic? A piece of paper called a bid and absolutely nothing else. Everyone in overhaul can do the job of a line mechanic.
It's not on their wish list because it's rubbish. A WN mechanic doing the same thing I do on a 737 is making over $40 an hour. The only ones bleeding this compAAny are the ones running it.

Ahh, but compare the DAL, PHX and HOU(forget Aeroman, that's n/a to this discussion)WN operations to the magnitude of just AA TULE.... (let alone AFW, DWH). Quite a bit of difference in size, number of AMTs. Wouldn't you say?
Big factor in payroll. Just saying...
Whats the difference of being an overhaul mechanic or a line mechanic? A piece of paper called a bid and absolutely nothing else. Everyone in overhaul can do the job of a line mechanic.

Hey Genius, what does every other major carrier pay for OH? $12-$14 an hour less than we do, some even more. If we going to compete and be profitable we need TO DO WHAT THEY DO. You don't do line maintenance because you like your no night shift, no weekends and holidays off. I'm glad you think you can do my job because one day your going to have to. OH may last a while here until the company comes to their senses. OH at line rates is not cost effective. That the bottom line.