The company has been planning this for a long time and what they are going to do is already in the works so no need to battle about it.
Yeah, that evil company. How dare them get tired of paying $30 per hour to employees who sit on their asses during work hours with their laptops, demanding CS work hours that suit there own needs instead of the operation, refusing to allow 7 day coverage at the maintenace base, and then voting NO when given the chance to save their pension via attrition. They are evil as hell and overhaul is to blame because those OH AMTs' they have been riding the coat tails of superior line mechanics for decades. And offering a $2.55 raise for a line premium was just an insult to the line AMT profession.
We had nothing to do with this outcome period! Someone or Something else must be to blame!!!!
We had no choice in the matter, they have been manipulating and cheating us since we were hired.
Never mind the fact we stayed employed and bitched all the way, THEY are to blame by God!!!
Anyone that doesnt look for and blame someone else is a redneck stupid fool. Probably a stupid ass welder on top of that.
How Dare them to get tired of funding Millions in Pilot Pensions that allow for a $1 million plus lump sum option to leave, or why would they care if they have to pay a Pilot $80,000.00 plus per year to go home and fish? Who cares if the cost of a Knee replacement has risen 10X over the last three years. Why the hell should the evil company try to compete and reduce their cost? All they had to do was give into our demands and then liquidate the whole damn thing once we got everything we deserve and have coming to us.
It would have been a far better plan to eliminate 100% of the company and ALL of the jobs by continuation of the path those evil bastsards were already on. Filing to Chapter 11 restructuring was stupid because now 60% of the employees might get to keep a job and the airline might survive. Stupid Ass Evil company! What the hell are they thinking?
What they have done to us, and have been providing to us by forcing us to stay with them through all of this time is downright wrong and should be criminal. They are Evil and only the Unions and the Employees have any worth to this company and operation. period!
And anybody that disagrees with this post, is a stupid redneck, anti-union, idiot from hell and deserves whatever the company imposes on them via the court system. And anyone who is lucky enough to stick around with a job after the smoke clears, should remain disgruntled, never resign, and spend the rest of his/her life paying these evil bastards back for what THEY have done!